Big, fat bayside

  By T3a

Chapter 3 - jeff in trouble

As much as Melissa would have loved to rush off with Andrew right away, there was something she had to do first, something unpleasant. Not all of the employees were as hard working and nice as Andrew. Another recent college grad named Jeff had recently been assigned to her team, and had caused nothing but problems from day 1. Jeff had been a varsity athlete, frat boy, and had striking good looks, and the arrogance that comes along with them. He was so used to attention from women that he took it for granted that any girl he spoke to would want to sleep with him. He was rude and vain and acted like the rules didn't apply to him, thinking that all he had to do to get his way was to flash that winning smile at people.

Women wanted his attention, men wanted to be his friend, but Melissa just wanted him to leave her alone. He had started hitting on her almost the moment he had joined the team. She was so obviously disinterested that it drove him crazy, and he had seemed to make it a personal mission to get Melissa to go out with him. Up until now, Jeff had just been a conceited nuisance, but something had recently been brought to her attention that would change Jeff's role in the company, and her life.

She walked into her office to see Jeff sitting in front of her desk as he had been ordered. Her e-mail had been specific enough to let him know that she meant business. Melissa shut the door behind her, secretly savoring the scared look on the smug frat boy's face. Melissa sat down behind her imposing desk and cut right to the chase.

"Jeff, your numbers don't add up. Something you need to tell me?"

Jeff's shocked expression told her everything she needed to know. He had been caught. He couldn't believe it! He thought he had been so clever about covering his tracks! It wasn't like he had been embezzling or committing fraud, right? Just skimming the top of the barrel every once in a while when he needed a little extra to get by. Jeff had expensive tastes, but only a mid-level salary.....the two weren't exactly compatible. He had justified his poor ethical decisions by convincing himself that he was such an asset to the company that he deserved a little reward every now and then. Never thought he would be caught.

Now all he could do was hope for mercy. The unreadable look on Melissa's face gave nothing away about his fate. Jeff was extremely nervous. Melissa resisted the urge to completely verbally crush him and unleash all of the frustration and anger she had been withholding due to his annoying, cocky behavior. Without giving him a chance to answer, she continued. "Ok, here's the deal. You have two choices. Number one: I fire you, sue you for the money you stole from our company, charge you with embezzlement, and effectively destroy any chance you have of getting another job, and you accept a life of menial employment flipping burgers and emptying trash."

Jeff looked like he would pass out from anxiety. Embezzlement?? He never thought of it like that! But she was right, now that Melissa put it that way, he realized that he was in some serious hot water. He imagined having to tell his parents what happened and begging them to move back in. He imagined all his frat boy friends cutting him off and distancing themselves from him. He felt doomed. He never should have taken that money.

Melissa watched all the thoughts going through his head. Good, right where I want him.

"Or," she said, "we have a second choice. You agree to change your behavior, have the money you took gradually deducted from your salary, and I keep you here under a period of observation. But let me tell you: the MINUTE I see you doing anything not totally above board, or talking down to any of the employees, or being rude, then you are out the door with a permanent record. Is that clear?"

Jeff was so grateful for a second chance that he nodded eagerly. "Anything I can do for the company. Thank you so much, ma'am."

"Ok, Jeff. From now on, I had better see nothing but hard work, respect, and consideration for your fellow coworkers. You will be the one emptying the office trash each week instead of Andrew. You'll be responsible for replacing all the paper in the copiers and printers. Delivering the employee's mail. You'll handle any and all tasks I send your way, is that completely clear?"

"Yes ma'am." Jeff hated the idea of being the office bitch, but he knew he would have to put up with it if he wanted to keep his job, and with the threat of a criminal charge help over his head, he knew there was no choice.
"Now," said Melissa, shuffling through some papers, "let's talk about how you plan to repay this money, which amounts to...." She checked her spreadsheet, "wow, Jeff, a little over $22,000. What on earth have you been spending it on?"

Jeff sheepishly admitted to renting a lavish apartment, throwing crazy parties with his friends, getting himself a new iPad and laptop, a personal trainer and an elite fitness club, a motorcycle, clothes, and VIP tables in all the bars. He just felt that the rockstar life was something he was entitled to, and that it was an important part of his image. He figured that throwing money around would get him all the hottest girls, and so far, it had been working.

Melissa made careful notes. "Well, obviously this lifestyle will have to change." And so will some other things, she thought, eyeing his hard muscled body with diabolical pleasure. "Obviously you will have to sell your car and motorcycle, and the ipad and laptop as well. You can keep the clothes, and of course buy yourself a more modest, practical used car, but the expensive gym membership will have to go. No more expensive meals. And we will be taking 10% from every paycheck. I recommend you relocate to a more practical apartment, perhaps with a roommate."

Jeff sighed. He was so depressed. All of the great things he had been enjoying were suddenly gone and he was forced to resign himself to a completely different life of menial office jobs and penny pinching. Still, he knew he was lucky, and that this monastic lifestyle wouldn't have to last forever, just until he paid back the money.

Melissa reached into her desk and withdrew a small bakery bag. "You look stressed. Don't worry, Jeff. I think you have the ability to change. I'll help you adjust to your new situation. Here." She offered him the bakery brownie, which he hesitated before accepting. He wasn't really into eating sweets because of his diet, but he didn't want to seem rude to his boss, who had basically just saved his life.

"Thank you."

"You aren't going to try it?" Melissa watched him waver but then decide to appease his boss and be polite. He took a bite and was surprised to realize how incredible it was. How long had it been since he had eaten sweets?
Melissa stood up. "Ok, you can go home for the night. This weekend I want you to work on selling those things we talked about and show me the receipts on Monday. Try to have a good weekend."

Jeff thanked her again and left the room with downcast eyes. Melissa smiled to see that he was still clutching the brownie as he left.

Ok, business is over, time for fun! She tossed on her coat and headed down to the parking lot to meet Andrew for dinner.
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Zurea 8 years
Keep it up! Love the story so far!
T3a 11 years
Aw! I've been having trouble receiving messages, but I contacted the mediators and hopefully will be resolved soon smiley More to come shortly!!!
T3a 11 years
will definitely have part two soon smiley very excited!
Obsessed 11 years
really enjoyed this read!!
perfect little mixture!! please hurry with some more!!!
T3a 11 years
Aw! You guys are so nice smiley I'm scheming about what happens next, so hopefully new installments soon!!
FrecherTyp 11 years
hehe so perfect some evil plans to fatten up the arrogant athlete and some sweet soft cute ways with the nice guys was really fun to read and even some nice gains on a girl what could one wnat more ^^ :-) I´m very curious for the next chapters ^^
Dragorat 11 years
A very good start.I'm sure Melissa will find a way to take care of AJ after he hears what he did tp Grace.Also looking forward to the changes in the rest of them too.