Big boning

Chapter 5 - beach date

Magnus and I continue to spend time together. After a few months, I start to notice that my pants are getting pretty tight. My belly seems rounder when I run my hand over it. I haven't weighed myself in six months or so. I was 212 pounds then. I step on the scale with mixed feelings. The needle ticks up to 233 pounds. I've put on 21 pounds since I met Magnus. I resolve to cut back on the big meals, but then I'm so turned on that I rush to my bedroom to masturbate.
Magnus is putting on weight too. I notice how his once loose shirts are now snug. He takes to wearing certain shirts unbuttoned over a t-shirt, because they no longer do up.
Neither of us comments on this.
Summer comes and we decide to go for a picnic on the beach. I pack a big hamper of food: chicken sandwiches, brownies, chips, bananas, cookies. My bathing suit is a two piece. The cleavage it shows is almost illegal, and the bottom struggles to cover my bottom, but at least it leaves my newly expanded belly free.
I love the way Magnus' belly droops over the waist of his swim trunks. I like watching his wide back, too, as he splashes into the water. We swim and eat and laze around on the sand and eat some more.
"Hey, there's a burger shack down at the end of the beach," he says. "Want something?"
I nod, so Magnus lumbers off down the shore. He returns after a while with a bag full of cheeseburgers. They are hot and delicious. We eat three eat, washed down with some bottles of beer.
My belly is extremely distended and firm by the time we're done. I have to struggle to rise and I feel like I'm waddling as I walk back to the car. My thighs rub together. Magnus at least has his sweet chunky thighs protected by shorts. We stow our beach gear in the car. Magnus suggests a cone of ice cream and I agree. We head over to the line-up.
"Oh, when are you due, dear?" coos the older woman in front of us.
"Due," I say, in confusion.
"I hope it's soon, dear," she continues. "That's a lot to be carrying around in this heat!"
I catch on. My face heats. I refuse the ice cream and Magnus has to eat both cones.
"She thought I was pregnant!" I burst out once we're safely in the car.
"Well, you do have a little bit of, um," he touches his own protruding belly.
I squirm uncomfortable, aware of just how rotund I've become.
"I like it," Magnus says. "I like the way you like to eat. I like your belly."
He reaches out and rubs my belly. I burp.
"You know what, I think I have room for an ice cream after all," I say, hopping out to get a dripping sweet cone of deliciousness.
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Pd500 9 years
Love this!
Juicy 11 years
That was a real treat--unusual in tone, because it's both really hot and yet light and funny. Well done!
Built4com4t 11 years
it's always a pleasure reading your stories. this one was a treat.