
chapter 4

Hours later, a softer, kinder looking Elaine unlocked to door and unchained him. She warned him not to speak, but he could put on his clothes and follow her to another room.
The next room was not a torture chamber or even a dungeon, thank goodness. It looked like a bed sit. At one side of the room was a comfortable looking double bed, at the other side of the room was a dining table and chairs. On the far wall was the kitchen, complete with a little breakfast bar and a stool. Nearest the door was the living area with a large some, reclining chair and a TV on the wall.
She showed him to the en suite bathroom and allowed him to have a shower, then he could come and have some breakfast. Was it morning all ready? He'd hadn't slept all night! At that moment he smelled bacon cooking. It aroused the aching hunger inside him again. He hurried to the shower. The quicker he completed he absolution so, the sooner he would get breakfast.
As Jake emerged from the bathroom, he looked over to Elaine. She was wearing a soft floral fifties style dress today. He dark hair fell in soft waves around her face, but she still have a very low cut neckline, with the top of her breasts peeking out.
She invited him to sit at the breakfast bar. She passed him a bowl of cereal and poured what looked like milk over the top. The cereal was one of those honey coated nut flakes, but she still added a dessertspoon of sugar to it.
Jake looked up at her. He couldn't eat this! It was too sweet, he had to watch what he ate, he usually had a bowl of porridge or muesli, or just a piece of fruit. His belly complained of a lack of food again. He picked up his spoon and loaded it up with cereal and milk and placed it in his mouth. It was the sweetness that his his tongue first. He was not used to anything tasting so sweet, but it tasted so good. The milk was different too. He was used to skimmed milk, but this was so creamy it had to be whole milk. Oh, he had never tasted anything so delicious! It did not take long before his bowl was empty.
Elaine was pleased. She made a cup of coffee, he watched her spoon in two teaspoons of sugar and pass it over to him. He was going to object. He didn't drink caffeine, he didn't take sugar. Then he considered his predicament. He might need the caffeine just to get through the day and he had already eaten more sugar than he'd eaten in the whole of last month, so what was the harm in having another two spoonfuls?
He pushed the bowl to one side. That would do him until early afternoon, but he worried about what his body would do with all that sugar.
Then Elaine placed what he considered to be a large plate smothered in a greasy English breakfast, on the table. He presumed this was her breakfast, but she pushed it directly in front of him. "Eat up," she said, handing him a knife and fork.
He could not possibly eat this! On top of all that sugar! He was sure to put a couple of pounds on and he had a photo shoot on Monday. He couldn't afford to eat it. Nevertheless, he found himself picking up the knife and fork and eating it with gusto. One hash brown, one piece of fried bread. He'd go to the gym tomorrow, or whenever she let him go and do an extra workout to burn off these extra calories. One crispy sausage, two rashers of bacon. He would also go for a fifteen mile run instead of his usual ten on Monday morning. One slice of fried black pudding, one fried egg. Maybe he'd best squeeze in a run tomorrow as well. One fried egg, one fried tomato. But he had to admit it tasted so good! A tablespoon of fried mushrooms, a tablespoon of baked beans. He'd never eaten so much fat in one sitting. He could feel the grease leaving a residue in his mouth and all he had to wash it down with was that sugary, creamy coffee. It was a struggle towards the end, but he finished the plate.
He felt so full! His belly was trying to expand, but his abdominal muscles were used to holding him in, not relaxing to allow room for expansion. He felt nauseous and lethargic.
Elaine topped up his coffee and pushed two rounds of toast towards him, dripping with real butter and smothered with jam. No! He'd reached his limit! He couldn't possibly eat another bite!
He needed to tell her that he didn't eat bread. It caused him to bloat. He didn't use butter because of it's high fat content and the jam, well, that was just a sugary congealed fruit pur�e. It went without saying that he didn't eat that either. He couldn't tell he though because he was not allowed to speak. Oh this was more of a punishment than the dungeon had been! He never indulged, ever.
If he attended a function, he would use his champagne and water trick to get out of drinking. If he had to eat a three course meal, his tactic was to take a few mouthfuls and leave the rest. Half a plate was the absolute maximum. Enough to be polite, but not enough to have an impact on his dietary regime. If he could, he would leave before dessert so that he didn't even see what was on offer. It was not easy being in the spotlight all the time. The press could be cruel. TV made it look like you were a stone heavier than you actually were, so you had to be extra slim and trim. He wore a size 28 in trousers, he could get into a 26.
