Asha's ordeal

Chapter 4 - part 4

"No - no please don't do this to me!" Shouted Asha into her cock-gag, the intruder distorting her voice, somehow making her predicament worse because of the further dehumanization of not even being able to speak clearly. She coughed and choked as Peter added another cup of heavy cream into the funnel connected to the gag, and she began at once to drink it down, desperate to breathe. As she swallowed the last mouthful, her stomach already feeling full from the rich liquid, she gasped down several lungfuls of air, panting as she struggled, bound tight to the table. Steve had kept up his gentle but insistent manipulation of Asha's vulva, running his fingers up and down her lips, sliding them in between the delicate folds of her hairy pussy, tracing the edge of her thighs with his finger tips, and beginning slowly to part her labia and penetrate her shallowly with a finger. As Asha gasped for breath he hooked a long finger down into her vagina, curling it to search insistently for her g-spot, and resting it there.

"Asha." Said Peter. "I don't want to punish you. Now tell me about your vagina. I want to know everything. Especially how it feels right now."

"I - I - Nobody has ever touched me - there - before! I don't like it - it feels horrible - like I'm being raped, violated - please stop!"

"Keep going, Asha." Said Peter, bringing the bottle of cream into her line of sight.

"No, please, not that, I - I ever since I started to - to be a woman - I've always hated it. It makes me feel so uncomfortable. Its so embarrassing and messy when I have my, my period, and then when, sometimes it smells when I feel, you know, when something makes me feel, you know, and I worry that other people will smell me. At night I look at my panties and there are big wet patches from where it gets moist in the day, so I just try not to think about it. I'm terrified of my wedding night, of what my husband will think of me, of whether he will like me, and if he does, what he will do to me."

As Asha finished speaking Steven began to rub her pussy more vigorously, noticing her natural lubricants begin to flow in response to the rhythmic stroking. "You're a juicy one, Asha." He said, penetrating her with two fingers. She gasped in response, her body spasming at the surprising violation. She thrashed in her bonds, her body arching and straining uselessly like a landed fish as Steve's expert fingers worked her wet and engorged vulva. "I see what you mean about your juices and your smell Asha, I can smell you already, you smell ripe and hungry, like you're ready to be filled up!"

"No! Please stop! No - p-please - not that!" Asha begged, realizing that things could, after all, get worse.

"Peter, the cream please." Peter took the carton of cream and lured another pint or so into the funnel, and Asha was immediately silenced, her vocal protestations replaced with the grunting of desperate swallowing of the sickly liquid, her stomach painfully full, each mouthful an effort to force the liquid down her throat. As the last of the sticky fluid disappeared she gasped, breathing in deeply again and again.

"Now Asha, I want you to tell me how it makes you feel to have Steve masturbates you. I warn you, I want absolute honesty."

Still breathing deeply, but now more evenly, Asha began to realize that she had no choice but to cooperate. Speaking slowly, and softly she began. "It's - it's such a strange feeling. Like, like someone is reaching deep into me and making me feel things against my will. My mind and my body feels angry, violated, ashamed, but my pussy feels, it feels wet and flushed. I don't want to feel that way - I want to fight it! I want to hate it! I hate that my body is so conflicted - I should hate it! Please, it's so humiliating to have you force my body to respond in ways it should not, please stop, I beg you!"

"Oh Asha!" Said Peter. "We will stop, but soon we're going to fit you with a device we call a 'cow-trainer'. You're going to be staying here for a while with us, and we're going to be training you to play a very specific role here at The Club. You're going to have the honor of being our new cow. Now, the cow is a girl who lives here at the club, and serves to entertain by giving excellent blow-jobs, wearing entertaining bondage, and steadily gaining weight until we grow tired of her. Of course, how long it takes for us to grow tired of you depends on how good the blow-jobs you give are!"

"NO! No Please!" Asha called out through her gag. "Tina knows I am here - she'll tell people where I am."

Peter smiled. "Tina a drug addled whore and does exactly as we tell her. For instance, if we ask her to find us a desperate fat slut to replace our cow, she finds us one."

