Plea for help!

Chapter 2 - that was close

-----20 mins later-----

Matt: Chad, are you there?

Matt: Come on man. You haven't told me anything yet. And who is this "he"?
-----40 mins later-----

Chad: Matt? Sorry, he was coming in to feed me my pre-lunch nap snack.

Matt: And that took an hour?

Matt: Well whatever, just finish the explaining.

Chad: Where was I?

Matt: You were too fat for your clothes...

Chad: Oh, yeah. Well I was gaining a lot of weight, but I didn't really mind at first. I mean, you know I wanted to get a bit fatter anyway and gaining 40lbs in just a couple months was heavenly. Definitely better than starving to death. So I just moved up in clothing sizes and continued on. Then all of this really started.

Matt: Go on.

Chad: Well, I met a guy. He would come in to the diner about once or twice a week. I would usually be working when he would pop in and I thought he was pretty good looking. Chubby guy like me, cute butt, and a big appetite. As I had been steadily growing, it seemed he was too. And it was a huge turn on to watch. One day I was at work, already at the Super Sizer (burger place I mentioned), and in he walks. He didn't notice me, because I was a cook at both restaurants. The guy orders a ton of food, about half the menu and goes to wait for his huge order to be finished. I worked hard to make it all perfect and told the guys I'd deliver it to him myself and take my lunch at the same time, so I quickly cooked up another huge order like his. I clocked out and took the two huge piles of food out and went over to where he was sitting.

Chad: He looked up at me and I know he was checking me out. He smiled and said that it looked like I'd brought him a bit more than he ordered. Taking a second to stare at his belly in that tight tshirt, I handed him the mountain of food that was his tray and told him that the rest was my own lunch. Without a moment's hesitation, the guy just smiles again and asks if I'd like to sit down and that he could use "some triple C." I asked what that meant and he pushed my seat out with his foot while telling me it meant, "cute, chubby company."

Matt: Chad, not that I'm not OH SO fascinated with your love life, but can we get to the part where this has something to do with your current predicament, which you still have yet to explain.

Chad: Sorry, I got sidetracked with how great that all was. But it's all over now and I wish I hadn't fallen for all of that. Obviously he and I started dating, well, not really dating. Just eating, lots of eating. There was never anything else. When I would suggest anything else, even just conversation he would counter with how great I looked as I outgrew all my clothes again and again. He would rub and squeeze my belly and moobs. He would order lots more food for take-out or delivery and start feeding me some sort of delicious treat he just happened to have nearby. It was so wonderful. I loved everything he was doing to me. Making me so much fatter and every second of it was erotic pleasure beyond anything I can describe.

Matt: Gross. Would you ***ing focus. I don't want to hear about your grotesque, sex life.

Chad: I'm sorry. It was just so great, but you're right. I can't think like that anymore. I need help. I need to finish explaining so you can help me.

Matt: Well got on with it then!
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Really kept my interest. Not the usual story I read, but damn, you can write so well. Thanks.
Fatlilboy 10 years
Wow....didn't sound like an ending to me.....only a beginning for FATT MATT
Feedfig 10 years
Thanks, to both of you! You absolutely got the idea. My friend gave me a few ideas for new stories, so maybe you'll see another story of mine eventually.