Fringe benefits

Chapter 3

One day rolled into the next as I leisurely stuffed myself each day into the night. I spent pleasant days lounging in bed, reading the newspaper, watching sports, TV sitcoms, and movies, and sampling the most scrumptious fare imaginable. Each day, I finished my daily allowance of food by seven in the evening to the great enjoyment of my feeders. And, each morning my food allowance slightly increased as my hunger did. In my first week, I put on 8 pounds and then 12 glorious pounds in my second week.

Even though I felt heavier, it really didn’t show as much as I had thought it would. I noticed more of a fullness in my belly, slight thickening of my waist, and I could have sworn the inside of my legs brushed each other when I walked. But, this may have just been my imagination. I always felt a feeling of fullness – of completeness. This is what I was made to do.

And, I met a new friend. Zara came to visit with me often. It seems that she settled down and was now accepting her situation. She was also rounding out nicely in all the right places. We talked about everything. We ate popcorn watching late night movies and ate side by side. It was wonderful.

About two weeks and a day into my stay, Zara came in as usual wheeling her cart beside her. It was funny. It seemed that those carts were an extension of ourselves – always with us.

“So, what movie do you want to see today?” I asked her.

“I was thinking of Dirty Dancing?” Zara said, tying her long, jet-black hair into a ponytail.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” I replied, popping in the DVD.

“Wow, it’s only five o’clock and you’re almost finished with your cart,” Zara said, smiling. “How impressive.”

“Yeah, well, I’m a growing boy,” I laughed, rubbing my bloated stomach.

“Yes, you are, my sweet,” Zara teased. “You are lucky you have so much free time to pursue your food interests.”

“Yeah, I’m glad the coach is having someone take care of all my coarse work. I’ll have no homework for a while, not that I have that much anyway. I usually have a tutor; well they’re not really tutors. The players have to keep their averages up if they’re going to be eligible to play on the team,” I explained, reclining in my easy chair. “I guess it would be considered fringe benefits.”

“That is a great deal,” Zara agreed. She came over to where I was sitting and began to rub my belly almost seductively. I moaned. I felt a stirring deep down and it wasn’t in my gut. She had never touched me this way before. It felt good, but…

“Ah, Zara,” I mumbled. “I don’t think…well, you’re engaged and…” She began feeding me large quantities of food from her cart.

“Wait…HUFFPH…stop…what at you doing?” I managed to get out.

“I’m helping to meet my quota,” she began, looking at me innocently. “And, you’ll eat my leavings everyday. I don’t mind putting on a bit of weight, but my fiancé’s requirements are extreme. But, you seem to have more room,” she said poking my belly.

“I won’t do it!” I said, with annoyance. “I can’t possibly eat everything on my cart everyday and part of your cart, too. It’s not humanly possibly.”

“Then it’s too bad that you won’t be able to play football in a few weeks.”

“What? What are you talking about?” I exclaimed in surprise.

“It’s quite simple, my sweet,” she replied. “You either do what I tell you or I’ll report you and your coach to the proper authorities. You’ll be booted out of college and never play again! Now, open up.”

I can’t believe I was that stupid telling her what I did. She stood over me forcing my mouth to move. “Oh you eat like a hog! I bet there's no filling you up, my sweet,” she whispers in my ear. My belly rose as she stuffed me with a whole pie--blueberry. Bite after bite. She shoveled more into my mouth. I had to chew. She loosened the belt, as I grew huge. "OOOOH, “ I moaned as I swelled larger and larger. I felt my skin tightening around my overfed ball belly.

"AAAGHHHHHH. UUUUGGHGGH!” Slowly the tightening of my skin began to decrease, and my belly rumbled loudly. Zara came over and began to slowly feed me again, making me suck rich frosting from the cake off of her finger. I felt myself getting hard also, but after almost three hours of continual packing my belly full, I’m only thinking of finishing this cake. Suddenly Zara took the cake and began to shove it down my throat. I choked a bit on the first piece because of her sheer intensity, then got used to it. When the cake was done, I could only groan unable to talk for the pressure that had built up within me.

Zara helped me up. OOOPH…"N-N-No! N-No! P-Please… Stop!" I was grasping my belly trying not to have it jarred in anyway. She guided me over to the bed slowly. I fell into the bed, not having the strength to do much else.

“You did so well, my sweet,” she crooned. “Until tomorrow then.” Zara turned down the lighting and left rolling her now empty cart in front of her.

I lay flat in bed staring at the ceiling. The remembered feeling of helplessness, being filled beyond capacity was surprisingly a turn on for me. I had never felt anything like that and was shocked at my enjoyment of it. But after awhile, the only thing I heard in the room was my own moaning, as I massaged my gut again falling into a stupor.

Two hours later, I was awakened by the sound of two voices.

“How did he get so bloated? I looks like he’s been eating all week in just one day,” Gerulf exclaimed.

“His metabolism must have slowed down a lot faster than the average guy,” Cole replied, roughly poking my gut.

The impact forced a thundering belch from my overfed stomach alerting them to the fact I was now awake.

“Dude, you’re massive,” Cole said. “But we’ve noticed you’ve left a bit on your cart so we’re here to help you out.”

“Oh, no, I can’t. The MSG in the Chinese food has me feeling really bloated,” I lied.

Cole pushed the buttons on my bed. My feet and head rose, putting by engorged middle into a vice grip. I felt cold sweat on my forehead and my stomach burned. My belly bloated over my belt and I felt the cramping begin deep in my gut. The grumbling grew louder in my belly

“See you are still hungry,” Gerulf laughed. “Well, you’re pretty solid, but soft. Don’t worry we’ll get it all in you.”

I gorged and gorged. I just started just swallowing gobs of food whole. My stomach started aching as I tried to belch between bites. Cole rubbed my belly explaining he liked his boys fat and that he was going to force-feed me and stretch my stomach. I was blowing up like a balloon. I hiccupped loudly, my hands pushed away from my tightened gut. Gerulf massaged the belly balloon, which was so over gorged that even with me partially leaning back, I had difficulty seeing over it. I was stuffed and I couldn't hold any more. But, Gerulf suggested that I breathe deeply and eat more.

The pain spread through my stomach and gripped my abdomen as the last noodle was pushed into me. My belly was swollen beyond belief and I could barely move.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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Dandydon57 4 years
Good content & I like the concepts leading up to the end !
MangaBL 6 years
Continue please!! Make them all immobile!!!!!