
Chapter 7

I had lost all track of time. I had no idea how long I had been in the Fattening Hut, but my stomach certainly did. It stuck out in front of me, blocking the view of my toes and my bottom was soft and rounded too. With the lack of exercise in the hut, my body was growing weaker and it was becoming more and more difficult to move.

I had no idea if it was day or night. There was just the endless dim glow of the light bulb and I was either eating or sleeping. Each day the amount of food seemed to increase; after each meal I was so stuffed I could barely breathe. Jess was really pushing my weight gain now and between the fear of physical torture and dread of punishment with banana mash, I was doing nothing but eat. Plus, my stomach was so used to being stuffed, I felt hungry if I was not over full.

“My baby fattens himself so well for me,” whispered Jess, touching me in places to give a hint of my reward. The chaperone always stopped her going far enough to ease my frustration. She always left me wanting more; a desire I took out on more food.

These endless feasts, supplemented with cakes and corn mash, quickly increased my girth and each time I was measured, Jess was excited by the increase in my size. I could feel her thrill as she rubbed my stomach and massaged me with the scented oils.

“Not long now, baby” she whispered to me, her breath was quick and it was clear that she was really looking forward to the wedding night. This just made me want to eat more. I wanted to please her so much! So I force fed myself more than ever before wanting to gain for Jess. She was so beautiful and soon, she would be mine! I could be on the verge of passing out, feeling ready to burst, but I would ask for more cake. I just wanted to impress her and get to the wedding night as fast as possible. And then came the day when she measured my waist and the rope was in the red section.

“We are ready, baby!” she said, a massive grin on her face. “Have a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will be our special day, now I have my Fat Man!”

I must admit that part of me felt a little disappointed that this lifestyle was going to change. I had become accustomed to being constantly stuffed. My whole body was so soft and round and so big! I had not seen my feet for so long. Jess really knew how to fatten me. I thought back to how the whole situation started and then I pictured Jess, her beautiful face and perfect body. I rubbed my huge stomach, so smooth with the massage oils and decided that the morbid obesity was a small price to pay for the lifestyle I had experienced and which I expected would continue as Jess planned to be a good wife and I would hold the honour of being the village fat man. I drifted off to sleep with these ideas floating around my head, knowing that in one more day, I would finally be with Jess.

I awoke with, my stomach rumbling and I was disappointed that there was no breakfast prepared for me. Perhaps I had woken earlier than usual? I patiently waited, becoming more and more distressed as the hunger moved from uncomfortable to painful. My stomach had not been empty for such a long time that this was a new and disturbing feeling for me. Finally the door opened and Jess came into the hut.

“Morning, baby!” she said with a sweet smile. “I hope you are ready for our wedding day!”

I nodded, but all I could say was, “I am hungry, Jess!”

She looked at me with her dark eyes and a big grin across her face. With the help of the chaperone, I managed to get to my feet, and Jess led me outside the hut for the first time in months. The bright sunlight burnt my eyes and it took a while for me to be able to see properly.

“You are ready, Fat Man,” whispered Jess in my ear. “You don’t need to be in the fattening hut any longer!”

As my eyes finally became accustomed to the daylight, I could see the villagers standing around pointing and chattering excitedly. Jim made a big show of poking my stomach and feeling my buttocks and spoke to the villagers, telling them how proud he was of Jess and that they had a Fat Man for the first time in years. There were lots of cheers and applauding and as Jim left, it seemed that everybody in the village came up to me to feel my body, squeezing and patting my fat rolls, prodding me and pinching my arms and legs. Every one of them told me how fat I was and how excited they were for the wedding night. I was getting more and more stressed out by the attention and hunger; I was relieved when Jim finally returned with a cart and the chaperone helped both Jess and me onto the rough wooden seats.

The cart took us through the village with Jess narrating the whole way. I found out about everybody who lived in each hut and who they were in the tribe. Finally we pulled up outside another stone building and I was helped out of the cart by the chaperone.

“This is where we prepare for the wedding baby,” Jess explained as I struggled down from the cart.

“I am so hungry,” I said to her. “I need to eat before we continue.”

Jess smiled at me. “There is a kitchen here. They will make sure you have everything you need for the marriage ceremony. This will be the last time I see you before the wedding, so I want to tell you how proud I am of you. You made yourself so fat! I am so excited for our wedding night,” Jess gave my stomach one last pat and entered the front door of the impressive stone building. Meanwhile, Jim and the chaperone helped me to the rear of the building where I was led into a large kitchen.

“Finally,” I muttered. “Breakfast!”

