How could it hurt?

Chapter 2 - hey stranger

I walk into the restaurant and ask for the Sawyer table, I'm the first here but he called to make the reservation. I begin fidgeting with napkin, lost in thought, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around slightly startled then break into a huge smile when I see him.

Sawyer looks even better in person, though missing the big belly I so love, he is well built with strong, broad shoulders in perfect proportion to his frame. I find I'm on my feet reaching for a hug but don't stop myself. He smells like the woods, with undertones of hot apple cider, cinnamon, cloves and camp fire. I think I'm melting...

After a few long moments I mange to pull back and look at this living god, something in his eyes looks so familiar I'm certain this isn't our first meeting. He cocks an adorable crocked smile and gently bops my nose with his finger. Without thinking I crinkle my nose and do it back to him. A warm memory floods my mind, I'm a little girl at the baby sitters house. Her nephew was a few years older and stayed there too, she used to call us peas in a pod. Suddenly I realized I was (still) in the arms of an old friend.

Had he known when he sent the message? He surely knew when he greeted me I realized with a small laugh. He grinned down at me( have I mentioned I'm tiny?) and said "good to see you again smalls".

He pulled my chair out and I sat down still surprised. He went on to explain that when he saw my ad he got an odd familiar feeling and when he saw my pics he recognized me immediately, after this he blushed and admitted he'd always had a crush on me. I blurted out that he wasn't the only one, and his smile grew even bigger than before. He gave my hand a warm squeeze, looked mischievously into my eyes and asked me to go het him his first plater while we talked.

My heart jumped into my throat and I'm jumped out of my seat remembering that not only had I been reunited with my first ever crush, but that he wanted me to true him into a huge pig! I couldn't believe my luck as I piled his plate high with buttered biscuits, fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, Mac and cheese, creamed corn and cheese sticks.

When I returned to our table my wine and his beer had arrived. When he caught sight of the mountain if food I had brought him he licked his lips and sighed "oh, we are just going to have too much fun smalls"

"Watch who you're calling smalls skinny boy, we've got a ton of weight we need to put on you!" And with that I brought a biscuit up to his lips, he greedily bit off over half then opened up for the rest. As he stuffed plate number one into that surprisingly elastic tummy he told me about his life, his ex fiancé, his career. The latter really impressed me; he had designed a type of biodegrade plastic his first year out of school and he sold his idea to a few corporations so he never has to work again. He is however pondering ideas to do something similar with styrofoam. During this load of info he managed to demolish his first plate, I went to get another plate for him (lucky me, getting to watch him eat whatever I pleased!).

As I make my way back to the table with an even more caloric ally loaded plate i carefully allow my hips to swing sensuously from side to side, after all it's not fair for me to have all the eye candy. We chat more, both thrilled the other shares our vast amount of free time. He asks about my mom, making my heart melt again. I discreetly pinch myself under the table to make sure I'm not dreaming. Ouch! But worth it, this is real!

We flirt our way through four massive servings for him, followed of course by two courses of dessert. He gets slowly and heavily to his feet revealing a hugely distended gut. His firm yet solid middle now gives off the appearance Sawyer has a watermelon strapped around his abdomen.

He walks me out to my car and then leans in to give my a kiss goodnight, his swollen belly presses me into the car and I'm getting so turned on that I have to get away quick before i take unladylike-like advantage of his stuffed state.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
such a sexy story


really i liked it where can i order that girl please ^^?
Drstrange 10 years
Thanks everyone smiley
Fatrnfatr 10 years
This is a wonderfully romantic (and sexy!) story. Hats off to you!
GRIN X 10 years
That was awesome, I would love to eat those foods too! Damn, you've made me hungry smiley
Fatlilboy 10 years me!
FrecherTyp 10 years
ohhh that was so good to read ^^
Built4com4t 10 years bhm/ffa story here in a long, _long_ time. i hope there's more where this came from!