Va big

Chapter 3 - va big

I woke up with the sun shining in on me. I needed to use the rest room and hoisted myself out of bed and staggered to the bathroom. I washed my hands and decided to see what was going on, on the floor.

I walked to the nurse's station, Taylor looked up from a plate of warm cookies, "Hi sleepy head, how are you, Mr. Fox?" "I am great Taylor thank you, but please call me Nat." I smelled the warm cookies and my stomach growled. Taylor giggled, "Nat it sounds like you need some cookies." "That's ok Taylor I don't want to take any of yours." "Oh no, Nat I will call to our kitchen, they bake cookies everyday, I will have them bring a plate for you." "Well in that case I would love some cookies!"

A couple of minutes later, Maria came down the hall with a plate covered with cookies and another large glass of milk for me. "Here you are Mr. Fox." "Thank you Maria, but please call me Nat, Mr. Fox is way too formal." I pounded the cookies (a dozen) and the milk. Now comfortable full again and after another quick glance to admire both Taylor and Anna's abundant figures and went back to my room.

I watched TV for a while, nibbling on candy and other snacks in my room. Katie came to visit and check on me. "Hi Honey, how are you doing?" "Hey fine babe! The food is great here and Taylor and Anna are both very nice." "Oh I know, Nat I met them on the way in." Katie giggled, "Nat, your tummy already looks bigger to me!" I patted my belly, causing it to jiggle under the light cloth of the hospital gown, "I know Honey, I have been stuffing myself pretty much from the time I got here." She smiled, "Good Boy!"

Taylor looked into my room, "Nat it's time for your early dinner, Katie would you like to stay and eat with Nat?" "If it is okay, I would love to!" she replied. Maria wheeled in a cart covered with plates of lasagna, wine and garlic bread. The food was fantastic, I ate four platefuls, half the loaf of garlic bread and three glasses of wine. Katie giggled at my largesse and gluttony, "Nat I can't believe the VA is going to pay you to over indulge yourself." I chuckled patting my stuffed belly, a little buzzed with wine, "I know isn't this awesome!" Maria came in and cleared the dinner serving and brought in a huge cheese cake, covered with caramel, chocolate and whipped cream. She served us a slice, Katie ate her slice, while I ate mine and cut another one, I was just about to cut a third one, when she said, "Nat, honey I am going to go home now. I won't be able to fit behind the wheel if I eat another bite!" "What's wrong with that!" I said , poking her adorable belly. She giggled, "You are awful. Now eat up big boy!" We kissed, she poked my belly and left.

I asked Maria to leave the rest of the cheese cake, I wanted to nibble on it later. I feel asleep pretty early do to the wine and being packed with rich food. I woke up around midnight and got up to use the bathroom. I finished the cheese cake. It gave me a bit of a sugar rush and I could not go back to sleep. I got up again and went out to meet the night shift nurses.

I walked up to the nurse's station, an adorable plumper looked up, "Oh hi sir, you must be Mr. Fox. You were asleep when we came on duty. I am Amanda and this is Jennifer." "It is nice to meet you ladies. Please call me Nat." Amanda, was built pretty much like Taylor, short and plump. Jennifer was short too, but was a true pear. She had the roundest widest bottom I had ever seen. I could hardly keep from staring at her amazing figure. "Nat are you having trouble sleeping?" Amanda asked. "I just finished my desert I didn't finish at dinner time. I am having a bit of a sugar rush." "Nat I will order you some cookies and warm milk, okay?" "Oh that would be great Amanda, thank you!" The cookies and milk arrived in just minutes. I stood chatting with Jennifer and Amanda, while pounding down the cookies and milk.

"Nat may I ask you a question?" asked Amanda. "Certainly!" I replied. "Nat, Dr. Ambrose said you deliberately gained over twenty pounds and that you want to gain weight. Is that true?" I blushed, "Yes Amanda it is true. Getting fat is at the top of my "bucket list" I want to grow a big round belly!" I patted my now bloating belly for emphasis. Amanda giggled, "Nat that is so cool, no wonder Dr. Ambrose wanted you in the program!" I yawned, "Well time to get back to bed and grow some more fat cells!" They both giggled as I waddled back to my room. "God Jennifer he is going to get huge here!" giggled Amanda. Jennifer laughed, "I know I can't weight to see him blow up!"

I woke up the next morning to Maria rolling in a cart with a huge selection of all my favorite, fattening breakfast treats and of course I made a total pig of myself gorging nearly cleaning the tray. I dozed, lazily nibbling on cookies and other treats that found their way into my room.

I was snoozing after my breakfast, sleeping off the gorge as I told the nurses. I heard a knock, "Mr. Fox are you awake?" "Yes I'm awake." I replied. "Mr. Fox, I am Morgan, I am the physical therapist assigned to the weight gain study. Dr. Ambrose asked me to take you down to the therapy room and check on you mobility and flexibility. Are you up for that, Mr. Fox?" "Yes Morgan that would be fine. May I wear the gown or do you have some pants or sweats, I am afraid, the shorts I brought here no longer fit." I patted my now truly enormous belly, that I had added an inch or two in just the past day or so.
"Yes Mr. Fox here you are, please get dressed, I will get a wheel chair, you look like you might have so difficulty walking." I pulled on the draw string pants, they were tight around my huge ass, but I could pull them up. Morgan wheeled in the chair and I heavily lowered my fat butt onto it.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 2 years
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Hugefatman 2 years
Nobody waddles anywhere at 228lbs unless they are only 3.5 feet tall. If I have one consistent complaint about WG stories it is that too many authors don’t seem to know the difference in 200 & 500lbs
Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 10 years
I know. I thought about that later. I should have been 250 lbs or 275 lbs. for the chair to really creak.
Fanedfox 10 years
Thanks to both of you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Fatlilboy 10 years of ur best by far. Please go on.