Plea for help!

Chapter 3 - wtf

Chad: Anyway, I was with him and not long after I was completely dependent on him. Not long after we started going out, I was fired from both my jobs for all the food I was now consuming. They both claimed that I'd been eating into their profits because they had evidence showing that I would constantly cook up huge amounts of food to shovel into my chubby face. I didn't realize it at the time, but he was probably the one that gave them that evidence. Without any money and being such a *** by then (I had put on another 70lbs in just 2 months. I weighed 425lbs) I was going to lose my apartment. Of course, I was saved when my 380lbs stud boyfriend suggested I just move in with him and that he'd "take care of" the lease I still had. It wasn't until a while back that he finally told me that "take care of" meant kidnap and sell off the cute landlord to some guy in Germany. Apparently the profits were used to make me into what I am today.

Matt: HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Chad, what the hell is going on?

Chad: There's no way to help him. I wish I could have saved him from this fate, but all I can do is tell you everything that has happened. After I mov***! BRB!
-----10 mins later-----

Matt: Dude, hello? You gotta finish telling me what happened.

Matt: This is serious, Chad. You there?
-----45 mins later-----

Matt: Look, I'm leaving work now and heading home. I'll be back online when I get there.

Matt: Logged Out
-----30 mins later-----

Matt: Logged In

Matt: Chad?

Matt: You're still not back....?
-----1 hour, 40 mins later-----

Chad: Finished lunch. Hard to breathe. Only one hand to type with.

Matt: WTF!? You were gone for 3 hours and your excuse is lunch, how does that make sense. And why are you only using one hand?

Chad: Can't reach with both. I'll try to finish. Barely breathing.

Matt: What's wrong? Why can't you breathe? Why were you gone for 3 hours?

Chad: Get there later. After moving in I looked for jobs, but he was still feeding me all the time. I loved it. Some days I just stayed on the couch with him feeding me all day. I outgrew my clothes and couldn't go to interviews half dressed. I kept asking him to go and buy me bigger clothes since I was housebound without clothes. Everyday he'd come back with tons of food to feed me, but no clothes. He'd quickly say he forgot or was tired and would distract me with a giant meal.

Chad: Month and a half of living with him and I was now always naked, constantly starving, and fatter than ever. He got on an industrial scale delivered one day and forced me onto it. 500lbs of jiggling, blubber stretched my uncovered flesh to the point I had huge, deep, red stretch marks. He gave me a hard shove and I flopped onto the bed, right behind me. It was so intense. He grabbed every fold and roll, jiggled and squeezed every inch of my sensitive mass, and finally rolled me over to force himself into me from behind. He quickly pulled back out and I was left laying there aching for him to be inside me again. Before I could even try to wobble my way around and beg him to *** me as I'd wanted for all these months that we'd been dating, he was back on top of my ballooned butt. He merciless rammed his dick back in and I would have screamed had he not, shoved my fat face down into a platter of lasagna and cheesy garlic bread. Without thinking I gorged myself, somewhere in my mind loving the feeling of being filled from both ends. As I finished the platter of lasagna and bread, another appeared covered in another delicious meal. Over and over, he ***ed load after load into my ass as I stuffed myself more than ever before. That night was the greatest of my whole life.

Matt: *** CHAD! I don't care if you had sex with your boyfriend and about this other bullshit. Tell me what it is that I'm supposed to be helping with. After the kidnapping thing I thought it was serious, but now it just sounds like you're trying to describe some porn to me.

Chad: God, you're right. It's so wrong. I just can't help it. That's what he does. That's the problem.

Matt: What is?

Chad: You'll see.

Chad: That night was the last night I remember that I wanted. Sometime during that night, after hours of being ***ed and eating everything he laid before me, I passed out. When I woke up, I was tied to the bed posts by my ankles and wrists. I couldn't move at all, not that I could really have done much with my fat-bloated body anyway. I also had a large tube, maybe it's actually a garden hose, shoved down my throat. I started to panic and not knowing what was going on, I started to scream as best I could through the hose. Soon, he was there by my side rubbing my stretched gut and telling me to be quiet. When I wouldn't stop screaming, he just shrugged his shoulders and said if that's how I wanted it then it was fine by him. I saw him lift a large container to some straps dangling next to the bed that were bolted to the ceiling. He suspended the drum in the straps and stuck the other end of the hose onto a valve on the bottom, before opening the valve. Whatever was inside quickly made its way down into my overstuffed belly and made me groan in pain rather than continue screaming. I was being stretched mercilessly by the huge amount of fluid filling me. As tears began to roll down my pudgy cheeks and space for my lungs was quickly being taken, I desperately pleaded for it to stop. He thumped my taught stomach and shushed me quietly. Instantly I tried to be silent, only the furious and somewhat pained gurgles of my belly could be heard. He smiled, which I then realized had been a wicked smile all along, and sealed the valve.

Matt: Seriously? He ***s you, waits til you're out, ties you up, and force feeds you with a tube?

Matt: Do you actually expect me to believe that? That's some sado/masochistic, bondage porn shit...with your weird "getting fat" shit thrown in.

Matt: You wasted this much of my time for this. You're such a dick.

Chad: No, it's true! Please!

Chad: I didn't want this!

Chad: You know me. I never wanted this. I just wanted to be a bit chubbier. He made me into this!

Chad: I'm almost done and then you'll understand. Ok?
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Really kept my interest. Not the usual story I read, but damn, you can write so well. Thanks.
Fatlilboy 10 years
Wow....didn't sound like an ending to me.....only a beginning for FATT MATT
Feedfig 10 years
Thanks, to both of you! You absolutely got the idea. My friend gave me a few ideas for new stories, so maybe you'll see another story of mine eventually.