However, I was disappointed. There were three women in the kitchen and not one of them offered me any food. Instead, they fussed around me poking and prodding more than the villagers outside the fattening hut. When I tried to speak, they told me to be quiet and continued chatting in their own language while grabbing handfuls of my fattened body and laughing. Finally, one of them took out a giant mixing bowl and began to fill it with chopped apples, spices, bread, and raw minced meat. I was disappointed to see that this would need to be cooked before I could eat it, but hoped that I could still get something from the other women who led me to a low table and helped me on. As I laid down, one of them began to shave me. I tried to protest, but she put her finger to my lips.

“You need to be ready for Jess,” she whispered. “We are here to get you ready for the wedding ceremony and you need to be dressed as required by the tradition of our tribe”

I nodded, although I was shocked that they shaved my whole body. Not just my head and face, but my pubic area, chest, arms, legs and back. Once I was completely bald, they massaged me again with more of the scented oils. All of the time, my stomach grumbled. I was so hungry. I begged for food, but the women ignored my pleas, telling me that I needed to be patient.

“There is a lot to do before the wedding, Fat Man,” they told me.

I resigned myself to a lack of food, and distracted myself by thinking about Jess. Tonight, the hunger would be worth it when I finally got to kiss those perfect lips and… My thoughts were disturbed by the third woman returning with the bowl, full to the brim with her mix of bread, apples and meat. I was disappointed to see that it was still not cooked, but the smell of the spices made my mouth water in anticipation. As the bowl was placed beside me I realised just how big it was and I rubbed my stomach almost unconsciously.

“I know I have been fattened and can eat a lot more than I used to,” I said, “But I don’t think that I could manage everything in that bowl!”

“Don’t worry, Fat Man,” said one of the women. “There will be plenty of room in here!” She playfully poked my belly.

Finally, after what seemed forever, Jess came into the kitchen followed by the chaperone. She was wearing the traditional dress of the tribe, perfectly showing her curves. I had never seen her look so desirable. It would not be long before I was finally alone with her.

“How long until the wedding?” I asked.

“Sunset,” replied Jess coldly.

“Can I eat before?” I asked with a smile. “I am so hungry!”

Jess looked at me with a strange expression. “That’s why I am here,” she said. “It is time to stuff you.”

“Finally!” I said laughing. Obviously they wanted to get the preparations out of the way before feeding me again; after all, It was a long job to satiate my hunger these days.
Jess crossed to the table and looked at the mixture in the bowl with a satisfied expression, and then signalled to the chaperone. He pushed me down and tied my hands and feet making it impossible for me to move.

“Do you think I will be a good wife, baby?” she asked.

“Yes I do,” replied the chaperone before I could answer. Jess could see the confusion on my face and explained.

“This is my fiancé,” she said. “We are so pleased to have a fat man at our wedding!”

“But we are getting married!” I said. “Me and you! That was why I gained all of this weight!”

“No!” laughed Jess. “You got so big because we fattened you. You ate so much and so greedily that it was easy, but if you resisted we would still have made you into a Fat Man. The journey would have been worse, but the destination would be the same. Anyway, time is moving on. We need to get started if you are going to be ready for tonight.” She gently rubbed my belly. “It takes time to roast such a meaty body.”

I finally realised what was happening. I looked at the mixture in the huge bowl and remembered Jess’ comment about stuffing. I had been basted with oils and fattened for the wedding feast. Now, strapped to the table, there could be no escape. I saw Jess pick up a large knife, and closed my eyes, hoping it would be quick.
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Just read this again and damn!!
I love this story and the buildup.
2steppinfa 7 years

It's too good to exist without a conclusion!
Built4com4t 7 years
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Wonderful storytelling! You do a great job with balancing an intriguing plot with the eroticism and fear.
Tommmy 7 years
Wonderful. Please continue it soon
Fatlilboy 7 years
Love this
Pepper1985 7 years
when are you adding more
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
You are delivering a wonderful story here. Nice job! Again, I can't wait for more.
Giantjay 7 years
Yes, this is heating up very nicely!
Fatlilboy 7 years
OMG - I have to have more....I'm now addicted to this story!!
Snr6424 7 years
Very intriguing beginning, I would love to see where you take this.
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
I can't wait to see what happens... nice and mysterious.
Growingsofter 7 years
Please... MORE.....PLEASE!
FrecherTyp 7 years
cool ^^that is an interesting start and a nice complex kidnappingnidea ;-)
Garfield 7 years
very good start, like to read more
Built4com4t 7 years
Brilliant first chapter, keep it up