Anticipation pt.4

Chapter 7 - anticipation pt4 ch7

When I finally pulled into my parking spot I started to get really nervous. Not the happy excited kind of nervous though. It was more a fearful dreadful kind of nervous. The last time I was in this position was when Luke had dumped me. He had sounded pretty happy on the phone so I figured I was just letting my anxiety get the better of me. I got to the front door, took a deep breath and turned the handle.

When I got inside the apartment I saw Luke sitting on the couch, this time though he was smiling and had a large manila envelope in his hand. Confused I walked over to him and asked what was going on. "Here" he said handing me the envelope. As I opened the envelope and started to pull out its contents the first thing I saw was a picture of a ship. Once I got the piece of paper full out I realized what it was. It was a brochure for a two week cruise to the Caribbean and inside of that were two tickets with our names on them.

" god you are insane" I said with a huge goofy smile plastered on my face. It still hadn't set in that this was really happening when Luke started to explain himself. "Well I know we just got back together and it's a little soon but neither of us has had a vacation in over a year. I really think we are going to have a lot of fun. Plus I got us a room with a balcony" he said as I sat on his lap while nosing through the brochure. I didn't really pay attention as he went on talking for the next few minutes, everything in the brochure was distracting me too much. "Thank you so much. This is so amazing I can't wait to go" I said finally snapping out of my trance. At that point Luke started to get a bit amorous. He began caressing my thick thigh with one hand while squeezing my chunky love handle with the other. As our tension built I leaned in and started making out with him. That was when it hit me. I had forgotten that I promised to help Stacy setup for one of her art shows and I was already late. "Dammit I'm so sorry I have to go, I promise I will make it up to you" I said as I began to leave. Luke just laughed and told me not to worry about it. "Oh here take the paper work with you. Also don't forget it's not for a month" Luke said with a smirk as he shut the door behind me. I didn't really understand what the smirk was about so I just said "Ok" and drove off.

Stacy was clearly annoyed with me when I arrived at the gallery. "Just help me finish setting up the sculptures over there ok" she snapped at me. Once the stress of setting up everything was over Stacy was much more relaxed and we sat down for a cup of coffee. "Ok so what was this big surprise?" she asked me. Without a word I handed over the envelope to her. I saw her face light up as she realized what it was. "Oh you bitch!" Stacy shouted causing all of the other artists turned their heads to see what the outburst was about. "I'm so jealous of you right now. I would kill someone right now to be able to go on this trip" she told me getting more excited. "So it's a good cruise line?" I asked her sheepishly. Her next response caught me completely off guard. "Oh yeah they're great but I'm jealous because you're going to get so faaaat" she said while leaning into me. "Wait what? How?" I asked nervously. Stacy took a long sip of her coffee and answered me "Have you never been on a cruise? These things are like huge floating buffets that are open twenty four hours a day. You get to lay around and stuff yourself silly for two weeks straight. Believe me you're going to get huge"

Stacy was completely right, I hadn't even thought about that angle of it. That was when the last thing Luke said to me started repeating in my head. The realization that I was going to have to wait an entire month for this hit me like a ton of bricks. Not only was Luke ready to bring stuffing back into our relationship, he was turning it up a notch.
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Fattony25 10 years
Thanks for the feedback. I actually am going to do a Stacy spinoff. Cant give any details though. Dont know when ill start it either
Fattony25 10 years
Some cover artwork is in my pics