Your growing problem

Chapter 3 - summe cruise 2

Still fairly full from dinner you were still unable to resist the deserts as you began to gobble down the first slice while laying in bed propped up by pillows while watching TV. Halfway through your second slice you began to feel the familiar feeling of your belly being stretched full, but as your bf began to absent mindlessly rub your overtaxed belly while flipping through channels you continued on. Within an hour since the pies arrived you've finished your 3rd slice and you feel so stretched out and heavy that you don't even think you can sit up on your own. Noticing your condition your bf lovingly turns to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek and says he'd hate to see you not finish up, as the last slice looks delicious. With that he grabs the last plate and slowly begins to spoon feed you the last slice as you lay there unable to even focus on the TV thanks to your calorie laden body. You dutifully chew and swallow not wanting to disappoint your man as you struggle and burp your way through the last piece. By the end you begin to drift into a food coma as even your breathing becomes labored due to all the calories in your stretched tummy pressing against your lungs. As the last bite slides down your throat you dare not move a muscle for fear of bursting. Your bf begins to clear the crumbs off your heaving chest and belly as you drift off into a slumber and the last thought you have is thinking how satisfied you feel and yet nervous that if things don't change this cruise will have grave consequences on your waist line.

The first thing you notice when you awake in the morning in the same position you fell asleep, is the size of the small mountain underneath the blankets. Initially thinking there was a pillow under the covers, you lift the covers only to find the top of your own pale fattened belly staring back at you. However, this initial shock is replaced by hungry grumble coming from your stretched gut and as if almost on queue your bf arrives with freshly made donuts and presses one to your lips saying you should have a pre-breakfast snack. As the sweet warm and fluffy donut hits your tongue that familiar dopamine rush fills your brain and all previous thoughts of your shockingly fattened body disappear. As you eat donut after donut while chatting with your man your routine from the previous day begins again. After the first week thoughts of how big you must be getting become less and less frequent as you begin to allow yourself to enjoy yourself while also focusing on classes. Even the weekly shore excursions don't give your fattening body much reprieve as your bf insists on sampling all the exotic food from whatever country you stop on your 6 hours off the boat. You barely even notice as your already enormous meals seem to grow even larger thanks to your belly being stretched larger at almost every meal, not to mention your nightly desert stuffings. As the second month of the cruise begins, you even find yourself sitting at the back of classes near the buffets so you can nibble away between your enormous meals. At this point in the cruise your wardrobe pretty much only consists of flowy sundresses and you wouldn't dare try to slide your fat bloated body into anything else. By the 3rd month you know you've truly become a fat girl as anything more than a flight of stairs has you breathing heavy, luckily there's elevators at every stairwell as you find yourself using them more and more often after large meals. Rarely does an hour go by anymore where your not nibbling away at something or another or so stuffed your practically need your bf's help to stand up. You know your getting huge as you lose site of your feet, or anything past your belly button for that matter, and your ass grows wider than a standard desk chair. Unable to confirm your weight thanks to no scales being on board, as far as you can tell, you continue to enjoy yourself as much as possible, telling yourself you'll slim down your first semester back at school before you have to see your family at thanksgiving. However, witnessing just how much your eating and how fat you've managed to get, your bf knows that will not be happening.

As you waddle off the boat on the final day, your bf trailing behind you enjoying the view of your much fatter jiggling rear-end, you're nervous because you know today's the day you have to get on the scale. When you arrive back at school an hour later your bf can practically hear your greedy belly rumbling from not being fed for over an hour and convinces you to stop by the dining hall first so you get weighed in at the highest and worst number possible before your diet. As you plop down in your favorite booth you notice there is much less room now between your belly and the table as your hefty gut surges forth to cover up half your lap. Additionally your plump rear appears to take up much more room as you see it spread to either side of you. As your bf arrives with your food, he gives your belly a pat and tells you to eat up and enjoy your "last" meal. You begin to eat with enthusiasm as you note that you're gonna miss eating like this as your brain is awash in dopamine from the calorie laden food. You attempt to be modest and eat only 4 plates worth of burgers, fries, chicken tenders, etc, however 4 easily turns to 6 as your average meal now consists of more calories than a normal person eats in a day. Satisfied you slowly waddle back to your room with your bf at your side and to the dreaded scale. After struggling up the stairs your finally face to face with it, as your bf re-assuredly pats your bum and tells you he loves you no matter what. You tentatively step on only to find at your new size the numbers are out of site, hidden beneath your heaving gut. Embarrassed and blushing, you begin to look for a mirror to see the numbers, however realizing your situation your bf is quickly by your side and pats your big belly and tells you not to worry he's got you. With one hand on your bum and one on your belly, he bends down to see past your girth and comes up with a small smile. He pats your belly as he tells you, see its not too bad, you're only 215. Not used to being over 200 you let out a gasp at the number, but then remembered your 3 months of gluttony and are kind of relieved as 25 pounds in 3 months isn't so bad for how much you were eating, thinking you can work this off and then some by thanksgiving. Sensing your relief, he puts his arm around you and suggest you guys start off your diet by getting some exercise in the bed room. Happy that he doesn't mind your size, you quickly agree. As you waddle to the bed. With one of his hands on your expansive ass, your bf looks back at the scale and smiles to himself. Nearly 60 pounds in 90 days, not to bad he thinks to himself, as the readout blinks 248......

To be continued
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 7 years
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GrowingLoveH... 2 years
Really love your writing style. I want more. Haha.
Lurkymcduck 7 years
Any chance of another chapter?
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
smiley how exciting! An update!
PlumpSoftKitty 7 years
Great work!
VBN 7 years
Will you keep writing? I can't wait to hear more about the cruise and coming back home smiley
WayTooThin 7 years
Very nice
Jazzman 7 years
So completely possible and plausible. Love the realism. Please continue.
CaliGainingGirl 7 years
Love it!!! Bring on more asap please!
Growingyoung 7 years
More to come soon if they response is positive!