Magic man 2

Chapter 2 - magic man 2 chapter 2

The next time The woman showed up into the shop, MM went to work. As always he had to make the coffee and get the dozen specialty donuts ready for her. Inside the coffee he blended a spell within the milk and sugar. It was a simple spell, a surveillance spell. MM's magics are extremely powerful, but he needs to make sure his mark is willing. Call him crazy but he wants to make every experience one a woman will be wanting MORE.

As she drinks the coffee sitting in her usual spot by the window, MM begins to get a clear picture of her in his mind. The magic displays in image of the one afflicted on his mind's eye, no matter where she is. MM only wants to find out a few things before going further with his plans.

MM Waits until he can see her arrive at her house. Empty, no other car. Most of the stuff inside seemed pretty ordinary. Nice TV in the living room with neutral decor. A few candles for lighting occasionally, microfleece blanket on the couch. The kitchen was clean and a plain white/grey scheme, where she set the donuts on the island's granite counter top.

As with most people, finding herself alone she seems to talk to herself, so MM listens in just a bit:

"Oh Jen, another dozen donuts for you huh? Just gonna keep feeding that food baby eh? Oh well. Not like I have anyone to look pretty for. Sides, these things are DELICIOUS."
She changes from her normal outerwear to something a little bit more comfortable. Long sweats and a soft but stretchy T. It hugs over her little belly and gives it the illusion of being bigger, one reason she would never wear it in public.

She looks down at her belly and grabs it a bit "Wow, it has gotten bigger... Oh well, whatever. Guys have beer guts right? I can have a donut gut.".

She turns on the TV and begins to watch while eating the rest of the donuts, one by one, until they are all gone.

Though she acts as if she is disgusted, MM noticed Jen rubbing her belly quite a bit while eating those donuts. Smiling and trying to finish the whole bit before bed time. She stretched the shirt just a bit, but not much.

"Oof, Im glad I only do this twice a week! I should really cut down on that on so full..."
She lays down in bed rubbing her belly and falls asleep. MM is satisfied, this is the one.

MM dispels the magic, for now. He awaits for her return, which ends up being sooner then even he anticipated.

Jen arrived back at the shop the following day. she seems a little happier then usual. Normally she leaves 2 days between, but maybe she came to celebrate... in any case, its perfect for MM.

He puts his powerful magics to work.
He makes her coffee and gets her donuts as normal. As she sits at the window again and stares outside into the low traffic a few seconds pass by before she realizes no cars are coming by. It got unusually quiet, even the coffee making machines seemed to be mute. And she finally noticed the frisbee with parkgoers stuck in mid air. She turns around, and MM is there:

MM:"Why Hello there"
Jen: "Whats going on...?"
MM: "Nothing dangerous my dear no worries. I simply wanted to ask you a few things"
Jen: "YOU.. did all THIS?"
MM: "And I can do much more.. If you let me"
Jen: "Im confused.. could you explain this to me?"
MM: "Of course. You see, ive been working here at Dick's for a while, and I noticed you have been a regular customer several times a week. You're so beautiful you always catch my eye, but I notice you're always alone. I want to show you what an amazing time you can have taking me home with you for once. I won't do anything you don't want me to, it's all about your fantasies. You'll never get another opportunity like this. If you say no I'll disappear, you will have no recollection of this and things will just go back to normal. But if you pick me, I'll give you the greatest night of your life. You never know what could happen. Even things you thought... impossible..."

Jen at this point in disbelief as to what is happening, and even more at the proposition of this man who is obviously powerful enough to stop everything else around them. He definitely MIGHT have the power to make this night amazing...

Jen: "Well.. given the proof you just gave me... im inclined to believe you... and what the hell, I haven't had male company in a little while.. Maybe it'll be fun"

MM: "Haha, glad to hear it. Take this rune and when you are at home and ready, squeeze it firmly in your hands while thinking about me, I will be there shortly after. Until then, I am going to get back to work. Nobody else has any knowledge of this, Just you and me, you must keep it that way."
*MM Hands Jen a rune carved with an ancient text about the size of her palm*

Jen: "Like anyone would believe me anyway haha"

The ghostly image of MM Disappeared back to behind the counter and everything began to move, at first slowly, and then back to normal speed.
Jen acted as normally as possible, finished the donut she was on and left for her home.
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Fatlilboy 10 years
Soooooo friggggin creative!!! LOVE this story. More....more.....magical, mystical fattening....delicious!