The princess and the dwarf 3

chapter 18

Every time she found a new bruise or cut she would apply a soothing mixture. She worked all over his body, enjoying the feel of him and letting her fingers trace his curves. Finally she hesitated and looked up at him.

"If you feel at all uncomfortable, just let me know"

She then reached back under his belly and he felt a soft pressure on his arousal that he was trying so hard to hide. He shuddered.

He groaned in pleasure as he felt her small fingers press up into his softness, gently massaging the center of his underfold, pressing into his deeply buried and long forgotten pleasure muscles.

"By all that's holy where did you learn how to do that?" he gasped, his legs quivering. It was with difficulty he struggled to hold the heavy mass of his belly up. "Oh my princess; my beautiful and mysterious love. Yes I said it. Don't think ill of me but I feel for you something I've never experienced before. You overwhelm me with love and desire.

He continued, whispering huskily, "No my love, I feel no discomfort at all, not one tiny twinge of displeasure.... Gaaaahhhh..." he cried out deeply as she suddenly and firmly pushed her fist deep up into the fold, immediately causing Gamli to completely lose control of both leg muscles and crash helpless to the wet floor, laying there curled up and shuddering in blissful, near orgasmic pleasure.

He felt her kneel next to him, her small strong hands stroking him, gently whispering, "I'm sorry my love, that is a elven pressure area women learn when they reach maturity to arouse and stimulate their mates. I forgot that the man should be laying down and not standing...please forgive me."

"I think I can forgive you this time" he managed to choke out through the pain mixed with intense pleasure." She continued to rub his body creating waves of pleasure throughout him.

Leaning down she gave him a light, quick kiss that suddenly turned long and breathless. She was suddenly crying, "I almost lost you."

Her kiss warmed him but did nothing to calm the throbbing pleasure radiating from his groin. He lay there curled up, his arms wrapped around his belly, every square inch of it now a huge, pulsating erogenous zone. "But you did find me," he gasped, "and rescued me...and for that I am yours forever."

He gave a long shuddering sigh as his body still vibrated in pleasure. "What did you do to me, my love, with your elf magic. You have given me so much that I know I will never be able to return a tenth of the pleasure you give me."

He struggled to stand, getting first to his hands and knees, pausing there to regain his composure, his great belly hanging below him in a silky soft hanging curve.

She helped him up, "You give me pleasure by just being with me. But I know there are other things that you can do for me. We have plenty of time to explore each other. I want you forever." With that she helped him out of the bathing area and into the main room where she had put his clothing in a boiling pot to clean with some scented herbs. She sat him down, carefully drying him and started giving individualized attention to all of his injuries, applying medicinal creams and ointments from certain plants.

"My mother was once a healer." She answered his unspoken question, "She taught me all I know. When my father's mind started to go into the gray mist of old age I couldn't save it. His body still functions and he still breathes but my father is dead and gone. So now I can do nothing but wait until he passes on to the land of our ancestors."

He leaned on her heavily as they moved slowly out of the washroom, his naked body dripping on the floor as she guided him into the main room, now warm from the fire over which a great iron pot bubbled, stewing his filthy clothes. She guided him to a large chair near the hearth and helped him sit, watching his belly change shape as it settled in his lap. She felt a familiar twinge deep inside her at the sight.


stay tuned, the adventure continues
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Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Please sir, I want some more smiley