Big, fat bayside

  By T3a

Chapter 5 - gracies night out

On the other side of town, Gracie had finished her Friday shift at the bakery and had agreed to meet up with her ex for dinner and a movie. She wasn't sure how she felt about him, but she was really looking forward to getting all dressed up and having a boy lavish attention on her all night. It seemed that ever since she started working at the bakery, she hadn't been turning as many heads as she had in high school. She didn't connect the lack of attention to her slightly rounder body. She had never really been educated about nutrition or maintaining a healthy weight, since she had never really had a problem with it in the past. However, she certainly had a sweet tooth, and her aunt was very liberal with the merchandise, offering her niece snacks and meals on the house. She had noticed her jeans getting a little more snug, but they were stretchy, so as long as they weren't uncomfortable, then she didn't think much of it.

It had been almost 3 months since she had seen AJ. She rifled through her closet and pulled out a pink sundress that he had always liked. She started to pull it down over her head and made it past her soft, inflated C-cup breasts and over her ripe little tummy, but she struggled to yank it down over her hips. What was going on? She took a deep breath, sucked in her tummy, and pulled as hard as she could to get the dress to fit. Finally she succeeded in stuffing her hips and round butt into the too-tight sundress, but she looked like a stuffed sausage. She felt the seams straining across the hips as she looked in the mirror with dismay. Her cleavage was squeezing over the top of the tight neckline and her bellybutton was visible through the stretched cotton.

This doesn't look good at all! She panicked, but there was her phone ringing....AJ was outside waiting. Gracie realized that she didn't have time to change, and doubted that she could even peel the dress off of her squished, swollen hips now anyway, so she just hoped to make the best of it. She swiped on some matching pink lipstick, mascara, and tiny gold hoop earrings before sliding on her strappy white sandals and jogging for the door. Her cleavage bounced distractingly as she trotted out to the car.

Breathless, she hopped into the car beside her surprised ex. "Sorry I kept you waiting, I was changing clothes! How are you?"

AJ was a little shocked to see the outfit his ex had chosen for their date. She was packed into that dress so tightly that she was spilling out of the top of it. The tight, revealing outfit belonged in a nightclub, not in a nice restaurant. He mentally changed his plans for the night. He wasn't comfortable taking Gracie to the nice place that he had originally planned. They chatted and made small talk as he thought about where they should go. He didn't want to be totally cheap and take her to a fast food place. He had promised her a dinner date, after all. There was a country style buffet near the theater that they could go to and still have time to make the movie.

Grace didn't notice AJ's change of plan as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot. She was having a good time catching up, and her normal positive outlook and bubbly personality returned, leaving her body image unhappiness forgotten. They were seated and given their plates. "Enjoy!" said the waitress. AJ, being a very athletic guy with a quick metabolism who hadn't eaten all day, returned with a plate piled high with food of all types. Gracie followed his lead, not thinking that his portions should be much bigger than hers, a sedentary girl who had been snacking all day. She wasn't even that hungry, but she was in the habit of eating, and she was enjoying her time with AJ. Also, the food was delicious.

AJ was shocked to see that Gracie piled her plate just as high as he had. What has been going on with this girl? He thought as he watched her blissfully stuff her face. The tight dress seemed to grow even more constricting and sausage-like as the dinner went on. AJ was in transfixed at the site of Gracie happily flirting and chatting and giggling adorably in between big bites of steak, bacon cheddar mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pasta salad, stuffed mushrooms, garlic bread, and chicken wings. She was really packing it in there! He could barely believe his eyes. This girl had really let herself go and she had no clue what she was doing to herself. Clearly she was no longer the girl he had dated in high school.

It was no wonder she couldn't squeeze her *** into those clothes with the way she's feeding her face! He sneered cruelly. He had hoped to get back with Gracie to make another girl jealous, but he saw that she would never work for that purpose. This whole date was a mistake. He grumbled to himself. He decided that after dinner he would just take her home. He had no desire to sit through a movie with her now that he had seen what she was like. If he kept eating like that she was gonna get as big as a house in no time! He thought of a cruel prank to embarrass her.

"Hey Gracie, I'm gonna bring you some dessert, ok?"

Gracie was huffing and puffing after her big meal, not realizing how much she had eaten and how difficult it was to breathe in that too-tight dress. She started to fear she had really overdone it, but AJ was being so sweet, how could she say no? She could always take a tiny bite and then leave the rest on her plate.

