The great british bake off

chapter 5 series 1 episode 5 - pastry week

Pastry week saw Amy taking over the kitchen completely as she baked savoury pies, pasties and canapés.
The first day she cooked a minced beef plate pie with short crust pastry. It was her first attempt at pastry and she'd done very well. There was no soggy bottom on it. Robert tested half of it in one sitting, with four slices of olive and fennel bread on the side, then ploughed through a whole treacle suet pudding with custard and still had room later on for half a dozen little pastry canapés and a quarter of her chocolate fudge cake.
Amy was getting a little worried about him. She thought it might be getting too much for him. He had stopped going out with his mates to the football. He was not interested in helping her in the kitchen. He was not interested in helping her with the shopping or anything. All he did was eat, sleep and go to work and eat some more.
On the next day, she made cornish pasties and served them with vegetables. Robert ate five pasties straight off, barely pausing between each one. He finished off the remainder of the olive bread, then made nothing of her strawberry and rhubarb crumble with custard and could still find room for her first attempt at making macarons.
He sat there on the sofa, rubbing his engorged belly. His trousers were so tight, he'd had to loosen his flies to make room. He'd had to loosen his shirt buttons for the same reason.
Amy felt guilty. She had made him like that. He was so full of cake he no longer had the energy to enjoy time out at the match with his mates. She thought she should maybe stop baking for a while and find something else to do. She worried about his health. He was piling the weight on. That was surely not good for him. Did she really want a fat gluttonous husband?
Then again, there was only the final to go. One more week and the series would be over. She was sure he could manage until then. She'd buy him some bigger trousers. everything would be fine. The programme would not be aired again. That would be the end of it.
By the end of pastry week, Amy had tried to make ruff puff pastry with her salmon, cod and prawn fish pie and full puff pastry when she made her chicken and mushroom pie. The fish pie was not a success. Her pie leaked and the pastry didn't cook properly. Her chicken and mushroom pie had took much filling in it and the sauce was too thick.
She had to bake both pies until she'd got them just right.
Robert appreciated everything she made. He was rather more amorous than he usually was. What had brought that on? He loved her to feel his engorged stomach, especially when they were in bed together. He was developing soft love handles on his sides, he liked her to play with those and his softening chest, which had the beginnings of swellings under his nipples, the smallest of man-boobs.
39 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Still one of your best. Maybe I’m just saying that because of the show. You write so well.
Aquarius64 7 years
Read 'love cherish and obey' to find out more about how triathlete Jason transformed his wife, himself and another person into lazy gluttons
HPGirl28 7 years
I love the growth of these two but wish that they were finacinally able. Oh well... Maybe the doctor could put in a good word for a fatty friends.. I heard that some bakeries pay to have tast testers. Maybe Robert could become a new tester?
Aquarius64 7 years
Just wait, Garfield, Amy is only at the start of her programme!
Garfield 7 years
like it very much, but I think, as a slave Amy shoud work harder, sleep less and lose weigth
Aquarius64 7 years
Series 3 episode 2 bread week deleted by mistake! No warning! Shit shite sugar! Will have to rewrite!
Aquarius64 7 years
CALbr349, read 'love cherish and obey' that might answer some of your questions about Jason. Amy of motivated by baking, but I tend not to analyse my stories too much
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch9 about tarts completely rewritten. Hope it doesn't disrupt the flow of the story or interfere with the reader's enjoyment
Aquarius64 7 years
Argghh! Deleted tart week by mistake! I will rewrite, but it may be very different because I just write and edit as I go
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
This is absolutely brilliant! I love that show so much! We see it a year late here in the States!