The princess and the dwarf 3

chapter 17

"But first, sir dwarf, a bath to get that orc stink off you...over there is a water closet and a bathing area. The water will be cold but I understand dwarves are a hardy people...certainly as hardy as the men of my kind," she winked, teasing him.

"Very well," he grumbled, "Anything to get the feel and stench of that creature off me."

He went into the small bathing area noting it neatness and cleanliness despite its long disuse. Why can't the men and women of my race be clean like this? Always dirty, living in squalor, lice infested, flea infested, straw mats on cold stone floors. No wonder we are hated by most races...including these elves.

He sighed wearily as he stripped and started to bathe. He discovered bottles of what appeared to be cleansers and scented unguents that as he used them seemed to lift his spirits and cleanse his mind. All his body that he could reach he cleaned, with cold water and almost magical herbs that seemed to warm the water as he lathered and rinsed. He peered around looking for a scrub brush so that he could reach his parts out of reach because of his bulk. None was to be found... apparently elves were double jointed when it came to cleaning their backsides he mused. Certainly none were as obese as he.

He went to the door dripping soapy water and opening it a crack called out, "Princess, there doesn't seem to be a scrubber on a handle that I may reach my back and nether there something out there that I could use?"

"We elves have no use for such items. But I do have an idea. With your permission of course master dwarf." She appeared outside the door, with an outstretched hand, he thought indicating that she wanted his clothes for washing.

He handed out his filthy clothes and continued to wash what he could, the best he could, humming tunelessly a dwarf battle hymn. The water splashing, wetting the floor surrounding the shallow tub. He felt like he was in a pot ready for cooking and he shuddered at the close call and his narrow escape from a fate worse than death.

He jumped as he heard her clear her throat behind him.

"I had already planned an washing your clothes as best I could. I meant that I would wash something else." Her eyes twinkled as she smiled and held out her hand once again.

He just looked confused for a moment until he realized what she had meant...

He smiled shyly, his smile hidden by his wet moustache and soapy beard now plastered to his face and neck. "There is nothing more I could wish for, madam elf," he replied, "That is if you don't mind, and I do know you've already seen most all the parts of me not traditionally visible in the light of day."

As she moved into the small room and stood in front of him he handed her the huge wash cloth he was using, that sparkle again in her eyes. She was loosely garbed in her gauze-like top, which disguised absolutely nothing of her amazing voluptuousness. Below that he could see nothing else, her smooth muscular, perfectly hairless thighs rising up and up until they disappeared under the lower hem of her blouse.

He blushed, his affection for her he tried desperately to hide, his desire for her throbbing in his body despite his weariness, the washing herbs giving him new energy. "You take my breath away, my bold brave continually surprise and amaze me."

"I am amazed, every time I see you," she answered, gently moving the wash cloth over his protruding abdomen and broad chest, "this belly of yours...this huge wonderful shape...for some reason I just can't take my eyes off it, or keep my hands from exploring the softness. Touching you, feeling you against me does something inside me. Oh my stars, look at these bruises and cuts down here and between here. Let met put some herbal tincture I've brought with me. Now be a good dwarf, spread your legs apart and lift that big belly so I can work underneath."

He heard a soft gasp, "Yes, you are the one who is amazing sir dwarf."
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Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Please sir, I want some more smiley