Sentenced to obesity part 2

Chapter 3 - ginas new life part 2

She closes her legs self consciously, and Tom smiles, lifting his heavy form from the table and walking slowly to the refrigerator, bringing back a large serving bowl full of pasta covered with creamy sauce. "Would you like me to heat it?" He asks?
"N-no - no thank you - I'll just eat it from the bowl if that's alright."
"OK." Smiles Tom, "But you're going to tell me all about it while you eat, or there's no more, you understand?"
Gina nods - careful not to snatch the bowl from Tom, and taking the offered fork begins to eat hungrilly, her back hunched to bring her face close the the bowl. Tom raises his eyebrows, catching Gina's eye as she shovels the pasta into her mouth, and she nods, beginning to speak.
"I-I don't know where to start." She begins between mouthfuls. "I'm so confused - I don't understand it! I don't know what I did to deserve this, I just want it to go away, to be normal again!" Tom nods, encouraging her to continue, and she begins to relate her ordeal to him, speaking between gulps, not caring that her mouth is full as she talks. "They - they did something to my mind, deep inside me, not just my mind, my whole body - Tom they changed so much about how my body responds, the things I like, the things I need, how I feel, it's like my body isn't mine any more!"
"Go on..." Tom says slowly, smiling as he watches Gina shovel down the food.
"I- they - they gave me an enormous appetite - I need to eat so much - I'm hungry all the time Tom!"
"Yes I'd heard that was part of it, but there's more, isn't there?" She nods, avoiding his eye contact, ashamed to admit her desires to him, humiliated by her helplessness as she continues to eat, fearing what will happen to her as it begins to dawn on her that food is not going to satisfy her needs.
"Tom they, they changed my body - what it feels like, what it responds to - what I need. I can't say it Tom - it's too much. Its too horrible." She begins to sob, tears falling from her eyes as she stuffs the last of the pasta into her mouth, wiping the cream from her lips with the back of her hand as she wipes away tears with the other.
"There there." Says Tom, getting up again, this time to stand behind her, gently massaging her shoulders, trying to sooth and comfort her.
"Please. No, Tom, I - please stop, I-"
"You what, Gina?" Asks Tom, not stopping his gentle kneading of the flesh on her upper back through the thin fabric of her sundress.
"I-I need, I mean I feel - I don't know, I mean they changed me. My body, it wants..." Unable to continue, Gina realizes that her legs are wide apart under the table once more, her pussy hungry for stimulation, moist and inflamed with need. She wonders whether Tom can smell the scent of her arousal, detect the pheromones her body is producing. He continues to rub her shoulders, his fingers sliding under the spaghetti straps of her dress, caressing her collar bone and the gentle curve of her neck. She gasps, her breathing shallow and irregular.
"No!" She calls out - pushing her chair backwards, getting up from the table, pushing Tom away. "No - please not that."
"What?" Says Tom - his playful tone replaced with genuine offense. "What is it?"
"I - I don't want that - not - not with you."
"Oh, I see, and why would that be?"
"It's just, I'm - I'm sorry - I'm just not attracted to you - you're - well, you're - you know."
"I'm what?" Asks Tom, visibly more annoyed.
"You're, well, you're - you're you know - fat." The word hangs in the air for a moment, and then Tom laughs out loud.
"Yes, Gina, yes I am. And here's what's so delightful about your punishment - in case you haven't noticed, you're already a little heavier than when you left, and at this rate you're going to be pretty fat in no time at all. You can leave now if you want, and go back to your empty apartment - at least I assume it's empty, since you're here. On the other hand, you can stay, and we can see what I can do to help you out. You choose."
Gina stood there, suddenly aware that she was wearing only her ill-fitting sun-dress, her body straining against in in unfamiliar ways. Her stomach feeling a strange combination of stretched and bloated and yet still ravenously hungry, her pussy wet with need, itching for relief. How long she stands there, she does not know, but after a few moments she realizes that she has let her mind wander, her head feeling thick with sensations. She notices with embarrassment that after adjusting herself in the dress her hand has lingered on one of her breasts, gently kneading the soft flesh, idly cupping it as a series of thoughts and sensations fill her head. She moves it self-consciously to her side, aware of Tom's smiling gaze, trying to focus her thoughts, to remember what she was doing, but the feeling of hunger is acute now, an ache in her belly that will not relent, and her mind is drawn to the sensations her body is feeling. Her pussy craves stimulation, her hand brushing her crotch, straightening the fabric of her dress, stroking the triangle of her sex.