Asha was shocked as she took in the news, although deep in her heart she realized it was true - Tina had betrayed her!

"Now." Said Steven. Let's get started, I'm going to administer a light sedative so we can fit the device without hurting you." Asha felt a change in the taste of the air she was breathing, and, straining to see what was being put into the funnel, suddenly felt her vision swim drunkenly, before fading to black.

When she woke, she was in a different room. Her head and body ached, and she was in a strange and uncomfortable position, lying on her side. She shifted her body, trying to move her arms and legs, but spasms of pain made her stop suddenly and call out.

"Oh, you're awake!" A kindly voice called out. She realized through the fading fog in her head that it was Tina's voice.

"You - you bitch!" Shouted Asha as she tried again to get up, again collapsing in pain.

"Stop - stop!" Tina cried. "You'll hurt yourself. Let me help you."

"NO - stay away from me you bitch - what have you done to me?"

"You don't understand." Said Tina. "You'd have done the same thing. Hell - you WILL do the same thing when your time comes. The drugs, they make you do things, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it - now, please, let me help you. You're in something they call a 'cow-trainer'. It's a machine for, well, you'll see. First off, curl up in a ball, please, it will help!"

"No - you bitch!" Asha tried to stand again, this time feeling a pain in her backside and mouth as she felt restraints tightening, forcing her body into agonizing contraction.

She lay there for several minutes, panting, blind and in pain, before she began to roll her body into a ball. "OK." She said. "What have you done to me."

"It's not me Asha, I promise. They've put you in a bondage device. It means that your body will be in pain except in certain positions. I want you to kneel on all fours, and put your head back as far as it will go."

Asha slowly, resentfully, did as she was told, rolling onto all fours, her hands and knees supporting her as her breasts hung pendulous below her. Her neck outstretched, her head tilted back. She felt the rubber gag, holding her mouth open wide, felt that it was somehow connected to a sharp and focusing feeling of fullness in her ass that pulled painfully when she tried to lower her head.

"Keep your head up sweetheart. Your gag is connected by a cable over your head to a hook in your ass. As long as you keep your head high you'll be fine, but if you drop your head I think you'll find the anal hook puts uncomfortable pressure on you. They told me - they told me it's serrated on one side so that if you don't keep your head up it will dig into you."

Asha knelt there, naked, her head thrown back, trying to gather the various sensations her body was sending her. Her mouth was forced wide open by a rubber ring of some kind, held in place by straps around her head that pulled tightly and connected to what Tina said was a hook in her anus. The tension was released when she arched her back, throwing her buttocks in the air and her head back, her jaws forced open.

Exploring her body she noticed that her wrists were cuffed, connected by strong metal rods to the opposite ankle. This had the effect of preventing her from standing, making all-fours the only comfortable position. She tentatively tried moving her left arm, only to find that it pulled uncomfortably on her right ankle. She tried again, this time moving both at the same time, and managed an ungainly staggering gait, each limb attached to the opposite one.

Collapsing onto her side, her head slung back, she began to sob hopelessly. "Tina what have you let them do to me?" She wailed, her voice strangely hollow, almost lowing as her mouth struggled with the distorting shape of the gag.

"Asha, you'll learn to like it, I promise. You've had your first dose of medication. It's going to help you to appreciate your situation. You need to feel the rewards of obedience to your needs. The members will be arriving soon, and you need to be there to greet them. It's important that you realize that, as a cow, your udders are going to need to be milked regularly. They're going to get very painful if they don't get that. I'm going to take you through to the banquet hall and you're going to take your position at the milking station, ok?"

Asha just sobbed. She felt defeated, utterly humiliated, and yet she could feel her breasts, somehow swollen, heavy and full, needful of milking. She nodded, following Tina, haltingly and fearfully, through to the banquet hall.
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Karenjenk 7 years
wow. I loved this.... needs more chapters... more expansion
Buzzbuzzmcbuzz 11 years
I'll be watching this one for updates smiley Great stuff.