Big, fat bayside 2!!!

  By T3a

Chapter 2 - hot tub time

Hearing the girls making their way down the stairs, Melissa quickly pulled open the heavy steel refrigerator door and gasped to see the array of ready-made hors d'oeuvres and desserts the chef had left behind for the weekend, just in case. She smiled, tucked the champagne under an arm, and hoisted several heavy trays out of the fridge. Tonight was clearly all about Gracie, but there was no reason that Melissa shouldn't get a little enjoyment out of it as well.

She walked outside to the private pool just in time to see that the girls had already made it out there and were sitting in the hot tub with the jets turned on. The sky was dark by this point, so the lights of the pool and hot tub illuminated Carmen's cleavage most enticingly above the bubbling water. Melissa stuck her tongue out at Carmen, who laughed and invited her to get in as well.

Gracie was feeling so much better. Carmen had convinced her that a girl's night was just what she needed to take her mind off of AJ and the horrible night he had caused. Carmen had given Gracie a black bikini which was much too big for her. Gracie immediately felt so much better wearing loose clothes and convinced herself that she really hadn't put on much weight at all.

"Maybe I'm not as fat as I felt earlier," she said to Carmen, as she admired her figure in the mirror in the oversized bikini. "Maybe it was just that dress."

Carmen had mentally laughed, recognizing all the signs of denial that she herself had experienced when she first began to throw caloric caution to the winds. "yes," she purred, "no doubt about it. That boy was just being mean because you dumped him."

Gradually, as Gracie listened to Carmen's story of her own cheating scoundrel of a husband, she genuinely did feel better. "Yeah, you're right!" she said, "there's no reason I should feel bad at all! That guy was just being a total jerk!"

Carmen smiled warmly. "Ok, hot tub time! We are going to have such a great night!" And now that Gracie found herself sitting in a relaxing hot tub with a vivacious ,VERY curvy woman (which also served to make Gracie feel very skinny in comparison!) she realized that she was right. She had been really suffering from a lack of girl friends since her high school buddies had left. Even though Melissa and Carmen were a little older, she realized how fun it was to have friends to hang out with.

Melissa had poured the champagne and had begun to unzip her dress to reveal a flawless body in French lace bra and panties. Gracie blushed to see her friend in her underwear, but Carmen whistled and cheered that Melissa was going to join them, so Gracie felt ok about her admiration for Melissa's body. In her defense, Melissa was truly a knockout. Long, lean legs, tiny waist, high, round butt, slim hips, perfect breasts, delicate long neck. Everything about her body was elegance.

She handed the champagne to Gracie and Carmen as she slid her sinuous legs into the hot tub. "Cheers girls."

Gracie felt momentarily nervous about drinking. Her friends had never been big partiers in high school and she didn't want to get in trouble for underage drinking. However, she barely had time to think before Carmen had upended the champagne right into Gracie's mouth!!

She spluttered and coughed as Melissa laughed.

"You were taking too long!" Carmen laughed as she pulled a tray of treats closer to her and popped several into her mouth. "Mmmm, divine! These will go straight to my hips!" she said with an almost excited giggle.

Gracie had never been around anyone who talked so openly about the pleasures of eating and growing fat, and she was at first embarrassed, then, as the champagne went to her head and the heat of the hot tub spread throughout her body, she found she was strangely ok with it. It seemed so natural when these two undeniably gorgeous women were so comfortable discussing fat and gaining weight and the pleasures and decadence of food. Hazily, tipsy Gracie realized that if these two wildly attractive girls thought it was normal, then she supposed it must be.

By this time, the champagne had hit her fully. She was feeling giggly and bubbly herself, and realized how happy she was with these two amazing ladies. They told her stories, made her laugh, complained about men, gossiped about other socialites in town, and laughed about Carmen's inevitable weight gain.

"Ha! I just can't stop, it's all so good!" Carmen laughed before inserting a golden mini quiche between her fat, sensuous lips. "here," she grabbed Gracie's chin suddenly, "You try!!"

Before Gracie knew what was happening, a delicious morsel was pushed into her mouth. "Mmmm!" said Carmen encouragingly as Melissa giggled.

Gracie chewed and swallowed the incredibly rich treat. She was unaccustomed to gourmet cooking except the pastries from her aunt's shop, so this was truly a new experience. "Wow!! That was so amazing!" she shouted giddily.

Melissa and Carmen laughed at the tipsy, happy girl. "Have another!" Now it was Melissa's turn to push a treat into Gracie's eagerly awaiting lips. Gracie's eyes rolled back in her head, drunk with champagne and sugar.

"These are so unbelievable!! What are they?"

Carmen laughed joyfully "Who knows?! I just eat whatever the chef leaves me! He never disappoints and it's different every day!! More champagne for you!"

The heat of the hot tub and the champagne were going right to Gracie's head. She was definitely feeling drunk and giggly. She was so sleepy that she barely remembered any of the events that happened afterwards, which mainly included Melissa and Carmen stuffing her with almost the entire plates of food! It was her first time being drunk, and so she wasn't prepared for the complete loss of inhibitions. All she knew was that the extra-loose swimsuit and the hot tub jets massaging her full belly helped encourage her to eat more and more, besides the fact that it was honestly the best food she had ever had. Carmen slid an incredible amount of food down her own gullet as well, rejoicing in the fact that she had a "stuffing partner" now.

Melissa was in heaven. Here were two gorgeous girls in bikinis filling their increasingly round bellies and all she had to do was watch. Gracie was laughing hysterically, now definitely drunk. Melissa smiled and was happy that the girl was having such a better time. She wanted Gracie to not worry about enjoying her food, not to associate stuffing herself with guilt or feeling ugly. Carmen was the perfect example of how to look at stuffing and weight gain in a positive way.

Pretty soon it was after 3 AM, and drunk Gracie began yawning and showing signs that she was ready for sleep. Both Carmen and Melissa were disappointed that their new toy was so sleepy, but they turned off the jets and lifted her out of the water before helping her up the stairs to the guest room.

Melissa stared- Gracie looked even more bloated than before! How was it even possible that the girl had continued to stuff her already-overly filled gut!! This was the most happy Melissa had been with Gracie since they had met. She was sure that under Carmen's influence, the young, impressionable, (and nutritionally-ignorant) girl would get ridiculously fat, insanely fast. She watched Gracie groaning and cradling her unbelievably round belly. It made her breasts and legs look so tiny in comparison!

Melissa couldn't help but notice how loose those swimsuit bottoms were on Gracie, even though her belly was as stuffed round, and taut as it had been before at the buffet. Melissa tried to estimate the calories that the girl must have consumed that night, but finally gave up. She was tingling all over with anticipation. She knew that this was not the last time Gracie would let herself be stuffed into a state of euphoria.

She left Gracie and Carmen to sleep off their buzz and overindulgence, and drove home with the biggest smile on her gace and the biggest heat between her legs yet again. She thought of Andrew and his adorable "starter belly" and she smiled even bigger. The weekend was off to a great start.
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FrecherTyp 7 years
mhmm great fantady i would love to be that taste tester ^^ for this cute bakery girl :-)
T3a 10 years
Thanks smiley Have set aside much writing/scheming time this weekend haha!