The great british bake off

chapter 34 - series 4, episode 7 - pastry week

On 'bake off' it was pastry week. The signature was a suet pudding, the technical was a religieus and the showstopper was puff pastry canapés.
Amy made a lamb and vegetable suet pudding with gravy, jam roly-poly with ginger ice cream, blackberry and apple spotted dick with white chocolate custard, the relugieuses, chocolate and hazelnut vol-au-vents, strawberry and cream mills feuille, Eccles cakes, mini cream horns, lemon cream Mille feuille and loads of other stuff.
Amy made her delicacies for Robert with more sugar and more whipped cream that was necessary.
Her one savoury dish was served with crispy chips with carrots, turnip and parsnip swimming in butter. Robert ate four large platefuls in the time one person would finish one. Then he ate two normal servings of spotted dick and two of plum jam roly-poly.
He went on to drink a litre of Coke before he started on a plate full of Mille feuille, with cream oozing out.
When he finally stopped for a break, he was over-stuffed and in pain.
Amy eased his discomfort the best she could, lay with him as he dozed off. An hour later Lucy arrived with more delicious goodies. She made him open his mouth once more and fed him until once again he was ready to burst.
On weigh in day, she was so proud of him! He'd put on four stones in a week! That put him at a massive thirty two stones!
He had fat chubby cheeks, an enormous triple chin that hid most of his neck. His arms were thick and heavy with flabby bingo wings. He had larger flabbier breasts than most women. His thighs were enormous three trunks, his calves were as big as some women's waists! His most impressive feature was his massive belly! When his stood up, which was not often, it hung below his genitals to his mid-thighs. When he sat down he had to sit with his legs wide apart or the weight of it resting on his thighs would give in pins and needles in his legs. When he waddled, it swayed from side to side. The shift in gravity made his walking even more strange and laboured.
He struggled with so many things now that he barely though about before. He couldn't reach down far enough to pull on his own socks because his belly got in the way, so he did without. He struggled to pull on trousers by himself because his belly got in the way and he could not see what he was doing. That was besides the fact that standing on one leg was an almost impossible feat!
Mary hired a carer for him to help him with all the things he couldn't do for himself, or was too lazy to do.
The carer was instructed not to try to rehabilitate Robert be encouraging him to do more for himself, but she was to take over and do everything for him. She was very confident that she could manage.
Amy was doing less and less around the house. The only thing she did standing up was baking and she'd take regular breaks to test her produce, or make sure her ingredients were fresh. If she was not baking, or eating, she was force feeding Robert, or just lying about, doing nothing. She struggled to fit into any of her size 20 clothes, she wore loose fitting dresses that allowed for expansion and were easier for her to put on and off without assistance.
39 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Still one of your best. Maybe I’m just saying that because of the show. You write so well.
Aquarius64 7 years
Read 'love cherish and obey' to find out more about how triathlete Jason transformed his wife, himself and another person into lazy gluttons
HPGirl28 7 years
I love the growth of these two but wish that they were finacinally able. Oh well... Maybe the doctor could put in a good word for a fatty friends.. I heard that some bakeries pay to have tast testers. Maybe Robert could become a new tester?
Aquarius64 7 years
Just wait, Garfield, Amy is only at the start of her programme!
Garfield 7 years
like it very much, but I think, as a slave Amy shoud work harder, sleep less and lose weigth
Aquarius64 7 years
Series 3 episode 2 bread week deleted by mistake! No warning! Shit shite sugar! Will have to rewrite!
Aquarius64 7 years
CALbr349, read 'love cherish and obey' that might answer some of your questions about Jason. Amy of motivated by baking, but I tend not to analyse my stories too much
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch9 about tarts completely rewritten. Hope it doesn't disrupt the flow of the story or interfere with the reader's enjoyment
Aquarius64 7 years
Argghh! Deleted tart week by mistake! I will rewrite, but it may be very different because I just write and edit as I go
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
This is absolutely brilliant! I love that show so much! We see it a year late here in the States!