Sentenced to obesity part 2

Chapter 2 - ginas new life part 1

Bright sunlight wakes her, and Gina looks around, the familiar surroundings of her small apartment bedroom convincing her for a moment to doubt the reality of her memories of her ordeal. She gets of bed, surprised to find herself naked, and heads to her closet. Opening the door she pauses for a moment to examine herself in the mirror. Her 5'4" form, always trim and athletic, retained its form, her narrow hips giving her a slightly boyish look, but she noticed subtle but distinct changes. Where her thighs had once been tight and defined, she now felt pads of fat, both on the outsides, but also the insides. She had never felt the sensation of her inner thighs rubbing against one another as she walked. She looks at her waist, a distinct muffin-top alongside a rounded paunch. Not dramatic, but noticeable. Her breasts feel heavier, and as she cups them she she feels their new heft for the first time. Reaching into her closet she pulls out some panties, a bra, and some jeans. Slipping on the panties she is surprised to find they barely fit her, and that they pinch her as the fat on her hips overflows them. She pulls up her jeans, struggling to close them, eventually managing to wriggle into them, pulling up the zipper, and by holding her breath she manages to get the button closed. Her sigh of relief turns to one of despair as the button pops off, the jeans coming open as her belly's paunch bursts out of them.
She struggles out of them again, pulling on her bra, which no longer fits her at all, her plumper globes spilling comically out of the small fabric cups. Tossing it aside she reaches into the closet, pulling out a loose sun-dress, slipping it over her head. She adjusts it, trying to make it fit her, but her heavy breasts sway distracting as she moves in it, and the dress is humiliatingly revealing. Just as she is about to take it off and try again, her doorbell rings.
Going to the door and arranging the fabric of the dress to be as concealing as possible, she puts on the security chain and opens the door a few inches. "Hi! It's me - Tom." Says the man on the other side. She recognizes him as one of her neighbors, a hardware engineer who has always been kind to her in the past, but whom she had dismissed as undatable, largely because he was overweight and quite unattractive. "How are you doing?" He enquires. "When you disappeared we all assumed the worst - you know - people don't escape from execution or the torture camps."
"No - I - I'm fine." She says, flustered. "I'm fine." She remembers having been quite rude to him in the past, telling him in no uncertain terms that she was not interested in dating him after he had approached her several times to ask her out.
"So, they let you go? That never happens - hey why don't you let me in, maybe I can help you?"
"N-no - no thanks - I'm fine. I don't need anything, thanks." She is frightened of her new needs, and also irritated that Tom will never leave her alone - always offering to help her, asking if she needs anything.
"Oh wait, no, they didn't just let you go, did they? They gave you one of the new experimental neuro-punishmnets didn't they? Which one did they give you?" Tom smiles as he asks, and Gina wonders whether he has guessed.
"NO - please leave me alone" she says, slamming the door on the man.
"OK!" She hears him call out to the closed door, but you know where I am if you need anything!".
Shaken by the sudden intrusion on her situation, she is suddenly aware of how hungry she is. She goes to her refrigerator, opening it, distraught to find nothing in it. The idea of the corner store occurs to her, she can stock up there, and she looks around for her handbag, opening it and looking for cash for cards, finding them gone. "Shit." No food. No money. What now? She is feeling ravenous, and simultaneously beginning to feel turned on. She is aware that she can smell the musky scent of the secretions from her vulva, and realizes that other people will be able to smell her arousal too. She quickly thinks through her options. She can go to the store, and beg for credit - they will recognize her, and might give her some things on trust, but the thought of the humiliation of that is too much. She could call one of her friends, and try to get them to help her. That's it. She picks up her phone, but there is no ring-tone. 'No Credit' says the screen. "Shit." That leaves. Tom.
