The princess and the dwarf 2

chapter 13

"yes, a little bit of you leaves with them. But life goes on...the psyche heals. And I've found the resulting healing makes the heart stronger...and in the future love comes a bit slower, but more intense."

He covered her hand with his as she massaged his meaty thigh and continued "But I think for different people the emotional impact is different. Especially male versus female. I think that females may feel love more intensely as they are the caring ones, the nurturers, the healers, the child bearers, the protectors of hearth and home. Strong, emotional but incredibly resiliant.

"I would like to learn more about your father, I didn't realize he was gone. Perhaps it is different for members of the elven impression is you as a people are more sensitive, more in tune with yourselves and your emotions. I've heard that you can almost read minds you are so sensitive to living things. That you know when a bird will sing, or which way a hunted game will turn before you release your arrow."

He felt her hand move up his thigh, her knuckles briefly brushing against the soft swell of his underbelly as it sagged between his thighs.

He cleared his throat unsure how to react to her touch...was it accidental? "No, you never get over a lost love, but that is what makes it so special when you find it again...if both of you have it. One cannot be in love if he or she is alone...but fate has thrown us together and something between us has grown...we are not now alone."

"No, we are not." She smiled. She stood up and have him a peck on the lips. "Let's try to get some sleep. We have a long journey"

............................. ....

He woke up in darkness, his body ached and as he tried to move he felt bands of fire around his neck, across his chest and hips, under his belly.

He struggled, but discovered he was fastened tight. His hands chafing in iron manacles behind him. Where was he? What had happened? The last he remembered was drifting off to sleep by the campfire, then in the middle of the night cries, clashing weapons, a sudden blow to his head and then nothing.

He struggled again, his chains rattling in the darkness. Suddenly the door opened and the room was flooded with torchlight silhouetting a tall, terrifying figure.

With difficulty he turned his head to shield his eyes from the harsh light and realizing he had limited freedom he looked down to discover he was completely naked. A heavy greasy chain sunk into his soft flesh under his man breasts, another under his belly, the combination of the two forced his abdomen out into a huge protruding sphere in front of him.

The figure moved closer and to his horror realized it was an orc...a female, leering at him.

"My you are a fat one," she said with a wet, chortling cackle "you will feed my outpost comrades for quite a while."

She reached out and with both hands cruelly squeezed and lifted his belly until he gasped, his dwarfhood exposed to her view. "Yes, and I see my plump dwarf has brought me some tidbits for my desert." She lifted his belly higher and then dropped it, slapping against his thighs. The pain was intense, and his overwhelming fear pushed him deep into unconsciousness.


mo re to come...if you like what you've read please comment.
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FrecherTyp 10 years
a really really georgeous story so much abundance of sweet talk and sexy slight touching and caring with devilish smiles of this sure smart little sexy elve hehe and how i liked this wonderfull desriptions of nature and deep thoughts about feelings

i really love this story it´s special !!!^^