The princess and the dwarf 2

chapter 8

He didn't know what to say, all he could do was hold still and watch her, trying to read her, her eyes focused on where her hand lay against his soft curving skin.

"You fascinate me," she said with a silky whisper, "never have I seen a man or elf of size with such a strange and wonderful growth on them. This is a storage for fat and swells outwards to contain your entrails when overfull, does it not? Maids have something smaller on their tail ends but moreso on our chests for production and storage of the milk with which we nurture our young, but none as large as mine." She blushed as she looked down at her large breasts now very evident through the thin fabric of her undergarment, both shifting liquidly as she tried to minimize their evidence, "these appendages have cursed me all my life."

He objected immediately "Oh no! You are beautifully proportioned, a male dwarf's most sincere dream fantasy....I mean any man's fantasy....I mean..." Her cheeks and pointed ears turned red again, his as well. He swallowed and tried to collect his thoughts. "Please don't think ill of yourself or your magnificent body. You are truly an inspiration to watch and follow ...and to be with." He finished quietly, covering her hand with his against his once again full abdomen.

She moved closer kneeling between his thighs and this time matched her other hand to the other side of his belly. "That is well, then," she smiled mysteriously, "I have realized that for some as yet unfathomable reason I wish to be with you as well."

She leaned forward, pressing her hands into the sides of his softness and, with the speed and grace of an elf, brushed his lips with hers and stood erect looking down at him. The contact was a sparkling electrical charge that lingered for long minutes.

Looking at the startled expression on his face, she found the courage to push through her own embarrassment. She was a warrior and a representative of her people. Surely she could handle her own emotions...

"Yes, master dwarf, you truly fascinate me. You have an impressive shape which expresses that you are well off in your home. You have the strength of a dwarf plus what is needed to carry such a frame. And you are quite handsome...elven men, as do elven maids, grow no body hair other than is what on our heads. I like your beard, it is quite impressive." But her embarrassed smile disappeared and her bright eyes grew clouded.... "Your wife....she must be proud...?"...

"My wife? I have none...none would stand next to me at the Underfeld Mingle. You forget I am as tall as a man, in fact I have been taunted as _being_ a man or worse, sired by one to the shame of my mother, for I am of a size of one and my features are similar...except for this belly that I have grown and nurtured with some pleasure, which is more dwarf-like if you know our race."

He scratched his beard, still itching from the unfamiliar soaproot, "you like this beard? If you felt you would find it soft on your skin, or perfectly suitable to polish your scabbard." He winked a bushy eyebrow at her, watching her with rising interest.

"Well I believe my blades are polished enough. But if you would allow it I think I may take you up on your other offer." Her smile was back at the news of no wife. She knelt in front of him again and reached out a hand to stroke his beard, which he promptly grabbed and kissed before running it down his beard.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
a really really georgeous story so much abundance of sweet talk and sexy slight touching and caring with devilish smiles of this sure smart little sexy elve hehe and how i liked this wonderfull desriptions of nature and deep thoughts about feelings

i really love this story it´s special !!!^^