The great british bake off

chapter 4 series 1, episode 4 - pudding week

Pudding week was the next episode of 'The Great British Bake Off'. Robert had to endure thick lumpy bright yellow custard that was served with Amy's sticky toffee pudding. He had to try her tasteless thin custard that was served with her apple and blackberry crumble. The texture was better when he tried her pear and walnut pudding, but it still tasted of nothing. finally, she perfected her smooth, vanilla flavoured custard when she served her bread and butter pudding.
Each serving she gave him filled his bowl and should have been enough to serve three. The puddings were so filling and stodgy that he could barely move when he finished a bowl. He could virtually feel the fat forming around his waist and down his sides.
The technical bake that week was a hot lemon souffle. Of course, a souffle was a difficult challenge, even for an experienced baker, so Amy had several attempts at baking it. Robert had to try and finish every one.
As well as that, he was still eating her bread, cake and biscuits. He ate them for breakfast and lunch and in between as well as the savoury meals that he put together.
His colleagues at work were noticing how much his figure was filling out. They laughed when he said it was because his wife was enjoying watching 'The Great British Bake off' so much that she was trying to emulate the contestants best creations. His larger clothes were no longer slack on him, he was starting to fill them out.
Nevertheless, every day, he could not wait to get home to see what fabulous concoction his wife had been preparing in the kitchen. He was enjoying the experience more than he though he ever would. It was not just the taste either, he was enjoying being stuffed to the gunnels, with beautiful, sweet food. He liked to go to bed at night with his belly so full that his skin was stretched tight. It gave him a euphoria that he had never felt with exercise, or other activity he had tried. He did not care what anyone else thought. He was developing a bad sugar addiction and that addiction had to be satisfied every day, without fail.
Sometimes, when he was at work, he had meetings he had to attend that would drag on and on. He had to do without a sugar hit for two or three hours. He could feel himself getting more and more cranky towards the end of the meeting.
As soon as the meetings were over, he would rush out and return to his office. He would open his drawer that was supposed to be filled with files and stationary. Now it was filled with delicious cakes, biscuits and other delicacies. He would grab the food by the handful and ram it into his mouth. It wasn't about the taste, it was about satisfying his craving. He didn't care about the mess either, he could clean that up afterwards. He did not stop until his belly was full once more.
Being full felt good. He wanted to make feeling full his default status. Being overfull was for the evenings and weekends. Being overfull meant that he could hardly move and he was so euphoric he couldn't concentrate on anything else. Being full was a happy medium, but it took a lot of maintenance he be like that. He had to fill up well at the start of the day and keep eating to keep his stomach topped up as it emptied from the other end. Luckily he had plenty of goodies supplied by Amy and, he knew that if he asked, she would supply him with more.
Most of these supplies were supposed to be shared out amongst his colleagues, but he could not bear to part with them. He was not just becoming greedy, he was becoming a glutton as well!
39 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Still one of your best. Maybe I’m just saying that because of the show. You write so well.
Aquarius64 7 years
Read 'love cherish and obey' to find out more about how triathlete Jason transformed his wife, himself and another person into lazy gluttons
HPGirl28 7 years
I love the growth of these two but wish that they were finacinally able. Oh well... Maybe the doctor could put in a good word for a fatty friends.. I heard that some bakeries pay to have tast testers. Maybe Robert could become a new tester?
Aquarius64 7 years
Just wait, Garfield, Amy is only at the start of her programme!
Garfield 7 years
like it very much, but I think, as a slave Amy shoud work harder, sleep less and lose weigth
Aquarius64 7 years
Series 3 episode 2 bread week deleted by mistake! No warning! Shit shite sugar! Will have to rewrite!
Aquarius64 7 years
CALbr349, read 'love cherish and obey' that might answer some of your questions about Jason. Amy of motivated by baking, but I tend not to analyse my stories too much
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch9 about tarts completely rewritten. Hope it doesn't disrupt the flow of the story or interfere with the reader's enjoyment
Aquarius64 7 years
Argghh! Deleted tart week by mistake! I will rewrite, but it may be very different because I just write and edit as I go
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
This is absolutely brilliant! I love that show so much! We see it a year late here in the States!