The wicked stepmother: fattening jack to the end

chapter 8

The first week in August brought bad news. Jack's dad called and said that the company he worked for was in extreme financial straits, so his boss was forcing him to stay on the road until at least the end of the year. Jack was a little sad - despite his dad's criticisms of his weight, he missed seeing the old man after so long; but Lucy had mixed-emotions. She was sad for her husband, but she couldn't help thinking of how perfect the situation was. She could keep up Jack's weight-gain for another 6 months. Just thinking about it caused her pussy to get so wet she had to go and take care of herself in the bathroom.

For the rest of the summer, she did her best to keep Jack from moving around a lot. She wanted him to become so lazy that his muscles would atrophy even more from a lack of use. Depressed by his expanding figure, Jack continued to eat ever-growing portions of whatever Lucy would put in front of him. She loved watching him eat late into the night and, not having the desire to climb the stairs, fall asleep right on the couch like a bloated beached whale.


By the end of August, Jack's weight was making leaps and bounds. The scale, which Jack's expanding belly now hid from view, read a remarkable 292. He was in dire need of new clothes. Lucy knew that, but she waited until the week before college--when she knew the mall would be full of his classmates--to invite him on a shopping spree.

In the "Big and Tall" store Jack went over to the jean section and picked up a pair of size 44" jeans thinking they would fit nicely. Boy was he wrong. He began to struggle with them once they were halfway up his thighs, but they stopped dead in their tracks once they got to his ass. At 292 pounds, his entire body had inflated, but it was obvious his ass had taken more than its fair share of the new poundage. It had become an obstacle than no size 44" jeans could overcome.

He slyly went back to the rack and grabbed a size 48". Although he was able to force them up over his massive rear, he struggled once they got to his hips, even with his belly flopped out over the top.

"Oh god, this is horrible," he thought, struggling with the zipper. "I can't even button these."

Finally, he settled on a size 54" waist which, although still snug, just about allowed him to tuck his belly in. As he modeled the jeans in the mirror, he became horrified. Was that really his once fit body buried under all that fat? He could hardly believe it. After examining himself for a long time, he jumped up a little, causing his entire body to jiggle and shake. A violent surge of hormones nearly overtook him. It was all he could do to keep from pleasuring himself right there in the changing room.

Sweating profusely and his heart pounding, Jack quickly grabbed some size 58"s off the rack and handed them to Lucy. Embarrassed, he averted his eyes from making contact with her. Lucy simply smiled knowingly and went to pay.

The next stop was for some new shoes for college. Unfortunately for Jack, it was clear on the other side of the mall. A year ago, his athletic body would've traversed the distance in a couple of minutes; however, it was now in no condition for such a long walk. After 150 feet, he started huffing and his face turned beet-red. Lucy loved it. Here was a guy that led his soccer team to the state championships just over a year ago, gasping for breath after a leisurely stroll.

Jack collapsed on a bench at the halfway mark. As Lucy watched him huff and puff, her nipples stiffened and her pussy began to gush, as if offering to quench the thirst of her weary companion.

"Damn..." he said, struggling to speak between breaths. "I have to rest a minute Lucy. I haven't done this much walking in months."

Not content in watching the formerly athletic guy struggle to walk, she decided to add insult to injury. Lucy noticed the bench was parked directly in front of a Baskin Robins. As Jack recovered, Lucy walked over and bought him a triple scoop cone with hot fudge and sprinkles.

"Here," she said, handing him the gigantic cone with a wink. "You looked hot and I thought this might help cool you down."

"Thank you Lucy," Jack said smiling, his chubby cheeks sporting new dimples. "I'm dying here I'm so hot."

Thirty minutes and three scoops of ice-cream later, Jack was ready for the second leg of their journey. Lucy kept the pace very slow so he didn't tire as fast. Finally, they made it to the store and Jack went to look for some new dress shoes, to contain his fat feet which had spread and widened under their increased load. As he looked through the selection, he heard a familiar voice come from behind.


Jack spun around to greet the voice. It was Karen, a former friend that used to flirt with him sometimes.

"Oh my god, it is you!" Karen gasped, her mouth wide open. "What the hell has happened to you? I mean, you've gotten so fat."

