Anticipation pt.3

Chapter 5 - anticipation pt3 ch 5

We flew out around 6p.m. and got home around midnight that night. When we opened the front door I ordered Luke to show me what he had gotten me. I couldn't wait any longer. Luke came out of the bedroom with a red satin bra, panties, a half gown, garter belt with stockings. It was beautiful and asked to go try it on, he let me. First though I had to take a shower. With my wet hair I started to shove myself into the lingerie and realized Luke had gotten everything a size too small. I was bulging out of everything I had on. The garter belts straps dug into my chubby thighs and my muffin top flowed over it from all sides. The panties were small and my ass swallowed up most of the fabric in the back. I was literally pouring out of the bra and if stepped too hard my breasts would have popped out. The half gown was the only comfortable thing he had gotten. Luke's jaw dropped when I stepped out of the bathroom. He quickly came over to me and kissed my lips as he told me how beautiful I looked. I was so unbelievably horny at that moment I just threw myself at him. I didn't care about the eating or the plan I just wanted sex. To my surprise Luke denied my advances. He pushed me off of him, looked into my green eyes, smiled and told me I still had a few more hours to wait. I don't know where he got the will power to do this because he was obviously horny too. It was kind of impressive. I went to sleep that night frustrated but also excited.

The next morning I had a pit in my stomach and my legs were weak ask put the lingerie on. I was so nervous I couldn't believe I was actually going to wear this stuff under my clothes to work. I had to find my baggiest pants and shirt to hide the bulges the lingerie was causing. The baggy clothes kind of helped but not that much. I still had visible pantie lines from the tight underwear. It was pretty uncomfortable to wear but I knew it would pay off later that night. I stopped at a local drive thru to get breakfast on my way to work and as I ate I could feel the tightness around my waist. Even just that little bit of food gave me a full feeling. I was starting to understand Luke's plan with much more clarity.

At my desk during the first half of the day I could barely concentrate on what was happening around me. All I could think about was getting out of there an eating. Every time I moved or shifted, I could feel the tight fabric rub against my chub. It started to feel good after a while. Being a receptionist is an annoying job to start with but trying to do it while fantasizing about your next fetish encounter makes it even harder. Sitting there squirming the minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. Around noon Sam came up to me so we could go on our usual lunch break. Up today was Tim's Deli, a notorious pig out place for the local colleges. She wanted to go badly since the colleges were still on break and it wouldn't be crowded.

I agreed to go but didn't want to spoil my appetite for later so I ordered a small ham wrap. I looked up from my phone when I heard a thud in front of me. The waitress had put down my "small" wrap, the thing must have weighed a pound and a half. I thought it was a mistake so I looked up at her and told her I had ordered a small. "Yeah honey that is a small" she responded walking away. "I told you this place was worth it" Sam said as she began eating. I felt guilty eating the wrap but it was really incredible. It was made with real carved ham with a house made mustard sauce. I quickly gobbled up the sandwich and leaned back. That was when I started to feel crappy. The entire wrap was getting squeezed up by the garter belt right into the upper part of my gut. I started to panic because I could feel the fabric straining under the pressure. The last thing I wanted to do was snap that lingerie before I even got home.

As I went to sit into Sam's car to head back to work I felt the fabric finally let go. It made me really upset but there was nothing I could do. I didn't want anyone to know so I had to play it cool. When I finally looked down I learned it wasn't the garter belt that snapped it was my pants button and Sam had noticed. "Here you go Mel I always keep a spare" She said as she handed me a belt from the back seat. "Uh thanks" I said quietly as I slipped the belt on. I was pretty embarrassed but Sam said it had happened to her before and not to worry. When we got back to the office I tried my best to not think about what was to come later but it was too hard. I had a pound and half of food floating in my belly and every time I moved it made me hornier and hornier. By a quarter to five my palms were sweating and my heart was pounding. The second the clock struck five I was already on my way out of the door with one goal in mind.

I had thought long and hard all weekend about what to get for my gorging and now was my time to act. I had narrowed it down to three places. The first was the Chinese place around the corner from work Panda Garden. They had great food and big portions. The second was the little Italian place with the awesome chicken parmesan that Sam had taken me too, I forget the name. Third was Willy's, who in my opinion had the best and biggest burgers in town. Walking to my car I came to a decision.....Willy's. I was so excited as I got into my car that before I even had the key in the ignition I was already kneading my belly fat.

By the time I got to Willy's my face was flush and my breathing was shallow. Meekly I walked into the restaurant and placed my order nervously. Five double cheese burgers, two orders of large fries and two milkshakes. I stood there impatiently waiting for my order, ready to peel my own skin off. In reality it had only taken ten minutes but I was no longer in reality so it felt like hours. I grabbed my huge bag of food and bolted for the door.

I took off out of the parking lot with my heart and engine racing. All of my senses were heighted as I made my way back to the apartment. I had so much nervous excitement coursing through me that everything around me seemed to slow down. I could smell all of the food emanating from the bag. The smell of the grease from the fries, the onions, and the meat from the cheeseburger all hit my nose at the same time. It was intoxicating.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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Fattony25 10 years
Hey guys please go and check out the artwork I had done for parts 1&2 in my pics section. Hopefully I will have more cover art for part 3 soon.
Champ 10 years
Excellent story. Enjoying it. Keep up the great work!