Anticipation pt.4

Chapter 8 - anticipation pt4 ch8

Standing on the pier waiting to board our cruise ship my heart was beating out of my chest and I was overwhelmed with too many emotions to focus on anything. I was nervous, excited, terrified, confused and starving all at the same time. Our cruise liner was called the Jewel of the Ocean and it was absolutely massive. Luke told me it was the seventh largest cruise ship in the world and by seeing it up close I knew he wasn't joking. The size of this ship was completely intimidating, I had never seen a machine this size in my life let alone ride on one.

While waiting in line all I could think about was the month leading up to this point. Just like before when Luke told me I would have to wait to do our stuffing he held up his promise. We didn't do a single stuffing session together that entire month even though I started to entice him heavily towards the end. I was amazed at his level of commitment and will power he showed me. Multiple times I texted him pictures of my belly with the caption "Don't you want to feed this poor belly?" His response was always the same "The wait will be worth it." Even though it was extremely frustrating I understood his plan and did my best to hold back until our trip. I'll admit I did slip a few times but that was mostly Stacy's fault. She constantly had food around and I found myself getting stuffed with her on a few occasions. The night before we left she convinced me to take a "before" shot in the new lime green bikini I had brought for the trip. The bikini was fairly modest, the top was bra like with a wire for support and the bottoms were big enough for me to tuck my tummy in if I started to feel self-conscious. I know I could have gotten some ridiculous dental floss thong bikini but I didn't really want to scar the young children on board for life. "You're going to be falling out of this thing when you get back" she told me with a devious smile. I was more worried about what she was going to look like when I got back. She had gotten over her gaining struggles and put on seven pounds that month and was feverishly trying to gain more. Unlike her previous pounds these new ones had different plans and decided to make their home right around her belly. The weight in her stomach was starting to force all of her pants and shorts down in the front and her navel had gotten noticeably deeper, almost swallowing her belly ring. When she sat, a large fleshy roll formed that she was able to grab with two hands. Obviously she was thrilled with this.

It took about an hour and half until we were finally on the ship and in our room but I was still far away from diving into whatever delights the ships restaurants and buffets had to offer. First we were going to have to wait until our bags arrived and go through the safety drill before we could start eating. In the meantime I took a few minutes to really enjoy our room. The room was obviously small but really cute with nice blue carpet and white sheets. There was a flat screen TV and classy modern artwork hanging up around the room. The best part about the room was its balcony. Standing out there and smelling the sea air while looking down at the water below helped me relax until the safety drill. By the time the safety drill concluded I was literally dancing on the balls of my feet with excitement. When the words came out of the crew members mouth that we were free to go I felt a buzz come over my entire body. As the ship began to leave port I grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him as fast as I could towards the food court. There was only one problem, I didn't know where the food court was. Luke stopped me before we made it too far in the wrong direction and put his hands on my shoulders. "Look I have one more thing we have to do before we can get started ok?" he said to me clearly sensing my anxiousness. That was when I lost total control and flew into a rage. Not only had I waited over five months to stuff myself with him again but I was legitimately just hungry. I stamped my foot on the deck and made some weird grunting sound while laser beams shot out of my eyeballs directly at Luke. "C'mon you will like this" he said giggling at my anger. We took the elevator down a few flights and when the doors opened the first thing I saw was work out equipment. We were in the last place I wanted to be on this ship, its gym. "How are we going to know how much we've gained if we don't weigh ourselves" Luke said with a confident grin.

The word "we" rang through my ears as he took off his shirt and got onto the gym's scale. "One Ninety" he said to me while slapping his belly. All my anger melted away at the thought that he had planned to gain on this vacation with me this entire time. The fact that he was going to experience exactly what I was going to made an extreme wave of happiness flow over me. Once he was off the scale I smiled at him and stripped down. I stepped my fat body onto the scale and waited for the results to read out. "One ninety eight, very good" he said as he gave my belly a little jiggle. I was happy that I was starting to gain again but it also made me a little nervous. If I was gaining again then how big was I going to get after twelve days of none stop gorging? I was in too good of a mood to let that worry bother me so I put the thought out of my head and put my clothes back on. We could feel each other's excitement as we ran back to the elevator and made our way to the food court.

When the doors opened to the food court we were both stunned. The room was magnificent and huge. The ceiling was about three floors tall with a huge crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of it and its width was close to being as wide as the ship itself. Running along each of the blue, white and gold painted walls there were numerous small huts where vendors were serving every type of food imaginable. In the middle of the food court there three buffet tables each about twenty feet long and absolutely loaded with food. In each of the four corners, in their own separate rooms there were the fancier restaurants where the elegantly dressed servers and chefs were happily brining people food. Just taking all of this in was completely overwhelming for us. Luke and I were totally stumped at where to start our feast first, until the whiff of pizza tickled my nose.

The amazing scent dragged us over to a vendor serving New York style slices of pizza. He handed us each over an enormous slice which would had easily been two slices anywhere else. The slice was so big that I couldn't figure out how to start eating it. Luke showed me how the easiest way to eat it was to take the slice by the crust and fold it in half. As we brought the steaming cheesy slices to our mouths Luke and I gave each other a big smile, then dug in. The combination of the grease, cheese, sauce and dough hit my tongue like an electric charge, it was incredible. We quickly finished our pizza and moved on to check out the other vendors had to offer. The next place that caught our attention was the Mexican food station. There was a woman behind the counter making huge burritos with numerous filling choices "Those look big" I whispered in Luke's ear. He smiled and immediately took me by my hand to bring me to the station. Once there I ordered a chicken burrito with rice, sour cream, beans and guacamole. Luke got the same except with pork instead. We also got a few bottles of beer each.

We tore into our burritos viciously while we walked around checking out all of the other choices. It was strange I was gorging myself in front of all of these strangers but didn't feel the least bit self-conscious about it. I guess the fact that they were all literally doing the same thing helped....well that and the beers.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 10 years
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Fattony25 10 years
Thanks for the feedback. I actually am going to do a Stacy spinoff. Cant give any details though. Dont know when ill start it either
Fattony25 10 years
Some cover artwork is in my pics