The deal, part two

chapter six sharing the details

That evening Michelle goes over to Chris's house to see him when he returns home from basketball leaving Shawna and Bill home for the evening. At dinner, Bill brings up what he witnessed upon his return home that afternoon.

"I was so thrilled to see you and Michelle getting along this afternoon. I haven't seen you girls that close in, I don't even know how long. When I left, I didn't know if the house would still be standing when I got home, the way the two of you were getting at each other. What happened while I was gone?"

"Bill, I have to confess something to you. I may have entered into a deal with the devil here. But, if this works like I hope it does, life will be much easier for both of us."

"What are you talking about, Dear?"

"After Michelle's rant last Friday night, I thought up a plan to try to change her views on weight. As the week proceeded, she only got worse Bill. I had to do something to stop her. I wish I had run this past you before I did anything, but I just couldn't wait any longer."

"So, what is this plan of yours?"

Shawna shares the details of the plan and shows him the contract that was written up.

"What if your plan falls through; what if this doesn't lead to the change you are hoping for in Michelle? Shawna, you know I love you very much and that I have always shown you my pleasure over every additional pound and curve that you have put on since we met."

"I know Bill, I, I just..."

"And, the fact that you lied to Michelle about our relationship. I can't believe that you would throw me under the bus like that."

"I am so sorry Bill. I had to get Michelle to buy in to the story and that was the best thing I could think of at the time. I know how much you have appreciated my curves, and you know I have reciprocated with my affection to your beautiful belly. You know that big beach ball drives me crazy. I just want you to know that I did this for both of us. I couldn't take Michelle's constant jabs at our lifestyle any longer. It was sending me into a deep depression and I feared where it would lead."

"I know Michelle's attitude has been getting worse, especially since starting to go out with Chris. I think we can both agree that he is a very bad influence on her and all, but forcing her to gain weight in the hopes that she will get fat and not go back to being thin. I mean, is this right for parents to do to their children?"

"I can guarantee I didn't think this all through, but what is done is done now. After she returned home and agreed to go through with it, I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't hear any of it."

"So, are you prepared to go through with this and become more active and lose the weight if Michelle follows through with the next stage of this plan?"

"I don't know if I have much choice at this point. Like I said, I didn't think all of this through all the way. I just hope it doesn't come down to that."


Bill and Shawna finished up their meal in silence.

"I realize that I screwed up when I lied about our relationship. I should have never used you like that, and for that I am really sorry. All I can ask is that you will help me in this. Help me to change Michelle's view of the ideal body so that she won't want to continue on with the next stage."

"Shawna, I love you, and I will always love you, no matter what. I am about to close a huge deal at work. We will figure out a way to use this to our advantage, as a way to explain your perceived views on our distancing relationship, which turns out not to be true. This is going to be a roll of the dice Shawna, but if this works..."

Meanwhile, after dinner at Chris's house, Michelle also shares the details of her contract with her mom with the love of her life.

"What the hell were you thinking, you *itch! Why didn't you talk to me about this before deciding to become a fat whore? At least then you would have had some sense put into that thick skull of yours!"

"Chris! Wait! What are you so upset about? It is only going to be a few pounds and it isn't like it is long term. After the year is up, I am going to lose the weight and get back into shape. I have finally gotten through to my mom about her weight and unhealthy lifestyle. You know I have wanted to get her to change for a while now. If this is the way to get her to change, what is the big deal?"

"What is the big deal??? You think I want to be seen dating a huge whale, even if it is just for a year? What is everybody going to think about me?"


" ;Since I started going out with you, it has taken you this long to finally start focusing more on your figure and you are just going to throw it all away to try to salvage some kind of relationship with your morbidly obese mother. You know you still need some work on your body for us to take our relationship to the next level, that you need to lose a few more pounds, and you come here to tell me that you are willing to throw what you have with me away. For what?"

"Chris, stop!!! I thought we meant more to each other that we could both get through this together. Like I said, it is only going to be a few pounds, and only for a year, then I will get down to my ideal weight that we both want me at."

"Do you realize how many girls would love to go out with me, Michelle? How lucky you are that I let you be my girlfriend, and you respond by doing this? I can't believe how insensitive to my needs you are! I think it is time you left so that I can try to wrap my mind around this. Get out now!"

"Chris, just settle down and think about this before making any rash decisions. Please," Michelle begs.

"Get out now!!!!"

Michelle grabs her stuff and heads out to her car. For the second time today, she is left to drive around the city trying to gather her thoughts.
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Fooman 2 years
I just wish there was more, what a great start and you write very well.