Asha's ordeal

Chapter 5 - part 5

Asha stumbled into the room on all-fours, her movement hobbled by the bindings on her ankles and wrists, her head pulled back and up, her mouth wide open, and her ass thrust high. The ties made movement difficult, she needed to pick up and move her left hand and right leg simultaneously, and vice versa, which produced an odd swaying motion, her heavy breasts swung free below her as she proceeded with her waddling motion.

Tina followed her into the softly lit dining room, guiding her as she made her way towards the table, at which the same 8 men were seated. When they saw her they put down their cutlery and drinks and began to applaud raucously. Asha stopped, shocked and Steve stood up, banging a spoon against a wineglass. "Gentlemen! Gentlemen!" He called out. "Please welcome Asha, our new cow!" The applause began again, and again Steve called for quiet. "As you can see, Gentlemen - we have brought the milking stool for Asha's comfort and convenience." Steve said, gesturing to a low coffee-table sized apparatus near one end of the table. As you know, Asha has been administered drugs that promote lactation and compliance, and her udders are going to be pretty sore if they don't get milked. Of course, she will be available to any one of you who need to get milked as well!" The raucous applause erupted again, and Steve took his seat, indicating to Tina to carry on as the men returned to drinking, laughing and talking as they watched Asha and Tina.

"Tina - what are they talking about? What have you done to me? Tina my breasts do feel sore, they feel heavy, full, as though they are about to explode, please help me Tina! I can't bear it - please help me - I need help!"

"Its OK Asha, lets get you seated on the milking stool, you'll feel better soon." Tina guided Asha to the low bench, and Asha gasped as she looked at it - about the size of a small coffee table, but rounded like a half barrel, it had two features that made Asha begin to sob in horror. A pair of large silicone cups were situated at one end, clearly intended to seat Asha's breasts, and, her fevered mind concluded, to milk them. Perhaps more concerning to her was at the other end, what looked like an enormous penis, angled up and forward, its purpose obvious even to Asha.

"No!" She called out as Tina guided her towards the device, "No - please no - not that!" But even as she voiced her protest, her sounds distorted by the ring in her mouth and the angle of her neck, she knew that she would succumb. She would take her place on the milking stool, thrusting her breasts into the suction cups, hoping for relief from the unbearable tension and pressure. She knew that she would eventually lower herself onto the penis, suppressing her horror and humiliation and taking it inside her virgin canal, eventually learning to love the sensations it would give her. She felt hungry, a desperate need to eat, and then a humiliating awareness of the thoughts she had allowed to dominate her mind. Trying to clear her head, the awareness that she was helpless in the face of her body's needs remained with her. She knew what she needed to do. Looking desperately at Tina for help and reassurance she began to make tentative steps towards the device.

Letting Tina help her, Asha mounted the half-barrel on all fours, Tina helping her to lift one leg, supporting her as she swung her weight up, and making sure that her restraints did not become entangled, and passed under the form. Asha's desperate mind noticed that the cups were slick with some kind of lubricant as she lowered her torso down onto the device, her swollen tits filling out the cups, her nipples finding their home in the openings at the bottom of the cups as her belly rested on the barrel. Her head was still pulled uncomfortably back, each movement of her mouth or neck creating a movement in the hook in her anus that felt urgent and primal, calling her body to patterns of need and arousal millennia old. She felt Tina cinch tight a strap around her torso, and knew that she could not escape now if she wanted to.

But the table felt comfortable, natural, cradling her breasts, supporting her bulging belly, spreading her legs either side of the barrel shape in a way that made her feel safe. She became aware of Tina's hand, her palm resting on Asha's butt, just below the hook, her fingers gently massaging Asha's vulva. Rather than the feeling of violation that she had felt before, Asha's body instinctually shifted, pushing her sex closer to Tina's gently probing fingers, the girl's hair covered lips swollen and engorged, wet with anticipation and need. Asha's breathing came fast and ragged as her conscious mind receded further and she slipped deeper and deeper into obedience to her overwhelming bodily needs.

She felt Tina's hands on her plump hips, gently guiding her pelvis, tilting and positioning it while she gently stroked Asha's vulva, then gasped as she became aware of the dildo, positioned at the entrance to her most intimate part. Thoughts of her fears about her wedding night flashed through her mind, but somehow it felt natural to her, her pussy was hungry to be filled, she needed to be penetrated.