Out of options, she puts on a coat over her dress, and steps out of her apartment, down the hall to the door she knows is his. Steeling her courage she knocks, waiting what seems like an interminable time, her hand wandering to her pussy, rubbing distractedly, but without effect. She realizes what she is doing in time for the door to open, and smiles coyly as Tom opens the door. He must be 250 pounds, she thinks as she looks at him, a faded T-shirt over huge jeans. She remembers why she never wanted to speak to him - being that overweight means only one thing - a genetic code so messed up as to make it unfixable, and to make the owner untouchable and undesirable.
"Oh, hi!" He says. "What can I do for you?"
"I - I'm out of food." Gina almost whispers. "I-I wondered whether I could borrow some. I-I'll pay you back."
"Oh, no need - come in - you're welcome to eat here."
"Oh no, I don't want to bother you, I just need -"
Tom cuts her off. "I know what you need Gina. I've been researching, and there are only a couple of things that they could have done to you that wouldn't be obvious. Come on in and tell me all about it, and you can have something to eat."
Gina flushes with embarrassment. Surely they can't have publicized the punishment she had been given? She was hoping to be able to hide her torments, to try to live a normal life, but already someone had uncovered her secret. Realizing she has no choice, she slunk into Tom's apartment, closing the door behind her.
"So - what do you feel like? I have some pizza left over, or I can cook for you?"
"I'd love the pizza." Gina blurts out, realizing immediately that she sounded a little too eager. Tom points to the table where a huge cardboard box with half a cold pizza sits. Gina tries to appear nonchalant, but her hunger is too much, she sits down and picks up a large slice, consuming it in almost a single bite. Her body responds to the food, flushing with endorphins, rewarding her with an immediate pleasure high, but no reduction in appetite.
"Here - you look hot - let me take your coat." Says Tom, reaching behind her and lifting the coat. She reacts instinctively, letting him take the coat, realizing as she raises her arms that he can see her breasts down her light dress as he stands above her. The thought passes as her attention returns to the pizza. Tom sits down opposite her as she reaches for her fourth slice. "Wow - you are hungry, aren't you?" He smiles. She nods, her mouth full of pizza, her hand already reaching for another slice, the last but one.
Tom sits quietly watching her, a slight smile on his face as she consumes the pizza, obviously embarrassed by her hunger, but unable to slow down her eating. As the takes the last piece, Tom sits back, his hands behind his head, and watches more intently.
"Is that better?" He asks, as she finishes the last slice. Gina nods, trying to hide that fact that it has barely scratched the surface of her hunger.
"D-Do you mind if I just borrow some groceries?" Gina asks again, a little nervously.
"Why yes, actually," Tom smirks, "I do. You're welcome to eat as much as you like here though."
"Damn it," she thinks, "he knows..." and tries to breath steadily to settle her need, her pussy moist and throbbing with arousal, her stomach rumbling with a need to be filled.
Tom allows the uncomfortable silence linger for a moment, then asks, smiling gently "So. Gina. What did they do to you? It certainly seems like you have an appetite, no?"
Gina squirms uncomfortably, not meeting Tom's gaze. "Nothing." She says, looking at the empty pizza box. Nothing, they let me go."
"I see." Tom says, still smiling. "Is there anything else I can get for you Gina?"
"Um, yes, I-I'm pretty hungry." She stammers, trying not to sound as desperate as she is.
"I have some salad greens you could have?" Says Tom slyly, "Unless there's something else you want?"
"D-do you have something, I don't know, more - substantial?" Gina asks nervously, unsure of where Tom's teasing is leading.
"I have some pasta in the fridge." He replies, "But you're going to have to come clean about what they did to you to get it."
After what seems like an age of deliberation, she nods slightly, looking longingly at the fridge, she suddenly becomes aware that under the table her legs are spread wide apart, her pussy instinctively exposed, subconsciously seeking stimulation that she is unable to give it.
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Fredi 10 years
Biddygal 10 years
needs more )
Nok 11 years
the story is awsome.
your writing reminds me of a combination of anne rice and tolkien.
and I can't for the life of me figure out your style.
Where did you come from?!