How could it hurt?

Chapter 3 - on with love up with weight

Over the next few weeks Sawyer and I become inseparable. We trade off nights at each other's houses. We tried to go slow in the beginning but we were just too comfortable together and our attraction was overpowering. The morning typically started with me sneaking out to pick up a breakfast feast for my growing man, I didn't even have to set an alarm! His growling belly demanded food at 8 every morning! And the effects were beginning to show, his once loose 34's were beginning to pinch his sides and his body was covered in a small layer of softeness.

Sawyer would be woken by the smells of bacon and pastries wafting up stairs seeking him out. His naturally huge appetite had begun to grow to shocking proportions and since he quit working out he was getting some nice girth as well. In the first few weeks Sawyer would breakfast on things like 12 egg and heavy cream quiches topped with sausage and cheese, butter soaked Belgium waffles hidden under thick layers of powered sugar, about two pounds bacon, all washed down with a milkshake. Lunch was a similar affair, with perhaps a family sized chicken pot pie, a casserole sized side of shepards pie and at least a dozen buttered rolls. Belly rubs and naps were his between meal hobbies.

The feel of my tiny hands rubbing his throbbing, stuffed gut was enough to get both of us breathing heavy. After I rubbed the belly enough for Sawyer to feel comfortable breathing again I would let my massaging hands inch below his belly to his eagerly waiting member. I freed his hard dick and stripped down before climbing on top. He gasped when he felt himself enter me, it still surprises him how wet watching him eat gets me. His dick throbbed inside me while I rode him like a cowgirl. As I bobbed up and down over his hips his stuffed belly caressed my a few times, I couldn't wait till he was fat enough that it would rub against my clit.

We were addicted to this new routine of stuffing, playing, jiggling and sex. His 34's couldn't button over his new gut so we made a trip to the mall. Since the plan was for him to grow a lot more we decided he should skip 36's and try on the 38's. Neither of us were expecting the 38's to be tight enough to warrant buying him size 40's! Luckily the fitting rooms were abandoned other than us and fairly soundproof because I pushed his now chubby ass down onto the bench, grabbed some sexy love handles and we were off to the rodeo again"

That was about three months ago, bringing us to a total of six months together. In that time Sawyer has gone from a slim size 34 to spilling out of his 44's. Last time we got him on the scale his six foot frame had gone from its original 185 up to 265!

Watching him struggle into pants is absolutely useless because seeing him shimmy and jiggling into those pants gets me so to turned on I rip his pants right off!!! Poor Sawyer can't do a lot of things he used to do because of me, like unbutton his belt without getting aroused. Or buckle his belt over his belly for that matter! He's got to slide in very carefully to a booth when eye go out to eat, which is a lot. Soon enough he won't be able to fit at all!

And he certainly can't pass up a buffet, just last night he broke his record and ate fifteen plates of dinner with seven dessert plates. After which we went home and showed my what else that big fat body could do. With my legs on his shoulders and his gut laying on my legs and slamming into me with each powerful thrust he had me crying out his name so loud the neighbors called to check on us.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
such a sexy story


really i liked it where can i order that girl please ^^?
Drstrange 10 years
Thanks everyone smiley
Fatrnfatr 10 years
This is a wonderfully romantic (and sexy!) story. Hats off to you!
GRIN X 10 years
That was awesome, I would love to eat those foods too! Damn, you've made me hungry smiley
Fatlilboy 10 years me!
FrecherTyp 10 years
ohhh that was so good to read ^^
Built4com4t 10 years bhm/ffa story here in a long, _long_ time. i hope there's more where this came from!