Big, fat bayside

  By T3a

Chapter 4 - dinner with andrew

They met downstairs and Andrew followed Melissa to the small restaurant. The candlelight and wood paneling created a cozy glow that made Melissa's green eyes glitter and her auburn hair shine like red gold. Andrew was still a little bit in shock that this knockout woman who could have ANY man she wanted had chosen HIM to have dinner with. He had started to sweat out of nervousness. He tried to think of something interesting to say and failed.

Melissa did her best to put him at ease, and after his second glass of wine, he found that his nerves had been calmed. He was actually having a really good time, and found Melissa to be a very engaging conversationalist. He was shocked to see how much food she had ordered, though.

"I ordered all of my favorites so you could try them. I want you to love this restaurant as much as I do! It's really my favorite!" She laughed and served him portions of lasagna, garlic bread, shrimp scampi, antipasto salad, eggplant parmesan, and a gorgeous steak served with blue cheese butter. Because he was eating only a little bit of each dish at once, he didn't realize how much food he had actually consumed. The wine helped dull the pain in his quickly-filling stomach and the charming Melissa distracted him from realizing how full he had gotten. She kept offering him delicate bites of this dish or that dish, and he found that he couldn't refuse her, not that he was complaining. The food really was some of the best he had had. He was thoroughly enjoying himself. As the rush of carbohydrates increased his blood sugar level, he felt almost euphoric.

Melissa's instincts had been right about Andrew: he really enjoyed his food. The little belly he was sporting earlier looked to have swelled to twice its size, straining the buttons on his already-snug work shirt. Melissa made sure his wine glass stayed full and kept offering him little bites of this and that as they traded stories and talked about books and music. He was becoming more comfortable, coming out of his shell. She was overjoyed!

Even more thrilling (and distracting) was the continuing pressure building inside of his tight shirt, stretching a little more with each delicious bite. Melissa began to fantasize. She wondered what that belly must feel like. She imagined reaching over and straddling a very flustered and shocked Andrew, right here in the restaurant. She imagined sitting on his lap with one leg on either side of that great big swollen belly, imagined slowly, tantalizingly sliding one finger in between the gap in his poor, pathetic, straining shirt buttons, feeling the warm, firmly packed gut, that sack of fattening food sitting so heavily in his lap. She imagined him struggling to breathe under the weight of all the delicacies he had been plied with, combined with the weight of Melissa on his lap. She imagined slowly unbuttoning the poor shirt, never to be worn again. Imagined poor Andrew sweating , aroused at being caressed so sensually by such a beautiful woman, his big, full gut rubbing against his stiffening erection, not knowing what to say, not fully understanding what was happening to him.

She imagined that big, stuffed belly exposed to her touch, rubbing it, caressing it, feeling how tightly packed he was. She imagined getting him even more excited through her sensual touch, then leaning down to kiss him, each second turning him on more and more until....

Melissa realized that she was extremely wet. She crossed her legs tightly, feeling the heat flowing from between them. Luckily, Andrew hadn't noticed anything different. He was having such an unbelievable night. He was still in awe that he was actually out on a sort-of-date with his gorgeous boss, and that she seemed to be bringing out the best side of him. He didn't feel awkward, he felt good! Happy! But in the back of his mind, he was afraid that it might all be some sort of joke. He just didn't understand how an average guy who never got any attention from girls before was suddenly out with the woman of his dreams.

Melissa's clever moving and consolidating and re-ordering of the dishes helped distract him from how much food he was consuming, and the wine had dulled his pain receptors, but as h swallowed yet another delicious bite, he realized that his shirt was feeling uncomfortably tight. He tried to wait until Melissa was looking away to inspect his belly. He was shocked to see how big and full it looked, mortified to realize what a pig he had made of himself. Just when he thought things were going so well! He tried to pull his napkin up in his lap to hide the straining shirt buttons, but he only succeeded in drawing attention to his stuffed gut.

Melissa tried to pretend she hadn't noticed his obvious distress. She felt guilty for wanting to laugh at his adorable panic over his shirt buttons, which really did look like they could fly off at any moment. Andrew had been so used to stuffing himself at home in his sweatpants that he hadn't even thought twice about reaching that familiar stuffed feeling tonight, not remembering that he wasn't wearing sweatpants this time. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Poor guy is so embarrassed....he did eat more than I thought he would, though, mmmmm.......delicious. Melissa fought off the urge to grab his belly with both hands and knead it. She laughed to herself as Andrew continued to freak out.

