Prescription for love

Chapter 2 - Part 2

After what seemed like years, he finally came in to the pharmacy. The changes were subtle, but pleasing - his shirt gaped just a bit around the buttons at his midsection, the belt was gone and so was the top button of his pants! Looking at his face, she thought his cheeks and chins were rounder and more full. Elena had nearly convinced herself that she must have imagined how fantastically good-looking he was, but now that he was here she was sure that if anything, he was even more incredible than she remembered.

She beamed at him, making sure to engage him in pleasant small talk so that she could enjoy his company a little longer. He was very animated and cheerful, and Elena nearly missed what he had to say several times as he hiked up those tight jeans or ran his hand under that larger gut. Finally she turned to get the substitute drug, satisfied that she had made the right choice.

"Are you having any problems with this medication?" she asked.

John replied, "None, except that it doesn't seem to work! I've been hungry all the time, and I'm sure that I haven't lost any weight." He patted his belly and looked chagrined.

Elena turned a little pink. "It does take some time for that medication to take effect. I wouldn't worry about it." Her conscience twinged, but the delectable view soon outweighed any guilt.

He nodded and smiled as he turned to go. Once more he stepped up on the pharmacy scale. She had to turn away to avoid staring, but turned back in time to watch him grab a box of Twinkies as he made his way up front. Once he was gone, Elena practically ran to the scale. 344! He'd gained 21 pounds in a month, and without even trying!

She was dizzy with excitement, and after an hour of being clumsy and inattentive, Elena told her supervisor she wasn't feeling well and went home early. After fighting not to masturbate in the car on the way home, she slammed the door behind her and pushed her fingers into her panties. Almost immediately she came with earth-shattering force, nearly passing out from pleasure. When she came to herself, she was stretched out on the floor in front of her door. Her thoughts were clear - she had to tell him what she had done and why.

After much internal debate, Elena decided to wait one more month. She had never felt so good, so sexual in her life - what if he was disgusted at her deception? What if he turned her in? She knew it was selfish, but if she was going to suffer the consequences for the rest of her days, she wanted a few more weeks of this ecstasy. The time went by in a blur, and before she knew it, John's prescription was again in the refill queue. But there was a slight change - he had asked for the medication to be mailed to him rather than picking it up! Her heart dropped. Dozens of reasons why flashed across her mind, none of them happy. In a funk, she finished her shift, trying to decide what to do next.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 17 years , updated 54 years
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Pd500 9 years
Fattastic. What a wonderful start to a life together.
Built4com4t 11 years
how did i miss this one...deliciously erotic and demands a sequel ;-)