The great british bake off

chapter 2, series 1, episode 2 - biscuits week

Of course Amy had to watch the next episode of 'bake off'. This week was about biscuits. As soon as the episode was finished, she was in the kitchen making plain scones. She filled them with bought strawberry jam and whipped cream. She had one to taste and thought they were all right, but she needed someone to test them when she properly and that person was Robert.
The scones looked good and tasted even better. He ate three that night one after the other. He knew he shouldn't have. He felt too full afterwards, but his eyes were bigger than his belly and he just had to eat them because they tasted so good!
He should have taken the scones in to work, but he did not want to share them. He was greedy, he wanted all that deliciousness for himself! He ate two for breakfast and another four when he came in from work. He hardly had room for his dinner, which, unfortunately he had to cook, but Amy had also been busy. After dinner, with his coffee, he had to try her Scottish shortbread. It was crunchy, yet crumbly. It was sweet, yet buttery and melted in his mouth. Despite being full from all those scones and his dinner, he ate five pieces. They were just small, he told himself. Each one was only three bites, but they were very tasty!
He dozed in front of the telly. He really did feel too full, almost nauseous. He should not have eaten so much. He had to loosen off his belt to the next hole to make his trousers more comfortable around the waist. However, later that night, he still found space to sneak the last two scones and two more pieces of shortbread.
Amy took the remaining pieces of shortbread to work with her. Robert was disappointed, he had been looking forward to more of the biscuits. But he needn't have worried because when he came in that night, Amy had been busy again. This time she'd made tiny merangues and sandwiched them together with whipped cream. She'd also made tiny chocolate eclairs out of choux pastry. Each one was big enough to eat in one mouthful. Robert tried three of each before starting on the dinner, then sneaked another six while he was cooking. Amy's baking might not be as refined as the contestants. They looked like they might have been piped out by a child, but he didn't care what they looked like, they tasted fabulous. He just had to have some more after dinner to remind himself how good they were!
Every night Amy was in the kitchen. She made chocolate chip cookies, ginger and honey cookies, iced biscuits, and more shortbread. As well as that, she wanted to build on her newly acquired cake making skills. She made a lemon drizzle cake with lemon curd filling (The curd was out of a jar, but that did not matter), a banana and date loaf and another chocolate cake.
By Sunday night, Robert, her taster, was loosening his belt by two holes. She'd only been baking for two weeks, but her husband was already feeling the effects. He'd put on eight pounds in weight. He could feel his trousers were getting tighter around his middle, his shirts did not fit so well. But still he did not mind. Amy needed constructive criticism to improve her skills. To do that, he had to know what her baking tasted like. Again, he told himself that the baking would end as quickly as it had started when the series ended. He could lose the weight then, when everything went back to normal.
Amy was a great one for fads. When they first met, she'd been into ameteur dramatics. That lasted a couple of years, but she left because she'd got mixed up in the internal politics of the group.
Then she'd turned her hand to crafts, making her own Christmas and birthday cards, selling them at local fayres.
The card making dwindled and she'd taken up swimming. She slimmed down, got much fitter, but, someone had made a comment in the changing rooms that she did not like and she gave it all up.
The next thing she'd tried was the choir. She'd dragged Robert along with her. Now she was losing interest and getting into baking. He knew that too would not last, so he was determined to enjoy her products while she was making them.
A few pounds on his frame would not last any longer than her current fad. He would just go out and buy some bigger clothes to accommodate the slight weight gain.
39 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Still one of your best. Maybe I’m just saying that because of the show. You write so well.
Aquarius64 7 years
Read 'love cherish and obey' to find out more about how triathlete Jason transformed his wife, himself and another person into lazy gluttons
HPGirl28 7 years
I love the growth of these two but wish that they were finacinally able. Oh well... Maybe the doctor could put in a good word for a fatty friends.. I heard that some bakeries pay to have tast testers. Maybe Robert could become a new tester?
Aquarius64 7 years
Just wait, Garfield, Amy is only at the start of her programme!
Garfield 7 years
like it very much, but I think, as a slave Amy shoud work harder, sleep less and lose weigth
Aquarius64 7 years
Series 3 episode 2 bread week deleted by mistake! No warning! Shit shite sugar! Will have to rewrite!
Aquarius64 7 years
CALbr349, read 'love cherish and obey' that might answer some of your questions about Jason. Amy of motivated by baking, but I tend not to analyse my stories too much
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch9 about tarts completely rewritten. Hope it doesn't disrupt the flow of the story or interfere with the reader's enjoyment
Aquarius64 7 years
Argghh! Deleted tart week by mistake! I will rewrite, but it may be very different because I just write and edit as I go
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
This is absolutely brilliant! I love that show so much! We see it a year late here in the States!