"Ready to go?" she asked innocently, wanting to see how stuffed his big gut would look as he struggled to stand up without popping any buttons. How is he gonna try and hide this? she wondered.

Andrew was sweating with nerves. He knew if he stood up, his boss would see his gross, distended gut. There was no way around it. He was crushed. He had had such an amazing night, and against all odds, it seemed that his boss really liked him. He cursed himself for ruining the best thing that had happened to him. Why couldn't I just have stopped eating? Why did I have to go and act like a disgusting pig? She is going to be so grossed out, and will see what a pathetic loser I am and will NEVER speak to me again! Andrew was close to tears.

Melissa's heart went out to him. She could see he was emotional. "Are you ok?"

Andrew sighed. He couldn't put it off any longer. He pulled the napkin away from his lap and began to stand up, trying not to look Melissa in the eye. Cringing at the inevitable look of disgust that he thought he would find on her face. When he finally did meet her gaze, he was surprised to see that she only looked concerned. "Really, is everything ok?"

Andrew blushed furiously. "Uh, yeah, I guess I ate more than I realized," he mumbled, completely mortified.
Melissa smiled. "No worries, I did too. It's really amazing food, isn't it? I'm so happy you liked it!" She took his hand as they walked outside. Now Andrew was even more confused....what was going on? She was willing to ignore his grossly bloated gut? She was HOLDING HIS HAND??

They reached his car. "I guess this is goodnight," Melissa smiled warmly. "I had so much fun with you. We ought to do this again!" Andrew smiled, still not trusting that Melissa was doing anything more than being polite. "I had a good time, thanks again. Have a good night."

Andrew lowered himself into his car as he watched Melissa get into her own vehicle and drive out of the parking lot. He immediately unbuttoned his pants and shirt, which had mercifully not ripped apart at dinner. He massaged his aching gut where the constricting fabric had squeezed it uncomfortably. He still had no idea what was going on with Melissa, but he allowed himself to acknowledge that he had had a really enjoyable evening, and realized that he was happy for the first time in a long while.

Melissa sped home with a hand between her legs. She was so unbelievably turned on. It was like all of her fantasies had come to life. She longed to grab him, to force her mouth onto his, to manhandle that big, fat gut, to massage every inch of that thickening body, to rub him down with scented massage oil, to hold him in her arms and feed him, stuff him full, fuller than he had ever been in his life. God, I'm such a pervert, she thought, then giggled. Poor Andrew had no idea the effect he was having on her. She knew she had to take things slow to avoid scaring him off or creeping him out, but God it was so hard not to touch his beautiful body. And she hated to admit it, but he was so, SO impossibly cute when he was embarrassed. She wanted to embarrass him even more, when he knew her a little better and would know that she didn't mean it to really hurt him, just to tease him, get him all cute and flustered.

She finally made it home and raced upstairs and threw herself onto her bed, tearing off her blazer and pushing her skirt up over her hips. She was so hot, so close to orgasm, she couldn't work her fingers fast enough. "Oh God...." She rocked her hips back and forth, imagining that she was under Andrew, that he was thrusting into her, with that big, full belly sandwiched in between them. It would cover her lower body, hot and soft and jiggling with their thrusts. She came painfully hard as the thoughts of screwing a big, fat Andrew filled her mind. Melissa's body shook and shuddered as her muscles squeezed her body into orgasmic pleasure.

Afterwards, she lay with a heaving chest and slick, wet thighs. She had never been so turned on. This was a good sign. She couldn't wait until it wasn't just a fantasy anymore.
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Zurea 8 years
Keep it up! Love the story so far!
T3a 11 years
Aw! I've been having trouble receiving messages, but I contacted the mediators and hopefully will be resolved soon smiley More to come shortly!!!
T3a 11 years
will definitely have part two soon smiley very excited!
Obsessed 11 years
really enjoyed this read!!
perfect little mixture!! please hurry with some more!!!
T3a 11 years
Aw! You guys are so nice smiley I'm scheming about what happens next, so hopefully new installments soon!!
FrecherTyp 11 years
hehe so perfect some evil plans to fatten up the arrogant athlete and some sweet soft cute ways with the nice guys was really fun to read and even some nice gains on a girl what could one wnat more ^^ :-) I´m very curious for the next chapters ^^
Dragorat 11 years
A very good start.I'm sure Melissa will find a way to take care of AJ after he hears what he did tp Grace.Also looking forward to the changes in the rest of them too.