Anticipation pt.3

Chapter 4 - anticipation pt3 ch 4

After dinner Luke and I went up to the guest room. Once alone I stripped down to just my tank top and panties. The tank top hadn't fit in a while and had actually gotten to the point where it rode up to my belly button exposing my chunky lower belly. My panties had permanently lost the battle with my bulge and the waist band had curved down against the weight of my new belly. Obviously Luke loved seeing me like this so he poked and jiggled my fleshy gut as I giggled. He then squeezed my ass with both hands and whispered in my ear "You are getting a ***." I quivered at his words and that was when I did something I had never done before. Motivated by my mother's attitude towards me I pushed Luke on the bed, took off my tank top and jiggled my belly for him. I wiggled it from side to side and up and down. I squished it in and out while fingering my belly button. I also played with my plump breasts, wobbling them and pinching my nipples. I squeezed them until the soft flesh flowed between my fingers then let the plop down. I could see that we were both getting really turned on but my parents were literally right below us so I had to stop and calm us both down. That was when I leaned into him and said seductively "You will have to wait until I am wearing whatever is in that bag before you get anymore." That was when a sly smile came across Luke's face and he said "Well since you are teasing me I might as well tease you back. Here is my plan for when we get back." He went on to tell me how when we got back he was going to have me go out alone and pick up whatever food I wanted and come home and stuff myself for him with it. This was something I had never done in all of our previous stuffing sessions and it excited me. My food was always either brought to me or I went to it. I was going to have to go out, look someone in the eye and order tons of food just for myself. He also told me how I had to wear the outfit he brought me the whole day under my work clothes. That way I would be reminded all day of what was to come. I know it might not sound too wild or kinky but I still had two full days to think about this before I could even begin to exercise the plan. The fact that I was forced to wait made my hair stand up. "Sweet dreams" Luke said with a laugh as he rolled over to go to sleep.

That night I could barely sleep. All I could think about was food. I laid there thinking about what I would buy and how much of it there would be. Images of éclairs, cheeseburgers, pizza, fried chicken, chocolate, and ice cream danced through my brain. Thoughts of shoving endless amounts of food into my stretching belly made me toss and turn for hours. At about three in the morning I couldn't take any more and as silently as possible I ran my fingers down the front of my panties to pleasure myself under the sheets. Relaxed I was finally able to get some sleep.

By the time I woke up the next morning Luke and Dad where already out on the boat and Mom was out in the backyard gardening. Starving I threw on some sweat pants and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. When I opened the refrigerator I smiled at all of the leftovers that were neatly packed in Tupperware. I took out the containers and put them on the counter to construct my breakfast. One of my favorite sandwiches in the world is the Day After sandwich. The Day After is basically all the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner crammed between two to three slices of bread. This is a sandwich I only eat once a year so it is very special to me. I like to make mine with the cranberry sauce spread on two inner layers of bread then add the turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. Then I douse the entire thing with the leftover gravy and toast it.

My sandwich was steaming and smelled delicious as I sat down at the kitchen table to eat. That was when I heard my mom enter the house. She zipped right past me to without a word and began washing her hands in the sink. I was officially over her attitude but was too entangled with my breakfast to say anything. The next thing I knew she was standing in front of me with her arms crossed and a nasty look on her face. "What?" I said with a mouthful of food. "What is going on with you?" she said snappily. I knew what she was talking about but didn't want to give her the satisfaction. "Nothing is going on with me....what is going on with you?" I responded sassily. "Look at you!" she shouted at me as she lifted my shirt and poked her finger into my chubby belly. I was in complete shock. My mother had never acted like this towards me before. Granted I had never gotten fat before but still she had no right to do that to me. I couldn't believe she had degraded me like that. I threw my sandwich on the plate got up and screamed at her to stop it. "I am not going to stop it, you are ***ing enormous! What happened to you!" her face turned beet red as she screeched back at me. As tears started to well up in my eyes I turned around and marched back up to the guest room. I slammed the door behind me and broke down on the bed. I felt like a teenager having a temper tantrum and it sucked. I couldn't help it though my mother had just made me feel like I was some disgusting animal. She looked at me the same way I looked at that woman on the flight over and it really upset me.

After about an hour I stopped being upset and started getting angry. Not only had she insulted me horribly but she ruined Thanksgiving and my goddamn Day After sandwich. I sat on the bed with my legs folded and stewed. That was when I heard a knock on the door. "Melanie?" I heard her say. "Melanie can we talk?" she pleaded from behind the door. "Not if you are going to insult me again!" I shouted. "I promise I won't can I please come in?" she asked again. I was still pissed off but I relented and let her in. When she entered I could see she had been crying also. She brushed her blonde hair away from her thin face and sat next to me on the bed. "Look Mel I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I was wrong. I just didn't know how to handle this, you have put on so much weight it was a shock. When I saw you shoving that ridiculous sandwich in your face I snapped. Honestly, I am mostly concerned with your health. It's not good to be this heavy" She told me. I didn't really buy the last part, she was mad that she had a fat daughter now but I didn't want to fight again so I let it go. "I am perfectly healthy. I just went to the doctor last week" I responded. "Then how did this happen so quickly?" she asked with her face growing concerned. "I started dating Luke and....." she cut me off before I could finish. "And you got a little lazy?" she asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. "No mom" I said softly. "Aren't you afraid Luke might leave you? He seems like a great guy and I don't want to see you lose him because you let yourself get heavy" she said in the most parental way possible. "First, can you stop saying heavy. Second, he is the reason I'm fat" I admitted to her. I could see the disbelief on her face as she tried to process what I just told her. "Wait really?" she asked with her head turned slightly sideways. "Look I don't want to get into specifics with you on this. Just know that I am healthy and we are both happy with how I am. Really happy" I said confidently to her. "Alright sweetheart if this is what makes you happy then I am ok with that.....honestly" she said as she finally gave me a sincere hug. We laughed as I asked if I could go finish my sandwich now.

I heard my father's truck pull up in the driveway while mom and I were eating at the table chit chatting. She was much more relaxed after our talk, I was glad I finally got some time quality with her. When I heard them walking up the stairs I sprang up to go open the front door. A loud yelp came out of me when I opened the door and there was a fish with large teeth staring me in the face. Luke had caught a big mean looking fish and scared the crap out of me with it. He and my dad cracked up at my reaction. "Your boyfriend here is a hell of a fisherman" my dad exclaimed while still laughing. They then went out back to clean and fillet that monster.

The rest of our stay was thankfully uneventful. I spent the rest of our last day with the plan gnawing at me. Every time I caught eyes with Luke that son of a bitch winked at me. It was driving me nuts, I hadn't had sex or stuffed myself in almost three days and he was messing with me. I got impatient because I knew that by this time tomorrow I would have every desire I wanted but it seemed so far away. We ate Luke and my Dad's catch for dinner. It was good but not what I truly wanted. I wanted carbs, I wanted sugar and I wanted fat!
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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Fattony25 10 years
Hey guys please go and check out the artwork I had done for parts 1&2 in my pics section. Hopefully I will have more cover art for part 3 soon.
Champ 10 years
Excellent story. Enjoying it. Keep up the great work!