Va big

Chapter 2 - va big

We walked down to her office she asked, "So how have you been health wise, Mr. Fox?" "Uh well I have gained a lot of weight this past year." I replied, blushing again. She looked down at my printout, "Oh my you certainly have! You gained over twenty pounds! Let me check your medications, you must be having some sort of side effect or reaction to gain this much weight." We went into her office and she closed the door. "Mr. Fox, do you think your weight gain is due to a reaction?" She asked, clearly concerned and staring at my huge belly. "Uh no doctor, I don't think my weight is caused by a side effect or reaction." I replied blushing a bit. "Why do you think so, Mr. Fox?" I stammered," Doctor I did this deliberately." I patted my belly making it jiggle. Now it was her turn to blush. "Really! You must have eaten an incredible amount to gain this much weight so quickly! Mr. Fox, can you tell me why you deliberately gained so much weight?"

I patted my belly again, "Dr. Ambrose, I have wanted to gain weight and grow a huge round belly since I can remember! When I finally retired from the reserves and especially having to struggle to maintain my weight the last few years, all I could think about was letting go and indulging myself. I love being this obese, I love having a huge round belly and fat thighs and fat rear end too!"

"Mr. Fox, I have never heard of someone gaining weight and becoming obese on purpose. Tell me is your wife overweight also?" "Yes doctor she is and has been for most of marriage. But her weight did not really influence me to gain. I have been turned on by thought of becoming obese since childhood. It has been a sexual fantasy literally since puberty for me."

Dr. Ambrose started typing on her desktop. "Mr. Fox this is absolutely fascinating to me. May I take some measurements and check your weight again?" "Certainly Doctor that is fine with me, do you need me to take off my shorts and t-shirt?" "Yes please do Mr. Fox, I can get you a hospital gown if you would like?" "No thanks, I am wearing one of my nylon brief swim suits, I thought you might need to take some measurements."

I hoisted myself up and dropped the shorts off. Now standing in front of the doctor in just my nylon bikini brief and over-stretched t-shirt. She wrapped a tape measure around my waist and gasped, "Mr. Fox, your waist is forty eight inches! Let me get your hips, oh my, fifty one inches and let me check your thighs, oh my thirty eight inches! Please sit down Mr. Fox." I lowered myself back onto the chair.

Dr. Ambrose was blushing! "Mr. Fox, your measurements are quite amazing! Did you really intend to gain this much weight and girth?" My turn to blush again, "To tell you the truth, I would not mind gaining more weight and getting even bigger! " I patted my huge belly to empathize my point.

"Mr. Fox, we need to talk!" she said. "Uh, Dr. Ambrose, I really do not want to diet. I really love being this fat, I really love to eat too." "No Mr. Fox, I am not trying to get you to diet, at least the kind of diet you are thinking of. I am conducting a study here at the VA hospital on weight gain in veterans. The VA is concerned about the large number veterans becoming obese. I have several men in the program and two women, but all, as they tell me, have gained weight by accident, not intentionally gaining like you. Mr. Fox, I would like to invite you to take part in our study."

I asked, "But doctor I do not want to lose any weight, if anything I want to keep on overeating and gaining weight." "I know, that is why I want you in the study, Mr. Fox. I want you to keep gaining weight. In fact you can get as fat as you want to." "Really! How would the study work?"

"Mr. Fox, you will be admitted as a patient here. We have a wing on the eighth floor set aside for the study. You will be able to eat a many meals a day as you want. We even have our own cooking facilities on the floor too. The best part is Mr. Fox, is the VA will pay you to get as fat as you want! You will be weighed and measured regularly, but be assured, you can eat anything you want and as much of it you want." "Dr. Ambrose, when can I start?" She smiled, "Today!"

I filled out what seemed to be a ream of paper; my health history, waivers, permission statements, releases and even a list of favorite foods. Dr. Ambrose sent me home to get some slipper, under pants and a couple of t-shirts.

