Christmas at his mum

Chapter 2 - part 2 christmas eve

"Oh look at you two, you've been having so much fun!" John's mum Lara cried as soon as she saw them, patting their bellies fondly. The couple just smiled; there was no hiding their gain and in any case there was no one else around to see them. Entering the house their noses were assailed by the aroma of fresh baking.

"Oh my that smells divine!" exclaimed Sandy.
"Fudge brownies dear, your favourites" beamed Lara happily. "Here take some."
"Some" could be interpreted many ways. In this case Sandy devoured the entire tray, except for two pieces that John managed to steal in between taking their luggage to their room and unpacking their essentials.

"You've really discovered your appetite, haven't you?" smiled John's mum at Sandy as the brunette massaged her suddenly stuffed belly. Lara saw that whereas a year earlier her daughter-in-law had simply had a slightly bulging midriff, she now possessed a proudly plump belly that sat round and fat on her lap. Her butt and hips were also up a size or too, bulging out softly over the sides of the chair.

"All thanks to you" and Sandy hugged the older, plumper woman in a genuine embrace of gratitude. "I can never thank you enough for helping me discover my sense of taste and the indulgent pleasures that came with it. And it's as though John was just waiting for that watershed moment to start gaining as well."

"Oh but he was Sandy. Sure time played a part in it; he'd passed thirty and I'm sure his metabolism slowed, coupled with starting his own business and finding a beauty like you left him little time for the gym."
"Wait, you mean he knew how you would feed me? That I would come to like, no love, being fat, something I couldn't even imagine just 2 years ago?"
"Well John certainly likes his women on the plump side, you should see the websites I used to find in the browser history when we shared a computer. Did he know I would help you appreciate food? Yes, you can see how I love cooking and eating. But your reaction? That's all you Sandy, no one could make you feel differently."

"Hmm. But John helps, by saying he loves more as I get fatter, and I do really feel sexier and happier, even as John gets fatter himself."
"Well then, nothing more to talk about, I better get baking again, keep you two happy!" joked Lara.
"I knew you'd be stuffing us this week, but to down a whole tray of brownies in the first half hour is more than I expected" smiled Sandy.
"And that's just the beginning dear" Lara's eyes twinkled.

The couple had a wonderful week at his mum. Lara was a very giving person and participated actively in the community life. She baked up a storm of treats for every occasion imaginable: for the orphanage and for a charity cake sale, for the church do and for her neighbours just because. Needless to say, for every baked goodie she gave away, another found its way into the three hungry bellies in the house, and that was apart from the three full meals per day that Lara served up. On their second day there, Lara baked a large batch of cookies, three full oven trays and went off to nap. John spotted the cookies first and grabbed a handful to munch on as they watched TV. Sandy nicked a few from John and then went for more. So they went, munching and chomping until they realised with a shock that they had devoured the entire batch.

They admitted this to Lara when she woke but she could only laugh at the look of guilt on their chubby faces and simply set about cooking some more.

Having a lovely voice, Lara was to sing at midnight mass on Christmas Eve. She persuaded John and Sandy to join, as John had inherited a wonderful voice while Sandy was excellent on the piano. At their insistence she then organised a full fry up breakfast right after mass, inviting a few friends too. The community got with the idea and it soon had to move out of Lara's house to the church community hall to accommodate all the people who wanted in.

After a hearty dinner on Christmas Eve, the three went to dress for their musical session at the midnight mass. John soon found that his one pair of smart pants, already tight before the visit, would not button over his expanded and food-filled gut. Sandy laughed at him, stroking his soft paunch and teased him in good humour. "Looks like the turkey's been fed well and good huh? Not surprising considering you haven't stopped eating since we got here! See what a big fat sexy gut you have now, you gorgeous glutton. I think you'll just have to leave your shirt untucked to hide the truth that you're too fat for your pants!"

