Anticipation pt.3

Chapter 6 - anticipation pt3 ch 6

My tires squealed with displeasure as I pulled into my parking space. I hurried to the door as fast as my chubby legs would take me. My hands shook as I nervously tried to open the door. Once inside I let out deep breath. It was time to eat. I called out for Luke but there was no answer. There was a chair in the middle of the kitchen, I figured he was changing a light bulb or something and would be back soon. I put the burgers in the oven to keep them warm and the shakes in the fridge. As I started to unbutton my shirt I felt a hand on my shoulder. "AH!"I shouted while quickly looking around. It was Luke and he had some sort of rope in his hand. "You scared the shit out of me. What's that rope for?" I asked. "Come here and I will show you" he said creepily. I was suspicious so I stayed put. "It's all part of it just come here" he pleaded. When I got to him he finished unbuttoning my shirt for me. Then he noticed the button missing from my pants. "Interesting" he said as he smiled and patted my tummy. I rolled my eyes at him. He slid my pants gently down my big ass and to the floor. Next he put the red half gown over my chubby arms and around my thick sides. "I still don't know what that rope is all about" I said snottily. That was when he took me by my hand and sat me on the chair. I still wasn't sure what was going on but then he took the rope and began tying me to the chair. That was when it clicked for me. His plan all along was to feed me.

First he tied my hands to the chair and then moved on to my waist and hips. Lastly he tied my ankles directly to the legs of the chair. I wasn't going anywhere without his permission. With my head still loose I turned around to see him go to the oven. Things were about to get started. My heart started to race as I heard the wrappers from the burgers crinkle. Then my heart pounded harder as I could see the burger for the first time. It was juicy and greasy and sloppy. He put it to my lips and I accepted it. Before I could even swallow the first bite he was shoving more of it into my mouth, getting mustard, cheese and ketchup on my face in the process. I happily ate more and more until the first burger was gone. He patty my tummy again and told me what a good eater I was. Next up were the fries. He dipped them in ketchup and mayo then slid them into my throat. One after the next I quickly demolished the pack. "You're hungry huh?" Luke playfully said to me as he kissed my jelly belly. "Give me more" I pleaded. He brought out the milkshake and said "Oh vanilla, good choice." I gulped the shake down ferociously in less than a minute. I let out a gurgled burp as the next burger made its way to my lips. He shoved the burger into me until my cheeks were swollen with food. Then he let me take a second to breathe and swallow, then brought more food to my face.

After I annihilated the second greasy burger I started to feel that familiar stretch to my belly. I was getting full and I loved it. The last burger has spilt mustard and ketchup all over my overflowing breasts and Luke just left it there. "What do you want next?" He asked. "Hey I don't really have a choice do I?" I responded. Luke agreed and brought the third cheesy, greasy burger to my face. This one went down much slower than the previous ones as I was starting to swell up badly. I was starting to slow down but Luke wasn't. He coldly grabbed the next pack of fries and started feeding them to me. I moaned painfully as I swallowed the last bunch of fries. My belly was so stuffed that my upper roll had stretched out so much that you could see my belly button again. It had been months since my belly button was visible from between my rolls while sitting.

"Are you having fun?" Luke asked as he prepared the next burger. All I could do was nod my head. Then he crammed more burger into me. Half way through I pulled my head back and whimpered. I was close to vomiting. "Ok baby just breathe you won't puke if you breathe" he said as he unhooked the garter belt. The release of pressure helped immensely. I still took a few minutes to digest before he started feeding me again. I felt vulnerable as Luke continued to push me way past my limits. My stomach stretched and gurgled more and more as each mouthful made its way to my belly. A few bites later I had the fourth burger down and I had to lean my head back to breathe. I kept feeling the food make its way up but I focused and kept it down.

Luke gave me a break for about fifteen minutes to digest some before he got back to work. During that time I felt all those pounds of food slowly making their way to the lower half of my stomach. As the nausea began to subside I started to feel intensely amorous. I could feel the heft of the food inside of me and it turned me on.

