The princess and the dwarf 2

chapter 10

I thought you were but a disgruntled maiden escaping her tormentors, those who insisted you had no right as their equal."

He quailed as she kissed him again, laughing, his buried stomach muscles spasming as he tried to distance himself from certain death, or worse than death he shuddered within himself...he had heard of the cruelty visited on dwarves by those elven fiends.

She rode him like a fat pony, laughing gleefully as he struggled underneath her until he ran out of breath and collapsed...his recent arousal only a limp, dim memory, his breath ragged as he struggled to regain his composure.

She removed herself from his lap, still laughing. "You act as though my father is hiding behind the trees. Do not worry...the stories you hear of the elves are probably about as truthful as the ones our children are taught about the "scary dwarf men of the mountains"". She moved away, giving him some space. "I'm out to prove myself to my father and to show that the key to leadership is action. Will my people accept a dwarf as their king? I doubt it...But I believe the differences of our races need to be reconciled"

He saw the truth in her eyes, and his panic slowly subsided. "Very well, though I wish you had said something before. My heart is still thumping a bit." He shook himself and looked around, noticing the afternoon was waning.

"Time to prepare for the coming darkness and an evening meal I suppose, princess, but my belly and lips are still tingling from where you touched them and I'm not sure what to do about those either." A breeze ruffled the high canopy of the forest overhead while a peaceful still silence remained around them, the huge shaggy trees close surrounding, their roots twisting deep into the boulders and soft mossy loam underfoot.

He turned out of her view and gently rubbed the upper curve of his belly, still warm from where her breasts laid on him. He was conflicted, his dwarfhood pulsing then quiescent then throbbing as his mind flickered from thought to fantasy to reality and back again. He was attracted to this female, so much so that he had stopped thinking of her as a hated elf, but a beautiful desirable woman...and yet a princess, heir to an unimaginably wealthy forest kingdom, yes the wealth immense beyond his wildest dreams. Is that what he wanted? No, this elf has other plans I'm sure, and any one elven man a better, more suitable mate for her than I. But then her words and actions told a different story...but what is the answer.

He turned back to her thoughtful, deciding he needed to make sure about her and walked over to her where she leaned over the campfire.

Moving up behind her he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him, her rounded rear end soft against his belly and thighs, his hands flat against her flat muscular belly. He could feel the underside of her warm breast brush against his wrists.

"I too believe our races should be reconciled, my lady, how do you propose we proceed?"

She shivered...her heart raced in her chest...after just seeing his initial reaction of rejection she was confused. But she turned around in his arms and looked into his eyes. Her fingers curled up in his beard. "Are you sure about us? Because I know how I feel, however unlikely considering we were strangers just a few days ago. But you have to be sure as well. This is going to have it's own difficulties."

He held her curving body against his girth, his hands on her upper back, feeling the muscular definition under her softness. Feeling her voluptuousness warm against him, molding herself against him, looking up into his eyes as her fingers twined in his beard he knew he was deep in her spell. Was it elven magic? He decided he didn't care.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
a really really georgeous story so much abundance of sweet talk and sexy slight touching and caring with devilish smiles of this sure smart little sexy elve hehe and how i liked this wonderfull desriptions of nature and deep thoughts about feelings

i really love this story it´s special !!!^^