"Tom?" She says, uncertain. "I - I feel a little feint. I-I think I need to lie down, rest a little. It's - it's so hot in here." She sways, one hand resting on her pussy, the feeling comforting to her even though it offers her no gratification, her other drifting back to her breast as Tom takes her by the arm, leading her to the bedroom, and lowers her on the bed. "S-so hot.. So hungry..." She moans, lying back, her eyes closed. Tom watches her, amusement turning to concern as she lays there, her eyes closed, rubbing distractedly at her pussy, weakly massaging her breast with her other hand, moaning softly.
"Gina - do you need something?" He asks.
"I-Ice-cream." She mutters. "Chocolate ice-cream please." Her words are weak and faltering, her whole body lacking muscle tone.
"OK." Tom says, going back to the kitchen to search the freezer. Pretty sure he has some, he pulls out spoons and a family size tub of chocolate caramel ice-cream from the back of the freezer, discarding the lid in the trash. "I guess we won't be needing to re-seal this..." He thinks, pausing for a moment to grab a reel of duct tape from by the trash can.
When he returns to the bedroom Gina is desperately rubbing herself, her legs wide apart, her dress pulled up to expose her thighs and crotch, one hand energetically rubbing her pussy while her other hand plays with her breasts, which have spilled out of the top of her dress. Apparently dimly aware of Tom's return, she begins to babble incoherently, begging him for help. "I'm so hungry. Please help me - please! I need help, they took away my - I mean I can't - I can't feel myself. I need to be touched but I can't do it myself."
"So, you need sexual attention, but they changed your body to not respond to your own touch? That's pretty mean..." Smiles Tom. "Take off your dress and let's see what we can do."
"Oh no!" Gina protests, suddenly seeming to regain some dignity and awareness, sitting up against the headboard and hurriedly pulling her dress back into position. "Please, no, don't make me, I'm..."
"You're what, Gina?" He asks, slowly dipping a spoon into the chocolate ice-cream tub and luxuriously taking it into his mouth, taking his time to enjoy the mouthful, licking his lips noisily.
"Oh - please! Let me have some!" She garbles, her eyes suddenly transfixed by the tub. "I want it Tom - I want it so much! Don't do this to me, please!"
"Then off with your dress, Gina. You can have a mouthful when you take it off."
"Please I'm not, I mean, my body, it's not... I'm embarrassed Tom, my body, it's - its different. I feel - I feel fat and ugly, and I haven't shaved for weeks - I'm - you know... Please, don't make me." Gina looks down demurely, her voice unsteady, her breathing deep and labored as she tries to contain the need within her.
Tom stepped forward, digging the spoon back into the carton, holding it out to her. "Gina, I won't ask you again, take off your dress. I suggest that you start doing as you are told. I'm not unkind, Gina, but I won't stand for disobedience from you."
"W-what?' Gina splutters. "You - you can't talk to me like that - I."
"OK." Says Tom, eating the spoonful of ice-cream, and turning his back to leave the room.
"No - wait! Please wait!" Gina calls, a note of fear in her voice. "OK - please - I'll do it." Kneeling on the bed, she pulls the sundress up over her head, placing it down beside her, and kneeling back on her haunches, her body hunched, her arms crossed in front of her chest in modesty, and her head hung in shame.
"Well now Gina, that's a start, but do you think that that is the right position? Kneel upright." Gina continues to look down, and sobs gently as she considers her options, knowing that she is completely trapped, and slowly straightens her back, conscious of how vulnerable her naked body is, unused to having it on display, ashamed to be seen overweight and unshaven. She looks down at her once tight abdomen, observing the slight pudgy bulge that has taken its place, and the subtly thicker thighs and hips that feel almost alien to her, not how she thinks of herself.
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Fredi 10 years
Biddygal 10 years
needs more )
Nok 11 years
the story is awsome.
your writing reminds me of a combination of anne rice and tolkien.
and I can't for the life of me figure out your style.
Where did you come from?!