Betrayed by her own body, part 2

Chapter 5 - sophies defeat

Sophie hangs helpless and exposed in her suspension bondage. She is drenched with sweat, her muscles exhausted by her ordeal and her body wracked by relentless stimulation. She spasms helplessly as she is forced to orgasm again and again, the initial ecstasy of release replaced with unbearable feelings of agonizing overstimulation as her tender clitoris is exposed to the fierce oscillations of the vibrator and the dildo that is impaled in her sopping vagina. The dead weight of her spent body presses her sex down onto her tormentor, filling her most intimate hole and wrenching climax after climax from her as she sobs in defeat and humiliation at loosing control of her most intimate bodily responses.

Her horror at being told that she must consume yet another liter of the sickly sweet buttery fluid before the unbearable stimulation on her vulva ends would be more profound if her mental functions were not overwhelmed by a tidal wave of intense sensation. Her mind hangs in a fog of sensation and disbelief, and she is brought suddenly into focus by a slap to her face.

"Sophie. You're not helping yourself. You need to pull yourself together and start to participate more actively in this process. I want you to know that you're not the first girl to try to escape her responsibilities by pretending to be exhausted. You need to understand that the last one to try that passed out around her fiftieth orgasm, and when she came to she was still cumming. You have one more liter to drink, and then you can take a break, but I need you to try a little harder - nod your head if you understand, then I suggest that you start sucking."

Sophie nods weakly, trying to make sense of the barrage of sensations washing over her and to take back control of her still spasming body. She tries desperately to lift her vulva from the dildo and vibrator, but her aching muscles are unable to give her more than a moment of slight relief from the intrusive feelings. Still, it is enough for her to collect her thoughts, between rhythmic and clenching contractions that begin in her vagina and seem to travel up into her abdomen, she is able to marshal her thoughts enough to begin to suck on the tube.

The sensation of her mouth filling with saliva at the splash of the tasty sugary liquid encourages her as she forces herself to swallow, feeling the uncomfortable sensation of fullness in her bloated belly as she uses her tongue to push mouthful after mouthful of the liquid to the back of her throat. Trying to suppress her gag reflex she is surprised to realize that, while she thought that her stomach would not tolerate any more, it seems able to accept the now steady flow of fats and sugars. She is unsure whether it is her imagination, or whether the feelings of pleasure in her mouth, and the reassuring sense that her obedience will earn her relief seem to make the torment of her pelvis more bearable. As another orgasm builds, she arches her body, beginning to suck more enthusiastically at the tube as she bucks helplessly at the cruel and relentless machine. Her orgasm arrives in a wave of sensation and bliss, overpowering her once more as she sucks furiously.

She is unsure of how long she endures her predicament, but she slowly begins to become aware of the fact that she has been sucking on the empty tube for some time, unable or afraid to stop, and that the vibrations and climaxes in her lower body have ceased. She is panting, exhausted and defeated, but filled with relief at the cessation of her torture. She collapses into the strong arms of a uniformed attendant who releases her wrists, then her ankles, and passes out as she feels herself lifted and carried away from the scene of her torture.

When she awakes, it is a small room that feels a little like a hospital in decor. She is lying in a bed, the starched sheets covering her body, which is clad in a medical gown. A small window illuminates the cupboards and miscellaneous medical paraphernalia that Sophie notices around the room. She stretches, luxuriating at the feeling of her muscles aching softly at their exhausting work-out.

A brief knock on the door wakes her from her drowsy examination of the room, and a small woman in a nurse's uniform breezes in, clipboard in hand.

"Good morning Sophie - how are we this morning? What do you remember about your admission sweetheart? I'm afraid you had a nasty time of it. Do you remember that you tried to kill yourself? You must have been feeling very down. Anyway, it's all ok now, you've been admitted to our clinic, and we're going to take good care of you and nurse you back to health! Now if you don't mind getting up and we can get you measured and weighted."

Sophie is stunned by the woman's introduction, and sits up, confused and alarmed.

"But - but that's not what happened - I-I was kidnapped, and the tortured - they - they did terrible things to me - tried to make me drink things to fatten me."

"There there my child, anorexia can do strange things to your perception. Now hop out of bed and stand against this measure for me."

Sophie is at a loss, but the nurse seems kind and genuine, so she steps tentatively out of the bed, and stands against the wall while the nurse measures her height, then steps onto the scales.

"Very good... 5'4", and... 149 pounds. That's an improvement, but you're still dangerously low. Someone will be coming by soon to discuss your diet and treatment options. Now - hop back into bed and try not to worry your pretty little head."

Sophie is suddenly aware of the physical sensations of standing in her hospital gown, the split in the back exposing her to a gentle chill while her unsupported breasts hang heavy and uncomfortably. There is something else though, some somatic feeling that is unfamiliar, but not altogether unpleasant. As she steps back towards the bed she makes the connection. For the first time in her life, when she walks, her inner thighs are rubbing against each other. She has never been aware before that the gap between her legs was just that, a gap, but now her thighs fill the space. How strange, she thinks.

"Erm, how long have I been here?" Sophie asks haltingly.

"Oh don't worry your little head about that." Says the nurse as she breezes back out of the room, closing the door. Sophie lies in bed, examining her body with renewed attention. Her once pert breasts do feel much larger than before, and the tight line of her belly bulges gently forming a gently rounded tummy where once her flat abdomen had been.

She still feels tired, and quickly falls back into a gentle doze, before she woken once more by another knock on the door.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
hmmm that was good hehe i liked the fact that she is feeding herself in the end cause of her desires hehe just brilliant ^^
FoodieChef 11 years
I'll get back to it soon...
Nok 11 years
Are you taking hiatus from this one man?
Fatmandu 11 years
Every chapter you write is amazing. Please never stop!
Nok 11 years
oh my god.
TheDemolitio... 11 years
Keep it up. Your writing is incredibly detailed and makes the story WAY better.
Nok 11 years
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh this is soooo awesome!!!
Nok 11 years
damn! this is so bad. hottest writing I've ever seen. good job man, keep it up
TheDemolitio... 11 years
Awesome. I like the beginning of this part. Keep it up my friend.