
chapter 8

He took off his jacket and she made him sit at the table. She poured out a 300ml glass of fizzy coke and served him a small plate of caesar salad. The dressing was extra creamy, the croutons were fried in butter, not grilled and she had not cut the fat off the bacon before she'd fried that.
Jake did not need to be told to eat. He was so hungry, he'd not had a thing to eat all day!
Elaine encouraged him to eat quickly. He should not worry about his manners. The aim was just to get as much into his mouth and into his stomach as possible.
Next, she served him a large steak, with carrots, peas, chips and gravy. She topped up his coke when the level in the glass started to fall.
He pushed large slices of the meat into his mouth. gravy dripped off his fork onto his chin and down his shirt, but it didn't matter if he made a mess. all he had to do was eat and keep eating.
She allowed him to unzip the flies on his trousers, she noted that the button was already undone. He needed as much room as possible so that he could expand to his limit.
His third course was an apple crumble with custard and extra cream and sugar. By now he was feeling quite full, but he continued to shovel large spoonfuls of the pudding into his mouth. If it got too much for him, he took a large swig of coke, then leaned back to take a big burp. The liquid seemed to allow the food settle better.
He leaned back again, his meal complete. He patted his slightly swollen stomach, his muscles were finally relaxing to allow his stomach to distend. He moaned in pleasure. It was time for his first hypnosis session of the weekend.
Elaine made him turn his chair to the side. she knelt down in front of him, making sure he could see her breasts as she deliberately shook them to catch his attention.
"You love this feeling that you have now. This feeling of fullness. You will strive to feel like this as often as possible. You don't like feeling empty any more. You hate feeling hungry. If you don't have anything to eat every four hours, you will start to feel empty. Your hunger will grow and you will not be able to relax until you eat something. As well as your regular three meals a day, you will start to snack in-between as well, just to keep that hunger at bay. You will snack on any food that you can find, but you will prefer to choose the snack with the most calories. You will find that you wake up in the middle of the night hungry as well. Hunger MUST ALWAYS be satiated."
She repeated her little statement three times, rubbing his swollen belly as she did so, before she allowed him to come to.
She allowed him to rest on the sofa. He'd done well so far, but by the end of the weekend he would be able to accomplish so much more!
When he woke, she fed him again until he could hardly move. This time she kept him awake and massaged him belly gently, until he felt slightly more comfortable. She led him to the bed and took off his clothes. He could take off his shirt, but he could not bend to remove anything else. She lay with him, aroused him then mounted him. Sex with Elaine was certainly better that with any of his dolly birds!
She let him doze off again afterwards, but when he woke, she introduced him to her version of a milk shake. The ingredients included ice cream, double cream, weight gain powder, melted chocolate and lots of sugar. She calculated there was about 1,000 calories in a small glass. She didn't want him to have more than that right now. It was still early in his growth. One a day when he was with her was enough. She would wait and see how he managed in the next week before she increased the amount.
Jake had no idea whether it was day or night. All he seemed to be doing was eating, sleeping or dozing and having sex. He always thought exercise gave him a good buzz, but being over full with food was even better. Having sex and having his belly rubbed when he was overfull was even better!
On Sunday night, Elaine allowed him to call George to come and pick him up. She took him into the dungeon, she weighed him, measured him and wrote down the figures without saying anything. She then allowed him to dress and let him to look at himself in the full length mirror that she had in there, hidden behind a velvet blanket. He marvelled at how well his body had coped with the excess of food. What he saw in the mirror was a man with a flat stomach and a six pack. He was still as skinny as he had ever been. In his mind, it was his clothes that had become too small for him. He had struggled to pull his non stretchy trousers. Indeed he had put a hole in the fabric because he had been pulling on his belt loops so hard. He couldn't do up his flies either. His shirt was getting a little tight too.
The reality was, he had put on seven pounds in eight days. His belly stuck out so much that his trousers could not meet. His shirt would be the next casualty because although he could fasten it, around his middle, the buttons gaped widely, the fabric was wrinkled and the bottom of his shirt kept riding up.
It was still only little changes, but this was the foundation of something much bigger.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 6 years
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Jenemc 5 years
Aquarius, math machine was referring to an ad by the American insurance company state farm where the ad has a guy named Jake
Aquarius64 6 years
I do not know what you mean math machine.
I am not from a state. I live in the UK.
If you think this is a piece taken from another story called ‘state farm’, you are very mistaken. This is all my own work. The bigger story I mention at the beginning is
Math Machine 6 years
From State Farm?
FrecherTyp 6 years
oh interesting i don´t know but i ust have issed your stories it seems ...

very well written and sexy story and such a long developpement ^^ i lke long stories.....if they are good smiley
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Well-written! I like this story a lot!
T Girl 7 years
like the ending ??? the bady dus not all way win
Built4com4t 7 years
Wonderfully detailed, tantalizing first chapter