
chapter 7

The next morning, Jake felt guilty. He had eaten far too much yesterday. What on earth had come over him? He had even gone to sleep in his running gear! He really needed to get it together today. He changed into another running outfit. He picked up the empty boxes and packed and pushed them into a carrier bag. What a waste! Why had he ordered a second pizza when he knew he was not going to eat it?
He lifted the lid of the pizza box. The cheese had congealed, there were pools of fat around the pepperoni slices, but it still smelled all right. He lifted a slice out of the box. Maybe he would just have one slice before he had his run. Yes it still tasted all right. He settled himself down. He ate the whole pizza for breakfast and washed it all down with the unopened bottle of coke.
He was too full to go for a run now. He'd have a little lie down and a nap right now, he could go for a run later. He had all day, after all.
But he'd forgotten this was the day of his photoshoot for the gossip magazines! Sunshine had to knock on his door to wake him up.
He dashed into the shower and pulled on some clothes. Usually he would spend a lot of time getting ready, but what was the point really? As soon as he got to the venue, the make up artists and hair stylists would be there to make him look beautiful. There would be a stylist there to select clothes for him to wear. All he had to do was to sit while they did their business around him, then pose for the camera. It was easy money!
He was worried that yesterday's indulgences would show, but he saw himself in the full length mirror in the dressing room before the make up artist and stylist saw him. His stomach was still flat. He still had a six pack. He was so glad of his fast metabolism!
The stylist tried several trousers on Jake. She had worked with him before. Usually a size 28 trouser fit him easily, but today, they were just that little bit tighter than usual. She decided to put him in a style that had a looser cut. She gave him a standard fit shirt instead of a slim fit shirt. That way the extra couple of pounds did not show so much. Jake was always so careful with his diet and fitness regime. She hoped he was not letting himself go. She watched him fill up his plate high from the buffet laid on by the magazine. He normally didn't touch the food provided by the caterers. Now he was tucking into, mini quiches, sandwiches, pork pies, crisps and onion bhajis as if he hadn't eaten for a week! She watched him drain a full cup of fizzy orange, burp rudely, then fill his cup up again. If the previous model didn't hurry up, Jake would not fit into those loose fit trousers any more and she would have to choose the next size up!
On the way home in the car, Jake felt uncomfortably full. He loosened the bottom on his trousers and pulled his shirt down to cover up. but he knew he was not putting on weight. He couldn't, he had such a high metabolism. It was probably just the gas from all that pop.
When he got back to the apartment, he could not wait to take off his tight trousers and put on his running shorts. There! That felt better! He considered going to the gym, but thought he'd have a little lie down first. Then he'd go to the gym, or a run, or... his eyes started to close... maybe he'd just have a walk... yes... maybe a short walk... that would be enough exercise for one day, surely, he reasoned as he finally drifted off to sleep.
When he woke, he did manage to go out and take a short walk, straight to the bakers in the high street. This time, he tried other delicacies from the shop, then stocked up at the newsagents.
Later that night, he made the effort to go out, but he did not leave the apartment until much later than usual. He visited his favourite club, but not to get a girl or enjoy the ambiance. He headed straight for the restaurant and ate a three course meal, he drank large volumes of coke, then returned home to finish his stash of cream cakes and more coke, before her drifted off into a stuffed full sleep.
The rest of the week followed a similar pattern. He 'forgot' to exercise, or his procrastinated until he could no longer be bothered to do it. Food was his priority now, not exercise. It wasn't just any old food either. He liked to eat the food that he had denied himself for so long. Food that was high in fat and/or high in sugar. He hated that hungry feeling in his belly that he seemed to be getting more often these days, despite eating more than he had ever eaten.
But still, the effects of all this unhealthy food did not show in the mirror. He had noticed that his trousers were a little tighter to do up, but he blamed Sunshine's washing techniques. She must have put his coloured clothes on a boil wash by mistake and they had shrunk.
On Friday, he didn't want to eat, he didn't want to exercise. He didn't want to do anything, so he stayed in bed. He thought he must be coming down with some kind of bug he felt so lethargic.
Then suddenly, in the mid-afternoon, he got up, had a shower and got dressed without thinking about it. He packed a few clothes and toiletries into a sports bag. He had no idea where he was going when he left the apartment and got into his waiting car with George at the wheel. He supposed it must have been a weekend away that Sunshine had organised and he had forgotten about.
He recognised the semi in the suburbs as soon as he arrived. He wanted George to take him home, but found he could not speak and got out of the car anyway.
He approached the house with a mixture of dread, nervousness, exhilaration and excitement.
Elaine was standing at the door with a kiss to greet him. She invited him in and took him directly to the living area in the cellar.
Even before he took his jacket off, she could see that Jake had changed. He actually looked healthier with his cheeks filled out a little. His trousers were so tight that she was surprised he could even sit down! His slim fit shirt gaped around his middle. He had definitely been doing the homework she had set him!
She knew she should really strip him and take him directly into the dungeon to weigh him and measure him, but she wanted to see how much tighter those trousers could get. She wanted to see him burst out of them!
Last week, he simply didn't have the capacity to eat really big meals. She wanted to see how much that had improved this week. She wanted to stuff him so full and keep him stuffed all weekend, so that next week he could eat even more.
She wanted to continue with her work on bending his will to hers. Last week she'd got him under her spell three or four times. This week she wanted to have five or six hypnotism sessions, helped, as usual by her large wobbly breasts.
Jake hugged her and kissed her. Through his clothes, she could tell he was more soft less bony, but he still had a long way to go.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 years
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Jenemc 5 years
Aquarius, math machine was referring to an ad by the American insurance company state farm where the ad has a guy named Jake
Aquarius64 6 years
I do not know what you mean math machine.
I am not from a state. I live in the UK.
If you think this is a piece taken from another story called ‘state farm’, you are very mistaken. This is all my own work. The bigger story I mention at the beginning is
Math Machine 6 years
From State Farm?
FrecherTyp 6 years
oh interesting i don´t know but i ust have issed your stories it seems ...

very well written and sexy story and such a long developpement ^^ i lke long stories.....if they are good smiley
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Well-written! I like this story a lot!
T Girl 7 years
like the ending ??? the bady dus not all way win
Built4com4t 7 years
Wonderfully detailed, tantalizing first chapter