Gracie's eyes widened as she saw the plate he returned with. A slab of thick cheesecake covered in a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream, a thick slice of chocolate cake, and a flaky piece of apple pie drizzled in caramel. It all looked so delicious, but was too much! Her packed tummy reminded her of how full she already was. "Wow, AJ, that's way too much!"

"Oh I think you can handle it. And you better finish it all, cause desert cost extra and I already paid for it," he lied. He wanted to see that fat cow stuff her face with all this junk. He wanted to see her fat belly burst the seams of that overstuffed dress.

Gracie felt that something was different, but she couldn't figure out what it was. She had no idea how she would finish off that whole plate of food, and she was starting to worry that her dress might actually rip! Her breasts were heaving as she struggled against the confines of the dress.

"What, don't you like dessert?" AJ mocked her hesitance. "Here," he said, scooping up a big bite, "I'll help you." Gracie was more than a little confused as to why he was acting weird, but she didn't want to disappoint him. For whatever reason, he really wanted her to have dessert, which she supposed was sweet of him? She was beginning to have her doubts.

AJ smiled as he started to feed her the fattening foods, and she did her best to keep up with him, but he started going faster and faster, and she couldn't keep up. Ice cream dripped down her chin and chocolate icing smeared around her mouth. AJ laughed at the total pig she was making of herself, but Gracie misinterpreted it as a sweet, playful laugh, and felt more at ease.

Maybe this isn't so bad, she thought, as the sugar and delicious flavors lit up the pleasure centers in her brain. She didn't realize the dangerous pressure against her belly as it pushed more and more against the dress, inflating with sweet dessert. She had finished the cake and ice cream, and was working on the caramel apple pie and cheesecake when all of a sudden, the dress gave way with a loud RRRRRIP!!

Gracie immediately froze in motified shock....her dress had just split open!!! She stared down at her grossly distended belly in shock, not realizing how big and full it was without the dress keeping it compressed tightly. Now it was so round and bulgingly inflated that she looked like a beach ball.

AJ laughed again at her shock. "How are you surprised??" he taunted. "How did you not know you would come bursting out of that dress with the way you were stuffing your fat face?? You are disgusting! Who eats that much? I know you ate wayyyyyy past the point of feeling full. You addicted to food? You want to grow a big, fat gut? I can't believe we used to date. Your body is so disgusting nobody will even look at you now."

Gracie burst into tears.

AJ continued. "Oh, you're gonna cry now? probably gonna go home and cry on the couch and feel sorry for yourself and keep shoving food down your throat, you fat, ***. Look how stupid you look, a big, sad, sack of fat who can't even keep her clothes together around her big, fat gut. Hee, might as well finish this cheesecake too."

He picked up the giant piece of cheesecake and shoved it into Gracie's face, wiping it all over her bulging breasts and exposed belly. "You fat slug." he laughed as he stood up to leave, wiping his hands on the torn dress hanging off of gracie's belly.

The waitress found her alone in the booth sobbing, covered in cheesecake with her belly hanging out. Gracie was crying so hard that she couldn't even talk. The concerned waittress rifled through gracie's purse until she found her cell phone. She dialed the first number she saw, "MELISSA."

"Hi, this is Claire and the Country Buffet. There's a girl here who's in some trouble, could you or someone she knows come pick her up? I can't get a word out of her."

Melissa recognized Gracie's cell ohone number and wondered what could have happened to her young friend. "Sure, I'll be right there."
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Zurea 8 years
Keep it up! Love the story so far!
T3a 11 years
Aw! I've been having trouble receiving messages, but I contacted the mediators and hopefully will be resolved soon smiley More to come shortly!!!
T3a 11 years
will definitely have part two soon smiley very excited!
Obsessed 11 years
really enjoyed this read!!
perfect little mixture!! please hurry with some more!!!
T3a 11 years
Aw! You guys are so nice smiley I'm scheming about what happens next, so hopefully new installments soon!!
FrecherTyp 11 years
hehe so perfect some evil plans to fatten up the arrogant athlete and some sweet soft cute ways with the nice guys was really fun to read and even some nice gains on a girl what could one wnat more ^^ :-) I´m very curious for the next chapters ^^
Dragorat 11 years
A very good start.I'm sure Melissa will find a way to take care of AJ after he hears what he did tp Grace.Also looking forward to the changes in the rest of them too.