The layover

chapter 3

Ray couldn't contain himself, pulling her into a long, affectionate kiss, rubbing the taut terrain of her stomach, letting his fingers linger in the valley of her belly button, dance along the creeks & streams of stretch-marks.
"Baby, you did a wonderful job," he gleamed, licking off little flecks of chocolate & smeared frosting. His strong hands caressed her supple folds while he set the platter down onto the picked-clean cart, thoroughly enjoying the shallow rise & fall of her expansive chest, chuckling a smidgen when he noticed she was wheezing from her efforts.
"You really-- think so?" Molly asked timidly, surprising for a woman her current size. She rubbed what little she could of her hardened balloon, letting out a monstrous BELCH that shook the windows & made the overhead lighting flicker from its impact.
"Oh course I do, my packin' pachyderm," he chuckled once more, patting her drum-tight bulge firm enough to make her groan long & low. "This is quite the look for you, you know? So big & so heavy... & yet, you appear so thin! We must get you more, you tiny thing!"

Molly groaned longer & louder in protest, wobbling on the sunken bed as she failed to budge an inch from her feeder's clutches.
"I need a break in between meals, hun," she wheezed, a few beads of sweat dripping from her well-past double chin to just between her sprawled out cleavage. "At least let's wait until tomorrow morning- I've been doing nothing but move & eat since early this morning & I'm exhausted!"
"Alright, I can let my bloated bovine get a little sleep... but as soon as you wake up, we're gonna get you ready for another stuffing- is that clear?" Ray seemed so assertive when he made his plans that Molly simply nodded in response, yawning big before nodding off into the food-induced coma she strained from. He stretched & yawned himself, having realized just how late it actually was, & snuggled up against her, drifting off into his own slumber- chuckling as he could imagine the big day that laid ahead.

Molly had other reasons why she was drooling in her sleep, dreaming about waddling through a magical foodie's paradise- landscapes of food all around her, slipping into her gaping mouth. Her stomach kept growing bigger & bigger, but she never seemed to get full- & when she couldn't waddle anymore- her body stuck on the path in a bloated heap, Ray was there to roll her along, shoving food down her throat to make her ever-swelling girth grow. She couldn't help it if she was rubbing her belly & caressing her nipples in her sleep- & Ray knew that, enjoying the view from the spare fold-out seat, the next morning, as he relieved himself before changing & getting some chores around the apartment done.
When she finally awoke, her gut had softened again, no longer full of tasty morsels- she rubbed her hidden lard as she continued to lay on the bed, looking around for her busy-bodied feeder. When Ray was nowhere to be found, Molly heaved- & grunted, & puffed, & groaned- as she struggled out of bed towards the bathroom once more, wanting to make doubly sure she'd have room for whatever plans lay ahead. Ray stepped back into the apartment, his arms full of ice & junk from his pick-up truck, having gotten up early, cleaning & prepping for the day ahead. He smiled at the empty, disheveled bed, impressed that she'd gotten up on her own.

"Mornin', Molly! Sleep well?" Ray chimed up as the still groggy girl lumbered back into the main room.
"Mornin', Ray..." she stretched, her new pink ringer-tee already unable to contain the blob of fat below, the charcoal jeans & simple black belt not doing much better as her spare tire hung over like a willow tree. "What's for breakfast?" she rubbed her growling stomach again, a little confused as she noticed the counter wasn't full of food this time.
"We're going out to eat, babe- so I can keep my fat pig full all day," he swooned, pinching a hefty 'love handle' before patting it, & the rest of her exposed flesh, gently.
"Can't we just stay here & eat?"
"I'm sorry, babe, but unless we run to the store anytime soon, I'm completely out of stock." he chuckled nervously, a little surprised with himself on another level.
"Alright, lemme grab my sweater & shoes, then."

After Ray locked up his apartment once more, & helped Molly into the sunken truck again, they made their way to a local drive-thru, where he ordered two sausage biscuits with cheese, a hotcake sandwich with eggs & bacon, two hashbrowns, a small orange juice & a large vanilla shake.
"Is that ALL you're getting? I'm starving!" Molly whimpered, a little shocked at the 'snack' before her, though piping hot & making her pouting mouth water.
"Don't worry- think of this as an appetizer, only in breakfast form!" Ray encouraged, rubbing her girth reassuringly. "Trust me, this isn't the only stop today."
Molly nodded & dove into her humble meal, still managing to moan & belch every chance she got, plowing through the syrup-soaked hotcakes, juicy sausage, cool vanilla cream, & melted cheese. Within no time at all, her 'meal' was gone, her tummy only rumbling more from the teasing it received. Ray patted it tenderly before starting the truck back up & taking them to their next destination.
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