Looking up Asha noticed that the room had fallen silent - all eyes were on her as she gently began to lower her hips, feeling the tip of the cock nestled in her puffy engorged folds, the resistance of her virgin *** balancing the increasing pressure as her heavy ass lowered slowly, slowly down. She squealed in surprise at the visceral sensation as the tip of the cock slid into her, the initial resistance overcome, her body responding in ways she never imagined, her hips beginning to slowly ride up and down the dildo, the ridges rubbing insistently against her erect clitoris. Some part of her felt shame and humiliation of being reduced to this in front of her captors, but at the same time the though of being debased, like an animal, sent shivers of need through her already hungry body.

As she settled into a slow and shallow ***ing motion, Tina stroked Asha's hair away from her face "Are you ok?" she whispered.

Asha nodded. "My - my breasts." She muttered. "They hurt so much, I don't think I can bear it."

"You need to eat Asha, the milking pumps will operate when your mouth is full. You need to ask to be fed."

Asha's heart sank as she realized that she was to be humiliated and degraded even more before her torment was allowed to end, her despair doubled by the sensation of her vagina contracting instinctively at the feeling, a wave of pleasure accompanying the sickening dread in her belly.

"Please. Please. I'm hungry, please feed me. Please feed me, and milk me, my breasts, they hurt so much." As she uttered these words she felt a deep loathing of how pliant she had become, and felt her hips buck, thrusting her clitoris hard against the dildo, pulling her ass, and her mouth. "Oh!" She cried out, her body now completely unresponsive to her rational mind.

"Did you hear a 'Moo' Gentlemen?" Joked Steve. "Let's see if our cow would like some cake!" He got up, lifting a plate of dark chocolate cake from the table and pulling his chair to sit in front of Asha, her head pulled back, her mouth open, drooling uncontrollably from being unable to close her mouth. She nodded frantically, each small movement tugging on the hook in her ass, causing her to shift position, the dildo relentless in her pussy.

Steve took a generous spoonful of the cake, placing it in Asha's mouth. Unable to fully close her mouth, she tried to swallow it using her lips and tongue, gagging, grunting, a dribble of chocolate sauce emerging from her mouth.

Suddenly her attention was wrenched from attempts to swallow, as her body spasmed in response to new sensations. The cups holding her breasts leapt into motion, her teats pull suddenly and powerfully into the holders by a pulsing suction. At the same time the dildo began to vibrate intensely. The two sets of stimulations entirely captured Asha's attention, her heavy bust writhing in need as her breasts began to respond to their suction, glands releasing milk in a feeling like blood rushing back into a limb that had gone to sleep. The intensity of the feeling, like a combination of pain and pleasure at the same time, took Asha by surprise, and she moaned, loudly and lasciviously as she began to *** herself faster on the vibrating cock, all self respect and dignity gone, helpless before her owners, who controlled every part of her.

As suddenly as it began, the sensation stopped, the pumps grinding to a halt, the vibration slowing to nothing. "Nooo!" Asha cried out. "Noooo!" And Steve laughed, the sound was so like a 'moo'. "Here's what you are going to eat Asha", he said, unzipping his pants and pulling out his penis. Asha gasped, but nodded. Steve did nothing.

"Please!" She said, panic in her voice, "please I need it - please let me, please let me suck your cock, I need to be milked, and ***ed. Please!"

"Well done Asha." Said Steve, pushing more cake into her mouth, then grabbing her hair in his hands, filling her mouth with his cock. She gasped, gagging and coughing, but he held her as the suction cups and dildo began their work and she began, slowly at first, but with increasing urgency, to suck and lick her captor's cock as he held her head, ***ing her face casually, watching her squirm as the pressure in her breasts became more bearable, a trickle of milk flowing from her udders. He reached back to deliver a hard smack to her *** as she bucked faster and faster on the vibrating dildo. "You don't have permission to cum yet Asha. You've got much more work to do first."
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Karenjenk 7 years
wow. I loved this.... needs more chapters... more expansion
Buzzbuzzmcbuzz 11 years
I'll be watching this one for updates smiley Great stuff.