Lucy stood a few feet away and watched the proceedings, her panties were dampening from her own leakage.

"Oh, um...Hi Karen," Jack stuttered. "Um, well, yeah, I guess I gained a little weight."

"A little?" Karen continued, looking Jack up and down. "You could use your own zip code. Dear God, you used to be the hottest guy in college."

The more Karen railed on him--about how he used to be a handsome soccer star--the hornier Jack was getting. He could feel the eyes of everyone in the store staring at his flabby body. His eyes almost welled with tears as Karen continued to berate him, but his libido was once again betraying his emotions. Boner raging under his hanging gut Jack could feel he was on the edge of cumming right there. He didn't know how he was going to get out of this one.

Lucy finally shook off her own arousal and came to Jack's rescue.

"Excuse me Miss," Lucy interrupted, taking Jack by the hand. "We are in a bit of a rush and it takes Jack a little longer these days in his current...condition."

With that, Lucy led her out of the store. Karen snickered audibly as she watched Jack waddle away.

Jack just stood outside the shop for a moment, stunned about what just happened to him. "We'd better go," Lucy said, snapping him from his daze. She led him to bench near the exit and volunteered to bring the car around to meet him.

"Thank you Lucy," Jack said smiling, a smudge of chocolate from the ice-cream cone still on his chin. "What would I do without you?"

Lucy knew he would never find out.

As Jack waited for Lucy to pull her car around, he noticed another classmate enter the mall; ther time it was an ex-girlfriend. Sarah Taylor was the resident "it girl" at their College: Student Body President, Cheerleader Captain and Homecoming Queen. They had dated briefly their freshman year, but Jack had dumped her for Rachel Flemming, a very busty sophomore.

Jack immediately averted his eyes and lowered his head. Sarah glanced at him briefly and started to walk past, before doing a double-take. Jack kept his head down, hoping he wouldn't be recognized.

"Jack? Jack, is that you?" Sarah questioned, stopping in the middle of the crowded aisle. Jack raised his head and his eyes met hers. "Jesus, it IS you!" she exclaimed, cautiously moving towards him as if he was radioactive.

Jack managed a meek, "Hi Sarah," before looking back towards the door. "Please hurry Lucy," Jack thought, closing his eyes in hopes that Sarah would be gone once he reopened them.

"Holy Cow, I heard you had porked-up, but this is ridiculous!" Sarah's eyes scoured Jack as she inched towards him, still in disbelief. Several passersby glanced at Jack and chuckled at Sarah's comment. Jack just sat there with his eyes shut.

"Thank you for letting me off the hook," Sarah continued. "Could you imagine me going out with you now? I'd be a laughing stock!" She was almost on top of him now. Tears were welling in Jack's eyes as he silently took the abuse.

"Do you mind if I ask you how much you eat?" Sarah bullied. "I don't mean to be rude, but..." Sarah's words faded as Jack was overwhelmed by emotions: shame, anger and sexual arousal all washed over him in equal parts. Struggling to his feet, Jack tried to run for the exit as tears threatened to run down his cheeks. After a few feet, however, his pace was reduced to a plodding waddle.

"Look everyone, a walking whale!" Sarah shouted after him. "Thar he blows!"

The snickers from the crowd echoed in Jack's ears as he wobbled through the mall doors.

On the ride home, Jack choked back tears as he explained to Lucy what had happened. Lucy's feigned indignation could barely mask her enthusiasm.

"Perfect," she thought. "That experience should keep Jack in the house for the next few months at least."

13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Funneladdict 1 year
We all want be the feed immobilized playtoy of such stepmother
Macska 1 year
The best story I've ever read here😊
Rein0t 2 years
This is just a wicked step father, with a male as the feedee
Jenemc 7 years
Why don't people on here realize that buttermilk isn't butter and milk. It will taste like very sour milk and is essentially whatever is left in the butter making process and not for direct consumption. Just use heavy cream (35% fat) instead. Way more rea
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
The ending climax (pun intended) is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but oh my -- can't help but thinking about that.
PrimusFeeder 7 years
I don't know how you can say it's exstenvily changed, the only thing you did was swap genders, everything else is exactly the same
Fatlilboy 7 years
Dark, sexual, sensual and inventive. Loved it!