When Luke came back he had the last milkshake with him. He put the straw to my lips and ordered me to drink. At first I took small sips. The cool liquid coated my tummy and filled in all of the small crevices. As I was about half way through the milkshake Luke pulled the straw from my lips and shoved as much cheeseburger as he could into my mouth. I laughed as some of the bun fell onto my thighs. After I swallowed the mouthful of food I look up at Luke and told him to untie me. I was ready and he understood.

Once the ropes were off Luke had to grab me under my armpits just to get me up. It was a struggle just to get to my feet as my balance was off. I put a hand on the counter to steady myself and looked at the damage. Not even a toe was visible under my immense belly. It stretched out from all sides and felt heavy. When Luke patted my gut it just made a deep thud. My lower belly was the only part that still had any jiggle to it. The rest of the skin on my tummy was pulled tight like a snare drum. Still sipping the milkshake I asked Luke to help me get the lingerie off. He gently unclipped the garter belt's straps and slid the stockings off. Then he pulled the garter belt and panties down over my ample ass. Once off I ordered him to get on the floor. It was the only comfortable way I could think of to have sex. I got down slowly and straddled my huge overfed body on top of him and began to grind my hips into him until he entered me. I gyrated as much as my torso would let me which was difficult because my belly muscles were pulled so tight. I continued riding him until out of nowhere Luke pulled out a bottle of lotion. He put some in his hand and slapped it on my tummy. I almost came to climax as the cool sensation hit my skin. He worked the slippery lotion all around my midsection from my thick love handles to my belly. It felt incredible. Then I felt a jolt course through me as he shoved his finger into my belly button. He had never touched my belly button in the seven months we had been dating and I couldn't figure out why. I thought maybe he just wasn't into but obviously he was keeping this as the ace up his sleeve.

I moaned loudly as he worked his finger in small slippery circles inside of it, pulling it out for suction then pushing it back in. The muscles deep in my belly clenched as I could feel his finger put pressure on food that was in my stomach. All the stimulation overwhelmed me and caused me to orgasm harder than ever before. Loudly I moaned again and then crumbled on top of Luke in a heap as he petted my hair while I panted heavily. When I was finished I let him roll me on to my back and go take a shower. While he was showering I just laid there on the floor in a haze replaying every moment over and over in my head. I relived every bite and every feeling it was wonderful. After a few minutes of this I managed to get myself up and joined Luke in the shower.

That night changed me. It changed me greater than I ever thought it would. Over the course of the next month and half I completely gave into food. I began eating anything and everything I desired. Would I like an extra slice of cake for desert? Yup. Do I want fries with that? You're damn right I do! I munched mindlessly day and night. The more I ate the more my body ballooned and I started to enjoy it. Even the clank of the bathroom scale started to sound like music to my ears. I had managed to put on another twelve pounds over that month and a half and Stretch marks started to appear on my love handles and lower belly. They were small but definitely visible, with a nice set forming on my lower roll. At first I gasped when I saw them, it meant that I was eating so much my own skin couldn't keep up with me but eventually I started to love them. My lower belly had just started to hang over the waist bands of my clothes at this point and my breasts had taken off like rocket ships. A soft double chin had also formed to accompany the rest of my fat face. The last twelve pounds had done more damage than the previous fifty five had and I loved every second of it.

I was so wrapped up in my fattening self that I hadn't noticed Luke becoming more distant towards me. He had gotten a lot less playful with me and our sex lives started to become more mundane. I had a hard time engaging him in any kind of eating or chubby fetish stuff. One thing I did notice was that he had also started to put on a few pounds. I guess it was collateral damage from my tornado of gluttony. He hadn't put on much but enough to soften his once angular edges. I had figured that this was the reason for his recent coldness towards me and I thought for sure he would come around again.

Then one day when I got home from work I saw him sitting pensively at the edge of the living room couch. I will never forget the look on his face when he said to me "I think we need to break up."
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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Fattony25 10 years
Hey guys please go and check out the artwork I had done for parts 1&2 in my pics section. Hopefully I will have more cover art for part 3 soon.
Champ 10 years
Excellent story. Enjoying it. Keep up the great work!