
Chapter 2 - mateos new job

Mateo and I went to grab hot dogs after class, he got two and to make sure he didn't feel bad I got two as well. We ate and talked for an hour or so before we parted ways.
Two days later Mateo texted me saying, "I got the job!"

Not having a single clue what he was talking about my reply was "Congratulations! But what job did you even apply for? Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

He texted back, "It's the crepe place at the mall, its mostly standing in one place and even sitting so I can work there as I continue to recover!"

Just then I thought, the crepe place? I started thinking of every time I've been to the mall with him he's said he wanted to get a crepe but never did cause of how many calories they were, but working there he would be surrounded by them constantly. This could definitely be a good thing.

So I texted back "Congratulations man! That sounds awesome!" we continued texting but more about class stuff, nothing too exciting.

The next class Mateo had a doctor's appointment about his leg so I didn't see him.
The next week I did, and there was more of him to see.
"Hey man!" climbing up the stairs to our seat I saw he was getting slightly winded, wow how the tables have changed.

"Hey Mateo!"

Mateo took off his jacket and sat down. He had a full-grown belly now, no way to hide it. It looked soft and squishable. He was wearing one of those American Apparel baseball tops that fit one or two sizes ago.

"So Mateo, how's the job going?"

"Bro, it's amazing! Its not that busy during the week so I hardly have to do anything! And my employee discount? Free crepes! I'm a pro at making them now!"

"Yeah aha? As many as you want?"

"Yeah bro, I'll have like 4 a shift, there's nothing to do besides eat, and man is it good eating!"

"Yeah aha! Those things are definitely good! How was your doctor appointment last week?" I was hoping the doctor didn't bring up the weight thing as it would scare him into loosing it.

"Oh, he just said I'm recovering properly and that I should be able to put like full weight on it and stuff in like a month or so depending on how things go."

"Oh cool, cool, what do you miss the most about being able to move it properly aha?"

"I miss wearing like actual jeans and stuff, I've been living in sweat pants cause the how constricted jeans are wouldn't be good for recovery"

Mateo only wore skinny or slim jeans so that made sense.
"Yeah makes sense aha, well you'll be in them in no time I'm sure!"

I wondered how Mateo's jeans would fit on him now, would he even be able to button them? Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face.

Just then Mateo turned to be and said "Hey man, Friday after work you should come over, we can watch movies and shit, have a guys night, it be awesome!"
In my mind I thought about how I'd be able to see Mateo eat a full meal, see how that gut got there!

"Yeah, I'm down!"

Class started and I just thought of all the fun we would have on Friday.
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Jens01 10 years
very hot more please, burger and beer good idea ? smiley