"Katie, I am home." I called. "Hi honey how was your appointment?" Katie asked. I smiled and patted my belly, "Katie, it was great! Dr. Ambrose was really impressed with my weight gain and how big I have gotten. She invited me to take part in a study of weight gain and obesity in veterans." "Really", Katie replied. "Nat, that sounds like a great opportunity, honey, where is the study taking place?" "It is being conducted right at the hospital here, on the eighth floor. I get paid too!"

Katie poked my belly. "Nat are you going to have to diet off, your nice new belly?" "No Katie that is the best part! Dr. Ambrose says I can get as fat as I want!" Katie squealed "Oh Nat that is awesome, oh I can't weight."
I went up to our bedroom and gathered up several pairs of bikini briefs, my Speedo's, some t-shirt and a pair of slippers. I put everything in an overnight bag and went back down stairs. Katie asked, "Nat how long are you going to be in the hospital?" "Dr. Ambrose said for a week or so for now, then I can come home for a while and then go back in again. She said you can come and visit whenever you want, there are no restrictions for the patients in the study." "Oh good," replied Katie. "I will stop by later today to see how you are doing." She gave me a poke in my belly and pinched my fat bottom as we went out to the car. Katie dropped me off in front and I went up to Dr. Ambrose's office.

"Mr. Fox, thank you for getting your things so quickly. I want you to have your lunch here today. Let's go up the eighth floor and get you checked in." I followed Dr. Ambrose to the in patient/staff elevators, we went up to the eighth floor.

We went down a corridor to the wing where the study was being conducted. The wing had automatic glass doors that opened on our approach. Right inside was a nurse's station and across from that was the entrance to the kitchen area. The smells hit me and made my stomach growl. Dr. Ambrose obviously heard the sound and turned, "Mr. Fox, you sound like you are ready for your lunch!" I chuckled and patted my belly, "I certainly am!"

To my delight, the nurses were all plumper's! I met the day shift, Taylor, only five foot two, with a nice little pot belly and bubble butt. Anne about five six cute little belly, and an awesome round wide bottom! I was going to like it here. I worried that Katie might be jealous with these cute, plump nurses around me all day.

Taylor took down to my room. "Mr. Fox this is your room. There is a form to fill out to let us know your favorites snacks and treats. The mini fridge will be stocked for you three times a day. You will need to wear a hospital gown, but you can wear your own under pants or we can provide them for you. Please change into your gown, Dr. Ambrose wants you to start your diet right away." "Uh, Taylor, what is for lunch?" She smiled, "Mr. Fox, it is macaroni and cheese and bratwurst, 'Johnsonville, cheddar' of course." "YES!" I replied, just then my belly growled again. Taylor giggled, "Mr. Fox, I think you are really going to enjoy your time here with us!"

I pulled off my shorts and t-shirt and pulled the hospital gown on. I was a little snug around my belly, but that actually felt pretty good. I looked around the room, there was one chair, but no table. There was a bed table, but I wasn't sure if I should get in bed or not. I wasn't sick. Just then an orderly came in with a huge tray. "Mr. Fox?" "Yes, I am Mr. Fox." I replied. "Good! I have your lunch for you, one of your favorites I am sure." Her name was Maria and she too was quite rotund. I asked, "Where should I sit for lunch?" Maria giggled, "Get in the bed Mr. Fox, that is where you will have your meals." I thought, "I am going to be in bed all day, eating whatever I want! Is this awesome or what." I climbed onto the bed; Maria raised the bed to a sitting position and wheeled the table in front of me, setting down the tray covered with rich food. I ate everything, and un like most hospital/institutions I got all the helpings I wanted. I ate four platefuls, four glasses of whole, chocolate milk, two ice cream sundaes and six cookies. I lay back against the bed my engorged belly bulging out in front me. Maria cleared away the debris of my gorge and I soon fell asleep.
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Hugefatman 2 years
Nobody waddles anywhere at 228lbs unless they are only 3.5 feet tall. If I have one consistent complaint about WG stories it is that too many authors don’t seem to know the difference in 200 & 500lbs
Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 10 years
I know. I thought about that later. I should have been 250 lbs or 275 lbs. for the chair to really creak.
Fanedfox 10 years
Thanks to both of you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Fatlilboy 10 years of ur best by far. Please go on.