Fringe benefits

Chapter 4

Morning came eventually, and the sunshine warmed my spherical belly through the parted window blinds. My belly was huge, but I also noticed that everywhere else had a thin layer of fat beginning to form. I ran my hands over my soft ball belly. Last night, my belly was terribly puffed up and felt as tight as a drum

Now that the food had settled and was digested, all was still bloated up all over but from the gas that had settled in over the night. AAGHHHHHH…UUUUGGHGGH…PFFFTT… I must have farted for over an hour massaging my belly.

Then my door opened and my food cart was dropped off again. More food... NEVER! Then I realized that I was getting hungry again. Just as Cole told me I would be. I guess Zara and the boys really stretched my belly out. Well, there’s only way to find out.

I dug into the pancakes dripping with butter and maple syrup, fat waffles with whipped cream and fruit, biscuits and gravy, scrapple, bacon, greasy sausage, multiple omelets, French toast, oatmeal sweetened with honey, steak with eggs, and jugs of orange juice and coffee. My belly was blocking my view of the TV as I filled my fat face. Before my gut could take no more, I stopped feasting. Stomach full, but not yet swollen, I marveled at how much I just consumed. I knew Zara would be arriving with her cart soon and I had to make a dent in my own.

Like clockwork every afternoon, Zara appeared in my room and began my stuffing sessions. One day, she tied me down, spread-eagled, across my bed with her nylon stockings. She took great pleasure in prying open my mouth as wide as possible when I refused to eat. She began shoving in food at an alarming rate. I had no time to chew, so I bit and swallowed, and bit and swallowed.

MPHFM…OOOOOF…MPHF… “ I’m. AAGHHHHHH . . . going to . . . explode.” I cried. I was moaning and my stomach felt that it was about to explode! Zara stroked my belly with one hand and kept feeding me with the other, ordering me to keep eating. She continued to fill up and pack me full unmercifully. I was grunting and farting uncontrollably.

I was trying to anticipate what was next. I never could because she always varied her routine. She would only leave when I was panting like a dog, a bulging sphere solidly swollen. She sometimes helped me finish my cart. Other times Cole and Gerulf were compelled to help me along to their continued glee.

I packed on weight and filled out all over. It got to a point where the boys would show up sometimes minutes after Zara left to make me do some weight lifting so my arms stayed strong and hard. My belly filled to capacity would be bulging at it was pushed and pumped as I lifted weights over my head. I almost threw up a few times. But they would finish quickly so they could sit and watch me eat some more.

I was disturbed towards the end of my stay when they increased Zara’s intake of food. It appeared that her metabolism was too quick now and the pounds weren’t sticking on her. Of course that will happen when someone else is eating your food. I was pumped full of her food and mine all day and night. I swelled up to a monstrous size. In the end, I gained over 100 pounds that month and continued to put on weight during the season. I had no problems and I was very successful.

Zara, on the other hand, was found out. It seems that they had cameras planted in our rooms. They enjoyed watching Zara stuff me for the month. She did their work well. But, poor Zara, was told that since she took so much enjoyment out of her experiences with me, then she should have her own. Her fiancé extended her stay for another few months. I was invited back to watch her once. She was tied down and fed two carts of food round the clock.

"St-st-stop this!" huffed the bloated Zara. The excessive feeding pushed out her sides, her waist was gone and she appeared to be a huge lump of hulking flesh.

"No! No more!" she screamed. OOPH… she was fed more as if she wasn't filled up enough. Needless to say, her wedding gown must have gone back a few times for alterations.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 2 years
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Dandydon57 4 years
Good content & I like the concepts leading up to the end !
MangaBL 6 years
Continue please!! Make them all immobile!!!!!