Sentenced to obesity part 2

Chapter 5 - ginas new life part 4

Gina cries out as the intensity of the stimulation on her pussy overwhelms her, drowning her conscious mind with feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. The warm rough feeling of Tom's tongue probing and massaging her labia and clitoris as the shocking cold of the ice-cream recedes, the sticky residue activating and amplifying the messages of reward and need that the nerves in her pussy are screaming to her inundated brain.

Her body spasms uncontrollably, her hips grinding in need, inviting Tom's mouth to unite in one sweet, sticky melding of hungry, needful flesh, her restrained arms unable to reach for his head to push it further down. Suddenly the sensation is removed, and she cries out in desperate need and frustration, thrashing helplessly as she begins to plead incoherently for more stimulation.

She looks at Tom, sitting up between her parted legs, surveying her naked and vulnerable body, and begins to sob even as her body is still writhing lasciviously, searching for stimulation. She sees Tom's face change, his playful look of amusement replaced with one of compassion, and desire. Stripping off his clothes, revealing his sweaty overweight body, Gina is astounded that she responds instantly, her pussy flushing with blood-flow and sensation, her nipples tightening with arousal.

"*** me Tom." She pleads through her tears. "Please *** me. I'm lost Tom - please, I can't control it, I'll do anything, but please, please *** me now."

Tom smiles at her, his hard cock only inches from her wet and swollen pussy as her body wriggles, trying to push herself towards him. "It's ok Gina, I understand. Just tell me what you want."

"Oh Tom, thank you, thank you for not making it worse for me. Thank you!" She garbles. "Please, let me eat from the ice cream while you *** me in the ass, and please, please, touch my pussy, and smear it with ice-cream while you do it!" Tom smiles broadly in astonishment, and Gina winces at the act of having spoken the words. Guiding Gina's body with his hands Tom un-tapes her wrists, positioning her on all fours, the tub of ice-cream at her head, and positions himself between her legs, holding her quivering hips with his hands as his cock, rigid with excitement, presses urgently against her pussy. No bothering to search for the spoon Gina scoops a handful of ice cream into her mouth, then moves her hand down to her pussy to wipe the sweet cream on her pussy, and grasp Tom's insistent cock, guiding it first against her wet, lubricated sex, then holding it in her fist while she positions her hips to place the head of his penis against her anus.

Not wanting to let go of his penis, she drops her head down, using her free hand to grab the ice cream tub, and begins to lap like an animal at the melting fluid while she slowly pushes her hips back and forth, gently masturbating Tom's cock with her hand, guiding his inexperienced penis to penetrate her tight hole. Oblivious to everything except the need for sensation, she slurps greedily at the ice scream like a sow at a trough while she grunts in satisfaction and need as she tugs Tom's eager cock, positioning it against her anus as she thrusts with her hips, gasping in sudden pain and fulfillment as he enters her, beginning to *** her ass as he reaches forward to grasp her tits, swinging below her with the motion of her body as Tom slams deeper into her. She is caught up in the tidal wave of need and pleasure as she gulps the chocolate, feeling her body respond instinctively to being ***ed in the ass. Her hand leaves Tom's cock, reaching instead for the ice-cream, grabbing another glob with her fingers, and reaching back to spread it lewdly on her sopping and sticky pussy, rubbing herself shamelessly as she orgasms again and again, blinded by the power of her conditioning.

Slowly she comes to, realizing she has passed out, a sense of warmth and wellbeing, her body bathing her brain in the rewarding endorphins of a job well done. She sighs deeply, sitting up as she realizes she is sticky all over with smeared chocolate. Disoriented for a moment, the sense of wellbeing is gradually replaced by disgust as she remembers her depraved and uncontrolled behavior.

She rises from the bed, sticky, sore, but fulfilled, grabbing a sheet from the bed for modesty, and calls out for Tom - but there is no response. She leaves the room, heading for the kitchen, and sees a note on the kitchen table. Reading it, her heart sinks...
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Fredi 10 years
Biddygal 10 years
needs more )
Nok 11 years
the story is awsome.
your writing reminds me of a combination of anne rice and tolkien.
and I can't for the life of me figure out your style.
Where did you come from?!