Sentenced to obesity part 2

Chapter 4 - ginas new life part 3

"Good, good..." Says Tom, his smile broadening.
"P-please..." Gina murmurs, without looking up. "Please may I -- I'm so hungry."
"Yes, Gina, of course - now don't move your body - lift your head up, open wide..." Tom places a large spoonful of ice cream into Gina's mouth, the act of being fed makes her feel even more vulnerable and humiliated, but she knows she is powerless to resist. As the spoon enters her mouth she feels a shiver of pleasure throughout her body, her mouth salivating, her brain's pleasure centers lighting up, her pussy twitching with a tingling, teasing sensation. She closes her eyes, completely absorbed in the reward, trying desperately to quell the rising need for more that the taste has awoken in her. She shivers in need, her arms wrapped tightly around her breasts even as she feels her nipples tighten and harden, craving the attention that she cannot give them.
"Is that good?" Tom asks. Gina nods, swallowing her shame as she makes eye contact with him, his grin reinforcing the indignity of her plight. "OK, now I need you to spread you knees apart before your next spoonful."
"What? No-no please don't, I- please, leave me some dignity!"
Tom shakes his head slowly. "Gina, I need you to understand that I want immediate obedience from you. Now spread you legs, or there will be trouble."
Gina's body shakes, fear and need mingling in her, trying to overcome her embarrassment and discomfort. She lowers her face, not able to meet Tom's gaze, and slowly spreads her knees apart, revealing her most intimate area to his gaze. Tom notices the dense mat of dark hair where once he imagines her neatly shaved labia. As her thighs separate he observes how the hair covering her triangle also rises a little towards her belly button, and a little down the inside of each inner thigh. The hair is matted and unkempt, her outer pussy lips obviously engorged, separating slightly and exposing the soft pink of her inner flower, the nub of her clitoris evident as it nestles in the top of her vaginal cleft. Gina's mind is racing with feelings of panic, humiliation, and shame, and the thought crosses her mind that Tom must be able to smell the strong musky scent of her engorged sex. She can feel her lips swelling with desire, slick with moisture and darkened with extra blood flow. She closes her eyes, the muscles of her vagina clenching involuntarily at the thought of Tom's lascivious stare, simultaneously wanting him inside her and disgusted at the idea.
"Well done Gina." Says Tom, moving to kneel in front of her, offering another spoonful of ice-cream as she lifts her head and opens her mouth to accept it, her body spasming involuntarily at the sensations it provokes. She moans softly, her hands caressing her breasts, her hips moving slightly, seeking relief from the rising tide of need. Her breathing is faster, shallower, and she looks at Tom, her eyes pleading for another spoonful, her mouth open in expectation.
"Oh no, Gina, I need you to put your hands down by your side now." Gina whimpers, realizing her last vestige of dignity is being stripped away, and slowly lowers her arms, letting her breasts hang free. She feels their pendulous weight, unfamiliar in the way that they hang slightly now, creating a small fold underneath them unlike the perky globes she is used to. She flushes, seeing the tight erect nipples betraying her arousal, and wanting to hide herself from Tom, but knowing that by exposing herself she brings herself closer to more of the rich reward she needs.
She looks longingly at the tub of ice-cream, kneeling, legs wide open and exposed, bare breasts hanging free, her arms limp at her side, breathing fitfully and shaking with fear and need. "P-please Tom." She stammers. He nods approvingly, spooning another mouthful of the ice-cream into her mouth as her spine arches involuntarily at the overwhelming sensations wracking her body, a whimpering cry of need accompanying her spasms. Tom admires her breasts as they are pushed forward, and her pussy, thrust downward by her bucking hips, and smiles in anticipation.
"Now Gina, I want you to touch yourself for me, and tell me how it feels while you are doing it. And Gina - if I hear any arguments from you you can forget about any more food for today. Understand?" Gina pauses for a moment, her conscious mind mortified at the idea of touching herself in front of anyone, let along Tom, but terrified of the idea of not being able to satisfy her cravings. She thinks for a moment about whether she could get past Tom, grab her dress, and get out of the apartment and back to hers. Probably not, she guesses, but even then, she would have no better options.
"I-Where do you want me to touch myself?" She stammers, hoping vainly that she might have misunderstood what he is asking. Tom smiles, taking another spoonful of ice-cream himself, and gesturing to her crotch with his eyes. She sobs softly, lowering her head to avoid looking at him, then slowly moves a hand from her side to the hairy triangle of her pussy. She cups it, feeling the strange sensation of being able to feel the soft folds of her vulva, the furry covering of hair, the moist, slippery lubrication of arousal, but not feeling the reciprocal stimulation on her ***. She slides a finger inside, tracing her slit from bottom to top, her body strangely and agonizingly unresponsive to the very thing that every cell in her body is screaming that it needs. "I-Tom-I don't feel anything. Tom they changed me, I can't, I mean, I don't feel a thing Tom - please help me!" She sobs, continuing to rub her pussy less out of obedience than the physical insistence that there must be some mistake, that she might be able to satiate herself if only she tries hard enough.
"They really did a number on you..." mutters Tom, spooning another mouthful of ice-cream into her mouth as she sobs, the rush of pleasure making her frustration worse.
"Tom - please, please don't make me beg Tom." Gina whispers. "I need help, I can't give myself what I need. Tom please, have some compassion, don't humiliate me more."
Tom nods. "You told me that, but I don't think I really believed it. Here. Let me help you." Tom takes her hand, moving it gently away from her pussy, and brushes her pussy lightly with his fingers, raising an eyebrow at the lack of response from Gina.
"No - I - I need you to - I mean my pussy - it needs chocolate too."
Gina's heart sinks as a wide grin spreads across Tom's face, and he moves to position himself behind Gina, reaching for the duct tape. Petrified, unable to move or resist, Gina simply allows herself to hang limp, unable to believe what is happening to her as Tom pulls her wrists behind her and wraps a length of duct tape around them, securing her arms behind her back, forcing her shoulders back and her tits forward.
"Please..." she mutters. "Please, I'll do anything for you, but please help me." Tom pushes her gently backwards onto the bed, taking a large spoonful of ice cream in him mouth, and bringing his face right up to hers, his body heavy on hers, her frightened eyes filled with need, then kissing her deeply, pushing the ice cream out of his mouth and into hers as she gasps in surprise and shock at the kiss. She moans and bucks involuntarily, hungrily accepting the ice-cream from Tom's mouth as his tongue probes her mouth.
Tom pulls away from the kiss, kneeling between her legs as he takes another huge mouthful of the ice-cream, before lowering his head to her pussy. Gina sighs in horror and desire as Tom places his mouth over her wet, hairy pie, gently pushing the ice-cream into her cleft with his tongue, massaging the rich, cold food into her labia with his lips. Gina bucks at the shock of the cold, and at the wave of pleasure that crashes over her as her pussy is jolted into a cascade of sensations.
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Fredi 10 years
Biddygal 10 years
needs more )
Nok 11 years
the story is awsome.
your writing reminds me of a combination of anne rice and tolkien.
and I can't for the life of me figure out your style.
Where did you come from?!