It was John's turn to tease when Sandy wore, or rather poured herself into a skirt suit she had bought only a few weeks earlier. The white shirt was stretched tight over her belly, the buttons clearly under pressure as the shirt ruched over her love handles. Her red skirt went over her hips with a struggle but the ends remained a good inch apart, separated by a gulf of flab, even when she tugged till she was red in the face. "Having a bit of trouble there honey?" asked John, smirking.
"No" Sandy gasped, "gonna get this thing closed."
"Why don't you lie on the bed babe, let me try and zip you up? I'm sure it's only due to you pigging out at dinner and not this fat belly you have grown."
"Shut up and zip, ***!" she retorted.

With Sandy lying on the bed John eventually managed to get the skirt closed and helped Sandy up carefully.
"See!" She gloated, "I can still wear my clothes not like some fatties I know."
"Here's the jacket" said John, deadpan, "you know you need to breathe at some point right?"

The jacket went over her shoulders but again John had to help her to button it up and she looked like a pillow in a pillowcase a size too small. The jacket button stretched the material cruelly, pinching her soft belly into two rolls, and making her look fatter than she actually was.

"Good lord I look really fat in this!" she exclaimed, looking at her profile in the mirror.
"That's because you are really fat, see all this sexiness" John rubbed her lower belly roll seductively.

"Mmm you like this look? The overstuffed sausage?"
"You know I love it, pure sexiness babe."

"Still" he continued, "you know you need to sit for the piano, better make sure you can do so."
"What do you mean? I fit into the suit didn't I?"
"Sure. But sit down."

Sandy lowered herself carefully onto the bed. The ensemble looked ready to pop open at any second but it held. Until she relaxed completely. John wasn't sure what gave way first. The jacket button flew off and bounced off the mirror with a loud ping, while the skirt zip decided to part ways, unleashing her creamy fleshy hip. Without the support of the jacket button, the shirt gave up its lone fight and two buttons blew open, letting her fat belly roll out and sit prettily atop her ruined skirt.

John stood still for a second, unsure how Sandy would take it.

"Phew! Oh my God that feels better!" and she burst out laughing. "I guess I'm a fatty too huh?" she grinned at her husband.

The congregation all appreciated the trio's efforts, even as they noted that they took up rather more room than the year before. The plump Lara must have passed the 280 lb mark somewhere along the year and her apple shaped figure jiggled as she sang. John's untucked shirt hid his undone button but still showed off a well fed gut. Sitting at the piano, Sandy sat in profile to the congregation and looked like the very essence of temptation and decadence; her dress gave ample proof of her many indulgences over the last year, with her butt oozing over the stool and her belly round and plump, jutting out further than her breasts.

Their duty done for the night, the crowd flowed into the community hall adjoining the church, wine ready and served, and it was soon filled with the smell of a heavenly fry up. Everyone tucked in heartily, none more so than the musical trio. As those who had kicked off the idea, they had places of honour near the cooking area and didn't even have to get up as there were many friendly hands to keep their plates filled.

People just kept tossing more food onto their plates, so the three didn't really notice how many portions they took, but it was enough to be noticed by their neighbours. "You really enjoy your food don't you?" said one woman to Sandy in a complimentary manner.
"Oh you bet" she smiled back and grabbed her belly. "Gotta keep this baby filled!" The woman smiled, not surprised at Sandy's attitude with Lara as her mum-in-law, then turned to John. "You want to open up your pants to keep eating like that" John and Sandy both laughed and Sandy interjected, her mouth full of bacon, "it's already open, he couldn't button up them up after dinner!"
John lifted his shirt to show he wasn't lying, and in fact took the chance to slip his belt open a notch.

By the time the party ended and they made their way home, the three were completely stuffed. In the privacy of their bedroom, John and Sandy undressed one another and caressed their overfed bellies, moaning in pleasure and had slow sex that quickly reached epic orgasm.
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Lovinitbig 10 years
I love this! Keep it up please they are so fun and sexy.
Ssaylleb 10 years
Thanks, glsd you liked. Of course there's more, what's a Christmas story without a Xmas day stuffing? smiley