The princess and the dwarf 2

chapter 11

"Whatever difficulties you foresee we will deal with as they come with luck and skill, your long sword and my sharp axe."

He felt her hands move down his chest, down the sides of his abdomen and then under, pressing up against its underside as she kissed him. He had never experienced this before, his great round belly held like this, cradled in a woman's arms and he groaned softly, his tree trunk-sized legs weak and shaking.

"How do you do that, elf maid, how is it that you cause me to lose any will to resist you. No one has touched me as you touch me, taken over my body as well as my heart."

He ran his hands down her trim back and over her curving, heart shaped rear only to feel her move closer into him if that was possible.

He thought a moment, reveling in the sensations, and then blushed ...was it even possible? Was a coupling possible between their races? Elf women were clearly female...on the outside what about the inside? He had heard stories of elven women having teeth in their nether parts that would snip off a male's member if she was overly excited or even displeased. He blushed again at the thought...

" lady, our affection for each other is clear, but is it even possible for a dwarf and an elf to...uhh...," he stuttered, "I mean I have heard tales that... um." He ground to a halt in confusion and embarrassment unable to formulate a question that wouldn't offend.

She looked up at him, at first utterly confused, then a slow smile spread across her face. "I take it that you have heard stories about us elves as well. I would love to hear all about them someday..." She liked watching him squirm in discomfort for some reason. "But, my dear dwarf, it is growing truly late and our road is long and winding. Before you make your final decision we should eat and rest. We can go at a slower pace tomorrow, so as to talk. I do not want you to be hasty in your decision." Giving him another brief kiss, she turned away to tend to the evening meal. He felt reluctant and empty when she left his arms.

Turning all of her attentions to the food she went over recent events in her mind. She did not tell the dwarf about her kind mating for life. Of the deep emotional bond that was formed. Could two races enjoy coupling together? Yes of that she knew. The parts were the same for all races. But she had seen what losing that bond had done to her once joyful father. She knew the journey was going to be treacherous and that there was a great possibility something could happen to either of them. She didn't want to put him through that without him understanding what could very well happen. If only her mother were here to give her the advice that only a mother could give a daughter...thinking of her sent a tear from her eye.

Wiping it away, she gathered the meal together and turned back to her cherished companion.

Again he watched her emotions wash over her perfect elfish face before she turned away to tend their meal. He wondered what she was thinking, what caused her face to go from joy to sadness in the flicker of an eye.

"Very well," he said quietly, "I have made my decision Melda, it appears you are still questing for your own. But for now I thank you again for your kindness and your friendship...if that's all it can be then I am content to simply be at your side and guarding your most delectable rear....I mean your back."

He must stop that sort of talk he cursed himself, the elf maid is not ready for what he desired most, a life mate worthy of his character and one who would stand by his side proudly because of what was inside him, irregardless of what he was on the outside. Much too soon.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
a really really georgeous story so much abundance of sweet talk and sexy slight touching and caring with devilish smiles of this sure smart little sexy elve hehe and how i liked this wonderfull desriptions of nature and deep thoughts about feelings

i really love this story it´s special !!!^^