He picked up the toast. Elaine saw him turn green at the prospect of eating it. It was time to help him out. She let him put the toast down. She walked around the counter to where he was sitting and spread his legs wide, so that she could stand between them. She loosened his trousers and his shirt and rubbed his taut abdomen, encouraging that tight six pack of muscled to relax and make room for the food behind. She watched Jake's face relax and turn pink again, then she fed him the toast, mouthful by mouthful.
He had done well. He clearly was not used to eating so much, but his belly was barely swollen. She helped him down off the stool. He was so full he was in a lethargic food stupor. This was his first time. She had to be lenient on him. She led him to the bedroom and let him lie down. He couldn't lie on his back because of the wounds she'd inflicted on him. He couldn't lie on his front because the pressure on his belly was so great, so he lay on his side. Pretty soon he was fast asleep.
She left him alone and headed back to the kitchen to prepare his next meal.
Elaine had been unsure about taking Jake on. He was so high profile, whatever he did would cause a media stir. Well no one in the press would predict what she was going to do to him!
She'd deliberately asked him several times if he was absolutely sure he'd do whatever it was that she wanted him to do. He had agreed, but she knew that when he realised her real intentions that he would try to ruin her efforts.
The scales showed that despite his athletic frame, he was two stones underweight for his height. There was hardly any fat on his body at all. She did not see a chiselled jaw and high cheekbones, she saw sunken eyes and sunken cheeks. An extra twenty four pounds would bring him to a normal weight and fill in those hollows. He would look so much better with a bit of meat on his bones.
Her tactics had started in the car. She had learned hypnotism. Men were attracted to her breasts, so she used them to entice her victims into a hypnotic trance. Hypnotism would not make someone do something that they wouldn't do in normal life, but repeated sessions could make her victims change their mind.
Elaine's goal was to change Jake's attitude to food and exercise altogether, forever. It had worked with her ex. He'd left her when he reached 30 stones (420 lbs). They'd met when he'd been a svelte 14 stones (about 200 lbs) and she soon had him bending to her will. Jake would be a lot different and she'd need to put in a lot of hard work to get him anywhere near where she wanted him to be.
She'd started on him in the car. She told him he would do what she wanted him to do. He would bend to her will. Objection was futile. She told him he would feel the hunger that he kept oppressed so much. Every hour, on the hour, his empty stomach would let him know it was there.
His cereal was not just sweet. It didn't just have whole milk poured over it. She supplemented the milk with double cream. His full English was fried in lard. It was all extra unhealthy calories that she wanted his body to get used to and she wanted him to create a craving so that it would demand more.
In the dungeon, she'd put him under again. She told him he liked food now. Food was no longer just a fuel to keep him going between gym sessions. He would never skip meals again. If he did he would feel excruciating hunger. Every session she had with him, she would increase his willingness and ability to eat and decrease his ability and motivation to exercise. She wanted to turn him into a lazy glutton as fast as she could. Then he would really start piling on the pounds!
Her dungeon was another weapon in her armoury. She used discipline and domination to force her victims into bending to her will. It was a tactic she used to push them eating more and more often. It was so much easier to sit down and eat a meal on a comfortable sofa in a nice warm room than it was to stand for hours in a freezing cold dungeon, unable to move and getting thrashed. The threats and punishment only ever occurred in the dungeon though. Sometimes, just the prospect of going into that room of medieval torture would make her victims eat more.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Jenemc 5 years
Aquarius, math machine was referring to an ad by the American insurance company state farm where the ad has a guy named Jake
Aquarius64 5 years
I do not know what you mean math machine.
I am not from a state. I live in the UK.
If you think this is a piece taken from another story called ‘state farm’, you are very mistaken. This is all my own work. The bigger story I mention at the beginning is
Math Machine 5 years
From State Farm?
FrecherTyp 6 years
oh interesting i don´t know but i ust have issed your stories it seems ...

very well written and sexy story and such a long developpement ^^ i lke long stories.....if they are good smiley
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Well-written! I like this story a lot!
T Girl 7 years
like the ending ??? the bady dus not all way win
Built4com4t 7 years
Wonderfully detailed, tantalizing first chapter