Anticipation pt.4

Chapter 5 - anticipation pt4 ch5

"Hey" was all it said. After four months and that was all he had to say to me? I got mad and put my phone back in my purse. The girls could tell something was up because as much as I tried to hide it, my frustration showed. "It was him wasn't it?" Laura asked quietly. "Yup" I responded with a nod. "So what did he say?" Laura asked curiously. I showed her my phone and watched as her blood started to boil. "Ok give me your phone. I know this little game" She said getting more agitated. I was hesitant to hand over my phone to her because I knew she was going to write something nasty to him. Then I started to think about all the crap he had pulled on me and I started to get mad again. I slid the phone over to her and she started typing furiously. "And...send" she said with an exaggerated motion to click the button. Laura then slid the phone back so Stacy and I could read the response. "Oh hey back! While I have your attention maybe now I can get an explanation to why you dumped me, you know since you haven't bothered to talk to me in four months" Stacy put her hand over her mouth while trying not to laugh. I just bit my thumb nervously. As we were getting up to leave I received another text. "I'll call you later."

I was nervous and squirming in my seat the whole ride home. The last thing I needed was to talk to Luke. He made me pace around the apartment anxiously until ten o'clock when my phone finally rang. "Hey there" Luke said meekly. "Hi" I responded coldly. "I don't know....I just wanted to see how you were doing. I don't really know what to say" he stammered on. "You can start by telling me why you broke up with me" I snapped at him. "I broke things off between us because....because I'm a sick person Melanie, I tricked you into becoming something you're not and you weren't the first one" he responded with his voice cracking. He went on to confess and apologize about all the little tricks and schemes he had pulled on me to get me fat. Obviously this was all stuff I had already figured out on my own. He continued by telling how he has done this to every girlfriend he has had since he was fifteen years old. The details of how he systematically fattened up thirteen other women before me were astonishing. I listened as he told me more and more details about how his plan worked with such efficiency. From the overstuffed kitchen meant create temptation to the cooking lessons with Maria to teach girlfriends how to cook fattening food, everything had a purpose in his scheme. Even the stupid pink bathroom had a part in this. His idea was that girls would feel more comfortable naked if soothing colors were used in there. I told him how it just looked tacky.

The confessions continued until he got to the girl he dated before me. Her name was Shannon. "That's where things got out of control. I had never meant for anyone to get hurt" Luke said getting emotional. He told me how he executed his plan on her just like all the girls previously. Shannon gained and gained just as Luke had wanted her to but as she grew fat she also grew codependent. She wouldn't go anywhere without Luke and eventually quit her job so she could spend all day stuffing her face. Luke had wanted to break up with her but was fearful of what she would do to herself if he did. He had stopped trying to get her to gain months before but she continued on her own, gaining tons more weight in the process. When he did finally get up enough courage to end things he tried to do it in the gentlest way possible by having one of her friends there to help with the blow. She seemed fine when he left her that night but early the next morning he got a call from the same friend that helped with the breakup that Shannon had downed a bottle of pills in an attempt to kill herself. That was a year and half before he met me.

"I don't know why I got back into my old habits but I did. I figured that if I dated someone who was smarter and more stable it wouldn't happen again. Then you started eating so much gaining so fast I kind of freaked out. It killed me to think that the same thing was happening with you" he told me clearly shaken. "So tell me when you told me you loved me that first time was that part of the plan too?" I asked him. After everything he had told me that was the only thing left that I needed to know. "Was that part of the plan? No I always waited until much later to break that one out with the other girls. What I said to you that night was from my heart."

Luke and I started talking on the phone together every night over the next two weeks. Our conversations went really well, we avoided any kind of sexual talk and tried to focus on getting to know each other again. We both wanted to take things slow so we decided to try and go on a date the upcoming Saturday. Nothing wild was planned just some mini golf and a movie. I know most women would have probably ran screaming in the other direction if their ex-boyfriend had told them something as devious and kinky as what Luke had revealed to me but to be honest I found what he told me to be kind of a turn on. I knew deep down that he never forced anyone do to anything they didn't actually want to, those other women put the food in their mouths that made them fat the same way I did. While I did blame him initially for tricking me into gaining weight, the truth was I could have said no at any point and I made a choice not to. By this point this fetish had become a part of me and if we were going to end up back together I still wanted the eating and the gaining to be part of our lives. I wanted to have those experiences with Luke again but I knew that we were going to have to ease our way back into it.

It hadn't even occurred to me until I was getting dressed for our date that it was one week to the day that we had met just a year ago. So much had changed for me in that year. I had moved three times, started and ended a serious relationship and gained seventy five pounds.

Spring had just started so there was still a chill to the air so I decided to wear something warm for our date. I threw on a pair of dark jeans and a stylish white knitted sweater. The sweater was sort of form fitting and outlined my entire stomach. It made me look kind of lumpy so I tucked my lower belly into my jeans. My upper belly roll spilled out over the waist band and the lower roll pushed at the zipper but it was still a big improvement. I pulled back the front of my hair and clipped it in place with the barrette Luke had gotten me all those months ago. I heard the horn beep just as I was getting finished putting on my makeup.

"How do I look?" I asked Stacy while standing in the living room with my arms spread out. "You look adorable. Have fun tonight" she responded as she sat with a large pizza and a dozen donuts in front of her. Stacy had already put on another six pounds in the past two weeks and it was starting to get noticeable. Her face was looking fuller and her thighs were looking thicker. Most noticeable though was the belly roll that was forming around her stomach. It pushed down the elastic waist band of her booty shorts and it made her tank top ride up, exposing some of the tan plump roll. "Don't eat too much" I said with a wave as I walked out of the door.

As I walked up to Luke's SUV and opened the door I got a surprise. The Luke sitting behind the wheel was not the one I had remembered. He had put on about twenty five pounds in the months we were separated. His belly stuck out over his belt and was straining the buttons of his shirt. "Wow you look great" he said as I shoved my fat butt into the passenger seat. "Oh thanks, you too" I said unconvincingly. His weight gain didn't bother me at all it was just a shock. Luke had always kept himself in perfect shape so it was strange to see him like this. Our breakup must have been pretty hard on him. "Don't worry I'm going to get back in shape. Apparently I like to eat my feelings" he said with a laugh.
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Fattony25 10 years
Thanks for the feedback. I actually am going to do a Stacy spinoff. Cant give any details though. Dont know when ill start it either
Fattony25 10 years
Some cover artwork is in my pics