Anticipation pt.4

Chapter 3 - anticipation pt4 ch3

That night out was actually a lot of fun. We went out to a couple of different bars where we danced and got drunk together. Stacy being as gorgeous as she is got constantly hit on by sleazy guys all night long. While that was no shocker I was surprised by the number of guys giving me attention. I turned down all of their advances but it was a huge confidence booster for me.

By around midnight I felt like I was in the clear, Stacy was pretty drunk and out on the dance floor. She hadn't mentioned one word about our agreement earlier in the day. I was feeling pretty relaxed while sipping on a mixed drink when out of nowhere Stacy popped up at my table with a devilish smile on her face. "Are you ready?" she said as she lifting her eyebrows at me. "Sure" I replied unenthusiastically. In a split second she had grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the door. Once outside she asked me what would be the best choice to get stuffed on. There were a couple of choices around but the one that caught my eye was Stevie's hot dogs. Samantha had taken me here a few times for lunch and they had delicious hot dogs with a ton of topping choices. But I chose this place for a different reason. Hot dogs are notorious for bloating you up really quickly and with her small stomach she would be too bloated to keep going in less than thirty minutes and I would be free.

Stacy loved my choice and walked out of the restaurant with a five chili cheese hot dogs, a large pack of French fries and some root beer, I advised her to get the French fries to help with the grease from the hot dogs. I wasn't really in a gorging mood so I just got a hot dog with some relish and some fries.

By the time we got home she was anxious to eat. I knew the feeling. She quickly hoped into some comfortable clothes and got her food ready to begin gorging. She tied her long light brown hair into a pony tail and sat down on the couch. As she brought that first gooey cheesy hot dog too her lips flashes of Luke's manipulation flashed through my head. All his little tricks and schemes had brought me to the point where I looked at food as a way to get off, rather than sustenance. Guilt filled my brain as I saw myself doing the same thing to one of my best friends. I knew how gullible Stacy has always been and I felt horrible for bringing her into this fetish. My anxiety rose as my heart rate picked up.

"Stop!" I shouted as I ripped the chili dog from her hands. "You don't want this Stacy. Believe me you don't want to do this" I said taking the box of hot dogs to the kitchen. I was certain her and I were going to have a blowout fight over this as she flowed me to the kitchen. Instead to my surprise she was completely calm. She could see I was visibly shaken so she put her hand on my shoulder and said "Melanie it's ok. I do want this." "If you start eating like this you are going end up like me. I don't want to be responsible for that" I said as I grabbed my belly and shook it in front of her. That was when I heard the most insightful thing to ever come out of her mouth. "There are no wrong turns. Only paths we didn't know we were going to walk." I knew she was quoting from something but I couldn't figure out what. Still I was thoroughly impressed with her. I handed over the chili dogs and joined her on the couch.

Stacy picked up her hot dog again and greedily shoved it into her mouth getting chili and cheese all over her gorgeous face. She giggled as she went in for another huge bite. Her cheeks bulged with food as she was trying to chew. Bite after bite she quickly destroyed her first dog. I could see her belly already beginning to swell as she started gulping down some root beer. She let out a large belch as she picked up the second chili dog. I watched as she began to devour it ravenously. Half way through her ferocious rate of eating began to slow down. She moaned in discomfort as she rubbed her quickly ballooning stomach. Her tank top had ridden up exposing her flawless tan skin and belly button.

As she struggled through the rest of the hot dog I told her to switch to some French fries. She listened and slid fry after fry past her lips. After she took another swing from her root beer and belched she turned to me and said "This is so much fun. Now I know why you got so into it." Then she took a short break and rubbed her distended belly. Her stomach was a disaster, it was so stretched out and bloated that her belly button had become oblong. At that point I started to get jealous. I remembered all the wonderful stuffing sessions I had done with Luke. I remembered all the times I had pushed myself past the point of pain and into the sweet spot where I just felt bloated and huge. "You are going to start feeling kind of miserable for a bit but if you let yourself digest a bit, when you start eating again you will feel a nice stretch in your belly. It feels really good" I said feeling like a coach.

Stacy took my advice and after a few minutes she resumed eating. I could see she was really starting to struggle but at the same time enjoying it. "I feel it now" she said as she shoved a huge greasy bite into her mouth. After she was done swallowing the last bite I knew she was finished. She looked sweaty and miserable sitting across from me. I was shocked when she took another gulp of root beer and attacked the rest of her chili dog. It took her forever to chew and swallow the last bite but she did it. "URRP....Mel I want to watch you finish the rest" she gurgled at me as she leaned back with her belly sticking straight up.

I really wasn't in the mood to stuff myself that night but watching her eat like that gave me a tingle I hadn't felt in months. Staring at the chili dogs I started to salivate. Stacy was sitting there biting her thumb waiting to see what I would do. My heart started to pound as my heel was tapping the floor in rhythm. I stared at the food until I couldn't take any more and dove in.

I grabbed the hot dog and crammed a huge bite into my mouth. It was so delicious. All the meat, bread and cheese filled my entire mouth up. A wave of relief washed over me as I swallowed the first bite. I made quick work of the first hot dog and moved in on the last one. The dog itself had a nice snap to it and the chili was tangy and spicy. I shoved mouthful after mouthful in to my body. As my belly began to swell up I could feel myself getting horny again. I noticed Stacy eagerly watching me as I put the last bite into my chubby cheeks. That was when she got up and waddled over to me. "I know you can fit more than that in there" she said pinching a roll of fat at my waist. Then she made her way to the refrigerator and started rummaging around. She came back a minute later with a large chocolate cake I had brought earlier in the week. I was too worked up to fight back so she cut us each a slice.

Stacy was completely stuffed so she just nibbled at her cake. I made a pig of myself and put down two big slices of the rich cake before I was bloated and full. I had chocolate frosting all over my lips and some of it had fallen between my cleavage. As I was cleaning myself off I felt Stacy craw over the cushions towards me. She lifted my shirt and started massaging my chunky gut with her hands. It was really weird but I was still pretty of drunk so I just let her do what she wanted. The next thing I knew she was straddling me and had both arms at either side of my head. I had no idea what she was planning to do next so I tried to push her away from me. That was when she started to kiss me.

Her lips were soft yet power full and I could taste the apricot lip gloss she was wearing. At first I tried to struggle but her passion was so strong and her kisses so perfect that I soon gave in and started to kiss back. Her high cheekbones mushed into my chubby fat ones as our tongues entwined. As she started to grind her hips into mine I felt her round bloated hard stomach press into my soft rolls. The friction between our skin felt so good. Right as I was about to let myself go fully and experience whatever was about to happen next Stacy pulled away from me. "You're the best Mel" she said as she got up and started to walk away, swaying her hips in the process. A second later her head popped out of her room. "Oh by the way I left you something in your room" she said with a wink.

Stunned I just sat there for a minute trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. I heard her vibrator turn on so I decided to just leave her alone and get ready for bed. Once I was finished brushing my teeth I went to my room and found what Stacy had left me.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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Fattony25 10 years
Thanks for the feedback. I actually am going to do a Stacy spinoff. Cant give any details though. Dont know when ill start it either
Fattony25 10 years
Some cover artwork is in my pics