Lady hamilton

Chapter 7 - nelsons return

Nelson's Return

My dresses had had to be replaced numerous times before Nelson returned. My tumbles with Giuseppi had kept the my gaining slightly at bay, as well as my escapades with my increasing besotten husband, involving hands and tongue and me lowering my growing bulk upon him until he grew red and breathless time and time again while he explored the curves he was helping to create with everything available to him. Sir William had heard of my affair, but knew of my need for satisfaction from that one area he had not the power to give, and he scrupulously turned a blind eye. Giuseppi was courteous and not the sort to talk, and we kept our liasons to a minimum though I admit I found myself thinking about his cooking more and more and found it harder than he did to remain circumspect. I was troubled twice more with the miasma and each time found my weight melt away as I lay in my bedchamber attended by my loving husband. The second time proved so bad that Sir William nearly gave up hope for my recovery and finally when I had pulled through summoned Giuseppi himself to try to ply some food into me and get me on my feet again. This in turn led to Giuseppi renting rooms a short way from our home and instructing our cook daily in how to create the best and heartiest of Italy's fare to return flesh to my sunken form, of course under Sir William's approving eye. The stones came back fully with that rib-sticking food and so it was, that after five long years, in the early fall of 1798, Nelson returned to Naples.
He was now a full Admiral of the Blue, having seen great success in action independently, as a Commodore and finally against Napoleon's fleet at the Battle of the Nile, but these rewards had been most costly. He had lost his right eye to a musketball in Corsica, and his right arm just below the shoulder at the Battle of Cape St. Vincent while most recently at the Nile, though he had destroyed Napoleon's fleet and stranded the Ogre in Egypt, he had been badly wounded in the forehead by a musketball, which had peeled off a large flap of skin that had to be sewn up with waxed chord. He was now Britania's Hero and was welcomed by the entire city of Naples at the docks upon his return with his victorious fleet, from the lowest beggar right up to King Ferdinand. I took an open carriage to the auspicious moment, as I had grown too fat to navigate such a crowd, and even had I done so, I would have been then in no condition to see my Roland. I was by then over 35 stone and even the Empire style couldn't conceal my bulging hips and rounded belly. My arms had filled out like plump cheeses and were exposed in their glory to the Italian sun that day.I remember they burned slightly, all that delicate flesh. My face had remained surprisingly thin considering the rest of me and as Nelson strode toward the carriage, a two seater which I filled, I felt his eyes glow at the sight of me. My husband, who had ridden along beside my carriage with the King was warmly greeted, and warmly received my Horatio, as did the King, but Horatio kept looking into my eyes, unable to see my form over the sides of the carriage whose doors were closed. The moment was for me an eternity as I heard my husband beg Horatio to dine with us that evening to which he accepted and proclaimed that he wished to ride with me to our dwelling! Taking a quick step up the carriage and putting a leg over the door rather than opening it, Horatio sought to make a dashing entrance into the cab. His foot came down inside the carriage and he maneuvered himself with his one good arm to bring down the other and found my thigh and calf against his leg. His one good eye met my own two with dark and passionate awe as he took in the sight of my body, which he found so large as to proclude him from sitting. I felt the heat radiate off him as he mumbled that he would walk beside me but I would have none of it, and pulled him down beside me so that he sat upon my own spreading right hip, thigh and a bit of belly while his left arm found itself engulfed between my enormous right tit and arm. I was enraptured with desire and the smell of him drove me mad! "Oh God! Is it possible!" I gasped and fainted against him for a moment, imagining the thrilling moments alone we would soon have! Nelson, as a good sailor should, came to attention immediately for a Lady!
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RFBurton 11 years
There's more coming...and I will dedicate the next chapter to you Sparkle! Because you too have written some "Fab" stories, and are the definition of Fab to this American..
Sparkle 11 years
Wow... That was fab smiley
RFBurton 11 years
Exactly. An image search of Lady Hamilton will give back much, including this cartoon image...
RFBurton 11 years
Thanks for commenting, and there will be more. Expect 12 to 15 chapters before this ends. I must tell you, she will get big for Nelson, and that the best is yet to come.